
The Extra's Dominance

'My life is boring.' Cole thought when he was 14 years old. He thinks that there's nothing special about him or his life. And he thought that the only reason he was alive is because he was not dead yet. But then, at the age of 16, Cole developed a hobby. And that's reading novels. When he's reading, he feels emotions he normally wouldn't feel! Cole feels like he's been brought into a different world! And reading novels makes him forget about the boredom he's feeling! So he really enjoys and like novels! To the point that he even started making one! Yes, Cole became a novel author and his works were seen and read by many people around the world! And seeing people talking about his work and supporting him made Cole enjoy writing too! But after reading and writing novels again and again for a long, Cole started to feel less excitement and thrill in doing them... Nevertheless, he didn't stop. Cole feels like he would be bored to death if he stop, so he just continued. Ting-! "Huh?" But then one day, while Cole was reading through the comments of his novel. He received a mail... The sender was anonymous and the content of it didn't make sense to him. "My work has been chosen...?" "They will grant my wish?" "What kind of bullshit is this?" So Cole didn't pay attention to the mail. ... "Eh?" But then, he suddenly woke up in a different body and a different world! Cole was sent inside his novel! And he became Raven Obadiah? Who's that? The protagonist? No. The villain? No. One of the major characters? No. I don't know who the fuck Raven is too! Cole doesn't know him too! In short, he's just a fucking extra with no importance in the novel! But there's something weird about Raven's life that Cole doesn't know... And Cole, receiving a chance to have a life he could only dream of in the past... "Hiding strength?" "Staying an extra?" "Letting the main characters handle everything?" "Those sounds boring as fuck!" Cole, or should I say, Raven, decided to live a life full of excitement! He will do whatever he wants, and he wouldn't let anyone stop him!

Drei05 · ファンタジー
140 Chs

The Extravagant Return!

July 20, 2080, Monday.

Outside the [Labyrinth of the Nurturer].

Or to be accurate, Inside of [CLASS A-1]'s classroom...

"They're supposed to come out of the labyrinth today right?"

"Yeah, seems like they also reached and killed the boss monster."

2 girls can be heard talking to each other, they are Trexiel and Joana.

The 2 of them are talking about Alec and the others...


"They cleared it in a week, even the tertiaries can't do something like that easily..."

Joana mumbled.

"It's all because he has Alec, Curtis, and Eve with him."

And Trexiel unhesitatingly stated!

"Huh? I think it's because of Blake, Adelle, and Aoi."

Joana voiced out her own opinion.

"Awakeners like them are much more helpful in this case after all."

Then she added.

"Aren't you guys forgetting about Raven?"

And that's when a boy approached them and asked that!