
The Extra's Redo

The world was destroyed. The war happened out of nowhere, creatures no different from us invaded our world and peace was lost. The strong ones fell first, and the weaker ones could only take up their arms to fight. I was among the weak ones, caught in a battle among gods, an ant like died from the shockwaves. And so my story ended, or so I thought, I went back in time to my childhood. * It wasn't supposed to be this way, this wasn't how the novel goes, where did all these portals come from, they weren't in the novel. Oh my god, what am I going to do? A novel transmigrator breezes through life in a new world only she discovers not everything went according to the book she read. She makes an effort to fix the mistakes and return the world to order, but it's too late. She can only put her hopes on him. * SYSTEM NOTICE You're fucked. He could only stare at the cheeky system in shock, looking around at the chaos and destruction around, maybe it was right. Maybe he was fucked. SYSTEM: THERE IS A WAY TO FIX EVERYTHING. * Everything she knew and loved was gone, she never wanted the destruction of the world, but she couldn't help it. This was her curse, hers and her people. She gazed upon the weak one that watched their battle and raised her hands in one last prayer. To fix things. ********* What happens when the a transmigrator meets the original protagonist, when a regressor meets the final boss? Chaos ensures, would the academy be able to hold these opposing forces, and more importantly, is the story still safe?

Daarcsign_07 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 4

The duo traveled for a long time, their trip involved them changing their rides multiple times. While Alex could barely stand the stress of moving around like that, he held it in.

He didn't want to add to the troubles of his guardian. He was worried if he did something wrong, it might reduce his chances of regaining his sight. Eric noticed the kid's bearing but he only chuckled and adjusted the travel schedule to allow him rest more in between.

He might have been in a hurry to get to his destination, but not enough to neglect to care about his ward. With the reduced pace, Alex was able to get more rest in between the travels, but he could sense not everything was alright with Eric.

With every stop they made, Eric usually vanished for a set amount of time after he had ensured Alex was in a safe location. While Alex didn't complain, being alone was hard to bear, he could only slowly count the time until Eric returned.

Once Eric returned, Alex would try to hide his trembling and reach out for a hug. They would remain like that until the kid calmed down. If they hadn't eaten before Eric went on his rounds, they would dine then fall asleep in each other's arms.

If one thing had happened over the course of the journey, it was that they had grown closer with Alex depending on Eric for everything. Eric wore a wry smile as he looked after the kid, what truly lay in his mind, no one knew.


After a week, a change finally occurred in their cycle. They were no longer in the city side and the loud noises of the city along with its machinery no longer rang in Alex's ears. He felt the difference but didn't comment, following as his master placed him on a wooden bench.

"Careful, it has no back or side rests. You can lay down if you want, or you can just sit uprightly. I'll be back soon."

Alex wanted to ask where he was going but his mind was in a serious daze. He tried to remember how they got there, but the last thing he remembered was him falling asleep in the train.

'Master must have carried me here'

He thought to himself. He held his staff closer to his chest and silently listened for any sounds. The sounds of the wind running through the grass filled the air, the swaying of the leaves in the wind and the faint chimes of the bell coming from the direction Eric footsteps came from.

Some people were engaged in a conversation, but due to the numerous sounds he couldn't pick up what they were saying or their numbers. He sighed and rubbed his temple trying to reduce the pressure he was feeling.

Every time he strained himself to pick up the sounds in the surroundings, he always ended up hurting, but he kept that information to himself. He could only hope it wouldn't hurt anymore.

Not long after he heard some footsteps approaching his direction, the footsteps were heavier and more complex than anything he ever heard so he stiffened, holding his staff even tighter, he was about to call out, when he heard a neigh along with the familiar voice of his master.

"Calm down Urhe, he's a friend"

Eric spoke to his horse as he rubbed his mane. The horse neighed in response to her touch before it muzzled against him.

"Yeah I missed you too."

He then whistled and the Horse stopped its movement. Eric walked towards Alex, picking up the luggage as he spoke.

"Sorry about the trouble Alex, we're almost there. Just one more trip and you'll be able to rest"

Alex nodded and Eric strapped the luggage to the horse before he lifted Alex atop the horse.

"Oh right, you'll need this"

Eric belatedly remembered, he took a thick jacket from one of the side bags and helped Alex wear it, before he climbed onto the horse himself.

