
The Extra Wants To Live

[WPC APRIL WINNER 2024] Lucas Voss was a normal adult in his late twenties. He doesn't know how or why but he got transmigrated as an extra inside of the novel he read till 5th volume. The problem for Lucas was that his life was in danger as soon as he entered the novel. Why? Because Lucas was transmigrated as the 4th Prince who is an extra and was about to die with an Illness that couldn't be cured. Not only that novel he transmigrated into was 'Cold-Blooded Emperor Rules.' The protagonist of that novel killed every member of the royal palace to become emperor of the empire. How will Lucas survive? Will he die like the extra that he is? or will he fight against fate to survive in this cold-blooded novel and become more than an extra? The only way to know is it read this novel!

Ink_Weaver122 · ファンタジー
129 Chs

imperial library [2]

Milton just helped Carl and left the room.

There was no time for Lilly to say anything.

Milton walked silently while supporting Carl.

He knew that he could lightly lift and carry Carl, who was extremely small and thin for his age, and that he would be able to move much faster, but he never provided any help beyond a helping hand.

He just had Carl walk on his legs.

"Huh, huh, huh… ."

After Carl stops short, panting, Milton also stops and waits silently.

Milton didn't even know why he helped Carl.

Whether it was talking about the imperial library or helping him when he didn't need to.

Maybe it's just out of pity.

In any case, Carl will die soon, so it wouldn't be bad for Milton himself to feel self-satisfied.

Regardless, Carl's only thought was survival. He doesn't care about Lilly or Milton.

'How can I pretend to have obtained information naturally?'

With only that thought, Carl forgot the pain and silently walked, supported by Milton...


'Holy shit!'

When Carl arrived at the imperial library, he couldn't help but curse in his mind.

The Imperial Library is a place where it can be said that all the knowledge in the world is sleeping. It goes without saying, but there are so many books. I mentioned that there are even ancient clay tablets that have been preserved.

His fortunate to be able to write and read just as well as he can hear and speak...

'You want me to find it here? That too naturally?'

He break out into a cold sweat. Just examining that huge bookshelf would take a month!

'…No, no. I don't have to find it alone.'

Carl looked up at Milton who was supporting him.

"Milton, please help me."


Milton paused for a moment as if he had not thought that Carl would suddenly ask for help like that. But then he slowly nodded his head, supported Carl, and went inside.

But in fact, the person Carl wanted to ask for help was not Milton.

Milton is the imperial physician, and he has already experienced enough failures in treating Carol that he has given up.

'The 3rd prince, Nero, frequents the imperial library.'

The 3rd prince, Nero, is an adventurous young man who is disillusioned with the imperial palace, a crucible of intrigue and underworld, and wants to go out into the world.

He really has no interest in politics and power, and just wants to leave the imperial palace someday and enjoy travelling.

In addition, he wielded the spear like a ghost so well that even the Munchkin protagonist, Adrian, could not defeat Nero alone with force.

The reason why Nero visits the imperial library is to find mysterious and surprising stories that make the man's heart pound.

In other words, it may 'mention' a clue to cure Carl's illness that cannot be treated with normal methods!

'More than anything, Nero has a good personality to the point where he helps me when I ask him for help.'

Nero, as depicted in the novel, is a man who is willing to lend a hand at least once for Carl, who is of no use in this imperial palace where even a word or a gesture threatens his life.

Above all, if his sick brother asks him to tell him a mystical story that suits his taste while he is looking for a cure, Nero will gladly tell him the mystical story he finds over and over again.

Nero is such a cool guy. At least in the beginning.

Of course, considering that Azgoth, a passing villain in the beginning, is the great emperor of an empire whose intimidation is so intimidating that he doesn't even dare to breathe when he meets him in person, he will only be able to find out what kind of man Nero actually is when you meet him.

'I hope we can meet soon... !'

Carl hoped with all his heart.

It's okay because he doesn't want to die.

Even he himself did not know when the time he was allowed was now.

As Carl and Milton ventured further into the labyrinthine depths of the imperial library, the weight of their mission pressed heavily upon them. Each step seemed to echo with the enormity of the task ahead.

Milton's presence offered a modicum of comfort, his steady support a reassuring anchor amidst the sea of uncertainty. Yet, Carl's thoughts continually drifted to the elusive figure of Prince Nero, whose aid he sought in this desperate quest.

The prince's reputation preceded him – an enigmatic soul, drawn to the allure of adventure and mystery, rather than the trappings of power and politics that ensnared so many within the palace walls. Carl clung to the hope that Nero's noble spirit would guide him to his side, offering solace in his time of need.

As they reached the heart of the library, Carl's pulse quickened with anticipation. Every whispered conversation, every flutter of a page seemed to hold the promise of a revelation, a clue that could unlock the secret to his salvation.