
Sophia Walker

I'm sorry Kyla, I'm clueless how to go about this" Greg apologized holding Kyla's hands. She stared back at him unfazed.

"My father doesn't want you either" she blurted out

"What?!" Greg exclaimed

"Yes...he likes Ryan. Lord Aredian Smith is my Father's idol. He wishes to use my relationship with Ryan to climb up his ladder of success in the Aredian Smith Defense. Right now, he's looking for ways to get closer to Lord Aredian and he has advised me to do the same to Ryan. It's annoying really." She said burying her head in her palms.

"Are you going to do as he says?" Greg asked with fear in his tone. Kyla looked up at him

"You don't need to be scared Greg, I'm not going to leave you " she said

"Why?" He asked

"Ryan is better than me. He's from a very wealthy home, smart, handsome and above all romantic, so why?" He asked. A smile curled up Kyla's face.

"And you??" She asked

"Why won't you chose Catherine over me? She's got all the characteristics of a perfect woman, but why are you hesitating?" She asked

"...because I love you, and I don't want to hurt Catherine and Ryan, they are our friends remember?" Greg replied.

"Then I guess that's the same reason I'm still holding on to you" Kyla replied with a smirk.

"Have you heard anything from Ryan lately?" Kyla asked.

"Ryan's got his own problems" came Greg

"His father wants him married off to Sophia Walker to sign a business deal with Walker Airlines." At the mention of Sophia's name, Kyla froze in shock.

"S...Sophia Walker?" She muttered to herself

"That name sure rings a bell." She said to herself

"Is there a problem?" Greg asked noticing her countenance

"N..no, it's nothing really." Kyla replied.

"Why don't we run away together Kyla?" Gregory asked

"What?!" Kyla exclaimed

"We can't do that Greg. We will figure out a way out of this trust me" Kyla replied

"Don't give in to your parents Kyla, can you do that for me?" Gregory asked looking worriedly at Kyla

"I sure won't give up on as long as you remain strong beside me" she replied smiling.

Sophia Walker desended the stairs of her private jet with her personal assistant and bodyguards walking closely behind her. Her father's personal assistant, Mr Churchill, was already waiting in front of the Mercedes 300 SLR uhlenhaut Coupe parked at a corner of the airport.

"Welcome back Miss Walker." He said as he helped her open the door.

"Why are you here instead of my father?" She asked as soon as they got into the car

"The president is in a meeting right now, so he asked me to pick you up" he replied, but Sophia didn't speak any word in reply.

"Let's go" Mr Churchill said to the driver and they zoomed off. They had driven for twenty minutes when Sophia spoke again

"Exactly where are you taking me?" She asked

"I'm taking you to the mansion Miss Walker" Mr Churchill replied, but Sophia hurled her purse at him and it missed his head by a hair's breath. Scared of his wits, the driver struggled to keep the car steady.

"Take me to his office right now!" She yelled.

"Y....yes ma'am" Mr Churchill replied visibly shivering from shock.

At the company, Sophia walked in the midst of her bodyguards. With the speed of light, she got to the elevator and when she has gotten in, she punched in the eleventh floor. Mr Churchill slipped in after her, struggling to keep his tie away from the elevator doors.

"Please ma'am you cannot go in now, the President is in a meeting" Mr Churchill pleaded, but Sophia ignored him. Soon, she got to the conference room and badged in.

"Dad, I'm back." She said standing by the door with her head held up high. President Walker was taken aback as well as every member of the board present there. Mr Churchill walked in seconds later wearing a frozen expression, but President Walker gave him an assuring look that he could relax. This put him at ease.

"W...who...?" They murmured amongst themselves as they exchanged glances. President Walker took in deep breaths, and with a smile across his face, he packed up his documents.

"This meeting has been adjourned." He said.

"Sophia!" He spoke again as he drew her into his arms.

"So good to see you again, you've grown so much." He said, but Sophia remained poised without a smile on her face

"let's go to my office" President Walker said, taking Sophia by the hand. In his office, she sat with her legs crossed sipping the cup of coffee Mr Churchill had placed before her on the table.

"I wasn't expecting you this early" came President Walker trying to liven up the awkward atmosphere between them.

"You sounded desperate over the phone, so I had to round up everything else." Sophia replied. President Walker smiled staring at his daughter with so much affection in his eyes.

"How have you been coping with your studies abroad Sophie?" He asked, but Sophia stared at him with disgust

"Don't try to play the role of a good dad, you will only end up embarrassing yourself" she replied

"Please don't be too harsh on your old man Sophie" President Walker said reaching to hold her hands, but she withdrew them almost immediately

"You know nothing about me dad!" She said

"I have long graduated college, and I'm currently working on establishing my own company at Shanghai. I'm also partnering with one of the largest paper manufacturing company abroad, so I believe I really can survive without your care or attention." Sophia spoke sternly. President Walker smiles were filled with regrets.

"I'm sorry Sophie" he said

"I know I haven't been a good dad since your mom died. I'm sorry for the many times I missed out on the most precious moments of your life, I'm only hoping I can make up for it." He paused for a while observing Sophia's countenance. When she said nothing, he continued

"I want to personally give you up in marriage Sophie" he said. Sophia immediately choked on her coffee

"What?!" She exclaimed

"Yes Sophie, your mother's last wish was that you be married to a loving and respectable man from a good home, and it's my responsibility to see to that." President Walker said. Sophia stared at him lost for words.

"please Sophie, will you let me do this much for you?" He asked reaching out to Sophia hands.

"B...but dad I..." she struggled for words.

"I know what you're worried about Sophie, but trust me, I have made the right choice for you." President Walker said

"I equally know how difficult it has been for you to settle down with a man since you came of age. I may not know your reasons, but I believe you are yet the find the right man one but I can assure you, Ryan Aredian Smith is the one" he said caressing Sophia's palms.

"R..Ryan Smith?" Came Sophia.

"Yes Sophie" President Walker replied

"I have scheduled a date, and I'd like you both to get to know eachother better. Do you have any objections to this?" He asked, but Sophia didn't know how best to tackle the matter at hand because her father had taken her unawares. She knew to herself that she didn't want to get married to Ryan, or any other man he might have picked out for her, but she didn't know how best to explain her reasons to him and if he would understand her well.