
Chapter 52: Classes Resume

Now that that was all over, classes had started again.

After finding a replacement for the teacher that I kicked, the school had finally found a new one.

Problem was, they could not find anyone competent.

So they found a graduate from last year to teach instead.


Am I ever gonna learn magic?

Well luckily for me, Ikari had allowed me to borrow his magic textbook.

What a good friend.

Scrolling through it though, I became slightly confused.

Isn't this all too easy?

I mean fire is obviously made up of air and ember.


( Time for a magic in this world time. )

( Well I'll just be explaining the basic elements of this system for now. )

( So first of all, the magic elements will be split up into 9 tiers. )

( Each tier is a upgrade of the tier below it. )

( 1st tier are the basic elements, they make up the entire rest of the tiers. )

( You mix the 1st tier elements together to make a 2nd tier. )

( You mix a 2nd tier element with another one to make a 3rd tier element and so on. )

( Every elemental fusion has to use elements that come from the tier below or one's from the same tier. )

( When you have understood a higher tier, all elements from that tier and below can be used for fusion. )

( One more thing. )

( Other elements like Time and Space are placed in an uncategorized tier. )

( Basically means they have little to no information on how to use it. )

( Unknown elements will also be placed in uncategorized tier. )

( Ok done. )

( I'll just be writing down the basic elements and stuff right below. )

( Tier 1:





Spark )

( Tier 2:

Air + Ember= Fire

Ember + Water= Steam

Rock + Water= Earth

Spark + Ember= Smoke

Air + Water= Ice )

( Tier 3:

Fire + Rock=Magma

Steam + Fire= Boiling

Earth + Steam= Plant

Smoke + Ice= Snow )

( Tier 4:

Magma + Water= Obsidian

Boiling + Magma= Explosion

Plant + Magma= Shrivel

Snow + Plant= Nature )

( If you're asking why there are many elements that should be there but are not, it's cause this uncivilized people have not figured out the rest. )

( Just for fun, I'll add in some elements that I might add sometime later for the mc to find. )

( Uncategorized tier:

Spark + Spark= Lightning

Air + Air= Weight

Weight + Weight= Gravity

Lightning + Obsidian= Laser )

( Don't judge, my brain just hurts right now. )

( Well I'll probably stop the book soon though.)


How do the rest of these people not even know this?

Why are the other students struggling?


I've already got my ember to appear.


The other hand now.


See air?

My brain was in utter confusion.

This is normal knowledge!!!


NORMAL knowle-.

Oh wait.

I came from the future.


How do I keep forgetting?