"Let's go Urhe"

And with that the horse picked up speed and left the area, Alex was protected by Eric's body and the jacket he wore so he didn't feel much, only the warmth of his own body.


The trio, if you included the horse, sped across the plains, the speed at which the horse ran no lesser than the high speed trains of the city, yet the pair who rode atop it didn't feel the movement much. It was stable and comfortable enough that little Alex fell asleep on the journey.

The horse kept running for hours, crossing from a plain to a mountainous area, Eric raised his head and stared at the cluster of mountains that couldn't be called big nor small and a sad smile decorated his face.

"I'm home"

He muttered.

The horse had no trouble navigating the paths and climbing the mountain range, and after a few hours and lots of detours to hide their tracks, they arrived at a monastery hidden within a valley.

It was a fight for the eyes as it was as if a temple made of marble was sculpted within a beautiful garden, alas a shame, apart from the horse, the two other people couldn't see. The horse slowed down as it walked towards the monastery., stopping at the gates.

Eric got down and gently brought Alex down too, careful not to wake him up. He then walked towards the gate.


Eric carried Alex on his back and had the rest of the luggage hanging from his arms as he walked through the monastery. Memories of his past flashed before his eyes as he went through the empty walkway.

Although the monastery hadn't been used in ages, it still looked well kept, as good as new. One would believe if they were told it was cleaned every morning. Or that people still lived inside.

Eventually he made his way towards a room in the distance, at the heart of the building and walked inside. He dropped the luggage on the floor and set Alex on the bed. It was no coincidence that the kid slept through the last part of the journey, from the moment they crossed the plains, they were already in the midst of a great magic domain.

Its function was to disrupt the cognition of others, those that didn't bear the mark of the Irlst tribe, but when that came in contact with Alex's immature body, it made him fall into a deep slumber.

'It's for the best that you're like this. I don't think you would have been able to withstand the process if you were awake. I can only hope this helps soothe your soul and body and aid you in passing the trial.'

Eric thought before he left the room. There were a lot of things he had to do first. He went to the east wing of the monastery, a place that ended in a natural garden that could be called a forest. This place just like the rest of the monastery looked clean and well maintained, but Eric didn't stop to enjoy the ambience.

His head was held low and his shoulders down, his feet felt heavier with every step he took and by the time he got to the pond that lay in the middle of the garden, it felt like he was holding on to the massive weights, dragging them as they hung all over his body.

He took a deep sigh and started stripping, leaving only his top and underwear. He then walked into the water and laid flat, his back against the water as he looked up. A necklace with a blue gem pendant laid above his chest and he started singing a tune.

Insert text.

As she sang, the pond glowed and orbs of light appeared from nowhere floating over Eric's position, his voice changed with everyone he sang, becoming thinner and more gentle on the ears, turning from to its androgynous form to a completely female one.

That wasn't the only change as his body floating inside the body also turned slimmer, bulges appeared on his chest and the shape of his body became more defined.

When he finished singing the glowing stopped, but the orbs of light floating above her didn't vanish, instead the congregated at a spot and formed the figure of a fairy.

"You're back Aricia"

The fairy spoke as soon as she opened her eyes, staring at the elf that laid in the water. Silver hair that flowed around her as she lay in the water with black and purples streaks present at the end of the hair. Purple eyes that glowed like gems, but unfortunately they were out of focus even when the eyes were staring in her direction. Her oversized shirt clung to her body revealing her body, along with the black lines that decorated a sizable part of her skin.

These lines were in the same positions as some of her vessels and the fairy could feel the ominous energy they radiated.

"Has it gotten worse?"

The fairy asked, her expressions and tone showing her concerns.

"Hi Bell, good to see again. Thanks for looking after the mother home for me"

Aricia spoke, expressing her thanks as she swam to the edges of the pond and got out of it.

"That wasn't my question? Stop avoiding me as always and talk to me Ericia, how long are you going to reject my help for?"

Bell cried out as she approached the elven woman who was wringing out the water from her hair and her clothes, she floated above her and used a simple spell to dry her body and the clothes she wore.

"Thanks Bell, and you know why I can't receive your help"

Aricia smiled at her spirit companion before picking up the clothes on the floor and walking back towards the monastery.