
The Beginning

The sounds of merchants yelling prices and bargaining was the only thing Winona could hear. The place looked strange. She could see different stalls and a lot of beautiful things. Winged men and women were flying all around. The town square was vast. She couldn't help but stare at everything. When was the last time she came out? She can't seem to recall a time when she was allowed to leave the manor. She had been locked up all her life but now she had her freedom. All these will be over soon if only she could get across to the other side of town. She needs to leave this place before her disappearance would be discovered and all the guards in Springwood manor would be discharged to find her. Or would they? Didn't her father want to hide her from the world anyway? Wouldn't her running away forever save him the trouble of having to hide her? She couldn't help but wish he'd send soldiers after her though. Just one act to prove that her father loved and cared for her and he was only doing what he had to do to keep her safe. But right now, she couldn't worry about that. Finding a ride to the outlands was her priority. She had heard from some servants that "non-flying" citizens or apteria as they called them here in Arcelia could get tickets to fly on a Pegasus if they had the right documents. After all what she needed was just a seal from the Springwood manor to prove that she was a servant of high importance there and she was running errands for her master. But what would she say was it that required her to go to the outlands? Well, she'll have to think of something, right now, her eyes were on the other side of town.

She had made it to the stall and a middle-aged man was yelling at the top of his voice.

"The outlands! Get your ticket to the outlands!"

Usually business was slow as people in town were scared to visit the outlands. The massacre that had taken place there decades ago had left them shaken but somehow, today, he felt fortune coming.

"I'd like to get to the outlands please".

She was greeted with a look of contempt.

"And what would a young lady like you want to find in the outlands?"

"That is none of your business. Do you want the money or not?"She tried to sound tough.

"Oh, a feisty one I see!"

He leaned down with his head tilted to look into her face for she had a veil covering her hair and her head was lowered to the ground. She looked away avoiding his gaze. He straightened

"Just wanted to see your pretty face that's all. Do you have a pass?"

He gave a wry smile.

"Yes, I do"

"Let me see it".

She showed him the pass and when he saw the symbol he shook in terror.

"Forgive me my lady. I didn't recognize you. Here, this is our best ride. He said pointing to a carriage tied to two pegasi. It will take you to the outlands. We ride off soon".

The sudden change in attitude made her know to what extent her father's influence reached.

"Please keep this a secret. I have an important errand to run and no one must know of it. If word gets out, I'll make sure you never return to Arcelia".

"Yes, my lady. My lips are sealed".

She handed him a pouch filled with silver coins and got into the carriage. Now all she had to do was get to the border and she'll be far from here. Away from this toxic life of having to hide from people just because she was a little different. Was it her white hair that made her different ? What. exactly made her father want to hide her so much? She leaned her head on the carriage seat, closed her eyes and inhaled the heavily scented air of Arcelia for the last time; or so she thought.The driver mounted the front of the carriage and held the reigns, showing they were ready for take off.

"We are ready for take off my lady".

"Go ahead".

He pulled the reigns back and gave the winged horses a call. With that, they flapped their wings and soared into the sky.

Winona peered her head through the window as they went high into the sky. "Goodbye! I hope I never come back here". Her voice echoed in the wind.

The creatures gave a dive and a blue-black whirlpool appeared from nowhere.

Swoosh! That was their exist from Arcelia.


The names and titles used in this book have no connection/tie to a particular geography, culture or religion. This is a pure work of fiction and it must be treated as such.

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