
Online classes

*At dorm* "Even though we live at school we're not allowed to go to classes, we still have to have online classes like everyone else, and I think that's kinda dumb. Plus my classes are all at 7 in the morning so I wake up at 6 to get everything ready. This is cheeks bro." Xai nodes with dark circles around his eyes, "Yea, I know your pain. I barley sleep because I still have work."Tyson walks out of his room, "Oh its 10 imma go back to sleep good night."

Meanwhile Kay is sleeping cause his class just finished.

*In kitchen* "All of our sleeping schedules are messed up this is crazy we're going to die when we get back to school." Xai shrugs, "Yea we will, but we will get back to the outside in summer."

*In Kays room* Tyson walks in, "Hey wake up." Kay looks dead. Tyson slaps Kay hard, "WAKE UP!!" Kay still looking dead. Tyson jumps on Kay, "AHHHHHH!!!! WAKE YO A** UPPPP!!!!" Kay still not moving a muscle.

*Back in kitchen* Tyson running in, "Guys Kays dead." Xai runs to Kays room, "Kay, are you ok?" Kay still not responding. Xai walks over and kisses his forehead, "Okay then, I guess you're that tired good night."

-Kays tired all the time. So much his mother thinks he is sad.