
The Extra's Redo

The world was destroyed. The war happened out of nowhere, creatures no different from us invaded our world and peace was lost. The strong ones fell first, and the weaker ones could only take up their arms to fight. I was among the weak ones, caught in a battle among gods, an ant like died from the shockwaves. And so my story ended, or so I thought, I went back in time to my childhood. * It wasn't supposed to be this way, this wasn't how the novel goes, where did all these portals come from, they weren't in the novel. Oh my god, what am I going to do? A novel transmigrator breezes through life in a new world only she discovers not everything went according to the book she read. She makes an effort to fix the mistakes and return the world to order, but it's too late. She can only put her hopes on him. * SYSTEM NOTICE You're fucked. He could only stare at the cheeky system in shock, looking around at the chaos and destruction around, maybe it was right. Maybe he was fucked. SYSTEM: THERE IS A WAY TO FIX EVERYTHING. * Everything she knew and loved was gone, she never wanted the destruction of the world, but she couldn't help it. This was her curse, hers and her people. She gazed upon the weak one that watched their battle and raised her hands in one last prayer. To fix things. ********* What happens when the a transmigrator meets the original protagonist, when a regressor meets the final boss? Chaos ensures, would the academy be able to hold these opposing forces, and more importantly, is the story still safe?

Daarcsign_07 · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 3

The next few days went in a blur as young Alex had to adapt to moving around on his own with the aid of a staff. He didn't have much problems moving when he followed Eric to visit the physician in the city because Eric patiently guided and matched his steps, but the young kid had to move around the orphanage with just the staff he held and the support of whichever kid was free.

To call it a disaster would be more appropriate as in the initial stages, Alex did more stumbling and falling over than moving, but eventually he was able to barely move around.

While Alex was busy adjusting to his new state, Eric was busy moving around. From the orphanage to vanishing completely, no one could tell where exactly he was going or what he was doing, but he looked very busy.

The members of the staff that were in charge of the orphanage held a few meetings to determine what to do with Alex, but they couldn't come to a decision for various reasons. The head of staff was Eric and he wasn't available of any of the meetings and for they couldn't make any decisions in his absence.

Not to mention the staff had different intentions on what to do with him, but none raised a finger against him. They just did as they usually did, provided him with food and relegated some of the kids he had a closer relationship with to look after him and aid him in his daily activities.

Peace seemed to have returned to the orphanage but not for long. Eric finally returned after a week of his disappearance and he gathered the staff to make an announcement.

"I'll be leaving the city for a period of time."

This declaration sent the staff into confusion and a little bit of panic as Eric was the reason the orphanage existed and was able to survive for so long, was he about to abandon them? However the words he said next brought them peace.

"I'll be taking Alex with me. I'll take him to visit a few old friends of mine and try to find a solution to his problem"

"What about the state of things here?"

One of the staff members, a young man with blue hair, asked and Eric turned to him, replying

"The same amount of money will be sent to the orphanage's account every month, use it to run the place in my absence and you, James, will be in charge of things till I get back"

The blue haired man, James, nodded and the rest of the meeting was spent delegating people to different tasks. Eric also informed them about different measures to take to deal with different situations before he finally dismissed them and left for Alex's room.

Well, it was actually his room, but since Alex became the way he was, Eric had moved him to his room and looked after him, although he couldn't really say he did much looking for the past week as he was only available at nights.

Alex found it difficult to sleep and would either tremble or cry, whenever he was like that, Eric would have to hug him and sleep with the kid in his embrace, leaving only when he was calm and deeply asleep.

On entering the room, he found Alex walking the length of the rom with his staff and he called out to him after a gentle cough so as not to startle him

"Alex, what are you doing?"

Had turned around on hearing him cough, he then bowed towards his direction in greeting before he walked forward. Eric however didn't allow him complete that action as he approached him and supported him.

"Good evening master Eric, I was just trying to memorize the layout of the room so I would be able to move around even without my staff there was ever a need for it"

Eric nodded at his reply, gently supporting him as they made their way back to the bed. He helped him sit on it before he dragged a chair from the corner and placed it opposite the kid, he then sat opposite and addressed Alex.

