
Chapter 270: Sob Story


The sound of a starved teenager biting into a piece of fried fish could be heard throughout the entire lake...


That was me...



Did you expect it to be Hanky?


Sorry to say this, but he's surprisingly dignified while he's eating...


That's about the only time he's dignified though...

As soon as he finishes, he let's out a large burp...

But anyway, we're stuck camping at the lake...


Absolutely not my fault...

All his...

Allll his...


Oh gods...

This fish is heavenly...

I never thought fish could actually be so good with vegetables...

Hanky had talked about a dish called fish and chips...

He said it used potatoes cut into finger sized portions and deep fried...

Then you would place those fried potatoes next to an equally fried fish...

And then...



Season it?



We don't have any potatoes...

So I used dirt instead!!! (Don't ever try this at home unless you're literally about to die of hunger or something...)

I mean...

My logic was sound...

Potatoes come from the earth...

Dirt is the earth...

Can't we just eat the dirt?