
The fake girlfriend of the cold mafia

bevylove123 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter seven

At about 7:00pm Xia Yuan got a call from his gang members telling him to come to their favorite club to hang out and celebrate their latest victory. At their surprise he agreed to come hang out with them. He told Li Hong that he was going to the club with his friends and he would be coming back later into the night. Li Hong was surprised that he even told her where he was going.

When Xia Yuan got to the club he saw his gang members had already started drinking and he just had about 2 -3 glasses of wine before he stopped drinking. The other guys urged him to drinking more. Initially he didn't want to drink anymore but he had a change of heart before he knew it he was drank and he started talking nonsense. After some time he decided to leave the club. He managed to drive home safely and by the time Xia Yuan got home Li Hong was already asleep. Before you know it Xia Yuan pounced on Li Hong making her to scream as she woke up. Her sleep was wide awake and she was trying to analyze the situation when Xia Yuan started touching her body. She tried to push him away but he pinned her hands on the bed and she was unable to move. She tried to scream but before she could Xia Yuan kissed her. At the next moment Li Hong kicked him and his grip loosed on her. She pushed him away and she rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. Li Hong could that Xia Yuan wasn't in his right senses because when he pinned her to the bed his face was very close to hers and she smelt the stench of alcohol on him. Xia Yuan laid on the bed groaning in pain. He wanted to get up and chased after her but he couldn't. He didn't have the energy to that. After a while Xia Yuan fell asleep. Li Hong couldn't hear Xia Yuan's voice anymore so she decided to unlock the door. She opened the bathroom door slowly and you could hear the screeching of the hinges. She peeked into the room and she saw Xia Yuan was asleep. She convinced herself that she was safe now but she didn't dare to sleep on the bed with him. She tiptoed towards the bed to get a pillow and she went to sleep on the couch close to the windows.

      The next morning Xia Yuan woke up with a headache and he saw Li Hong sleeping on the couch and he was wondering why she slept on the couch and not on the bed. Then the activities of last night came to him and he felt sorry for scaring her like that. He decided to let her sleep in while he got ready for work. Xia Yuan was just coming out of the bathroom when Li Hong woke up. She still had sleep in her eyes but she managed to see that was half-naked with towel around his wrist. His hair was wet and his torso was exposed to her. She couldn't but stare at him but when she knew that Xia Yuan knew that she was staring him she look away with her face as red as a tomato. Xia Yuan smirked and went to the inner room to dress up. By the time he was done he noticed that Li Hong was no longer in the bedroom so he guessed that she had gone to the bathroom. When she was done dressing up, she left with Xia Yuan to have breakfast downstairs. After that Li Hong and Xia Yuan went to work. Still they work in the same place Li Hong would ride with Xia Yuan to work but he would always drop her some meters away for the company gate to avoid any necessary gossips but that day was different. He rode all the way to the company before stopping his car. Li Hong didn't know the reason for this but she didn't bother asking. She didn't want to talk to him because of what he did last night and she became angrier when he didn't even apologize but she calmed herself down because she knew that it was not entirely his fault. He was under the influence of alcohol. Xia Yuan told Li Hong that she should round up everything she was doing that they would her going somewhere. While they were the car Xia Yuan apologized about last night and he told her that he won't drink to that extend again. Li Hong was having mixed feelings. She was happy that Xia Yuan apologized but she also surprised because Xia Yuan wasn't the kind of that could apologize to anyone even though she want him to she didn't know he could actually apologize to anyone.