"We need to talk"

Alex tilted his head to the side, a look of confusion decorated his face before Eric jolted continued speaking.

"You never asked me about the results of your test with the doctor, neither did you complain about your condition, so I need to ask you, Alex, just how much do you know about what's going on with you"

At his question, Alex's face turned stiff and Eric noticed it. It turned out his suspicions were right, Eric raised his hands to massaged his forehead before he sighed and spoke once again to the kid.

"I have no intentions of punishing you Alex. I just want to talk and I would be glad if you talked to me to in return."

A short period of silence spanned after that and just when Eric was about to give up Alex spoke up.

"Since the day I could no longer see, my hearing became sharper and because of that I can hear what people are speaking about in the distance

From what the masters and teachers are laughing about in the room next door, the how the brothers and sisters are playing about."

Alex paused, his brows furrowed as he tried to find the words to express himself clearly before he continued

"I heard when the masters were talking about what to do with me, the day we returned from the doctor and i also heard when the doctor was telling you about me"

Eric frowned. He didn't expect that, then remembered what Palmer had said about the kid previously. He was awakening when this happened, so it made sense that he some of his senses had been heightened. He just didn't consider it.

Eric got up from his seat and knelt before the kid, drawing him in for a hug before he spoke.


What happened to you wasn't your fault. But know this, I will always be on your side okay. No matter what you want to do or where you want to go, I will help you with them, so for now just trust me and listen to me okay?"


Alex's small voice rang out as the kid returned the hug. After they separated, eric placed the kid properly on the bed and lay by his side, covering the both of them with the sheets.

"Tomorrow, you and I will go on a trip. It would be a long trip and will be very hard for you but when we arrive at the destination, I'll tell you all you want to know and more about me. We'll also do something about your sight okay"

"But I thought Doctor palmer said I most likely won't see again"

Confused, Alex asked, but Eric chuckled and replied to him.

"You know Alex, a long time ago I had an injury that left me half blind. Up till today I can't see properly with my eyes. It is as if they are half closed and the image is blurry and warped.

Oh wait, you probably don't understand what that means. Well know that I'm just like you"

Alex nodded as he snuggled closer to his embrace, Eric stroked his head and waited for him to speak.

"But I remember you can see, you move around alone without help from anyone or a stick like me"


Eric smiled after he stopped.

"Where we're going, you'll also learn to do the same thing. You might have lost your eyes, but you'll find a new sight."

"Pinky promise"

A sleepy Alex called out in a tired voice, his finger extended towards Eric and soon enough, Eric extend his own pinky promise and hooked both their fingers together.

"Pinky promise"

Alex smiled as he fell asleep, but he didn't remove his finger from the finger lock. And soon the light sound of both their breaths rang out softly through the room


The next day, when they awoke from their slumber, the two tidied up and got dressed before joining the rest of the house for one last breakfast together. When that was done, Eric made a call using his phone and he started picking up the luggage he had carefully prepared beforehand, taking them to the clearing in front of the orphanage,

The staff and the children all came out and bid their farewells to the two of them. Amidst tears and jokes the kids parted, but not before they gave him a bracelet. A wonderfully made piece, but a shame he couldn't see it. But he didn't let that bring down his mood.

They all chipped in to buy it and it was meant to be a goodluck charm. Alex smiled as he asked Liv to help him put it on. He wore it on his left arm and he showed the group, asking them if it looked good, to which they all replied it did.

On the other side of the field, the adults were gathered together, having one final discussion with Eric before the car arrived and not long after, a black car came into the orphanage premises. They helped load the luggage into the trunk of the car before they said their goodbyes to the Alex and Eric, and soon afterwards, the car started carrying Alex and Eric away from the vicinity of the orphanage.

Alex didn't know his destination but he was looking forward to arriving there, he gently rubbed the bracelet on his wrist as he lay his head against his master, Eric.