

The sound of breaking glass echoed through the small apartment. Luke jolted awake, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun as he sat up in bed. He listened intently for any other noises, but the apartment was silent. He got up, putting on his robe and quietly made his way to the living room. As he rounded the corner, Luke's heart dropped. His grandmother, who he had lived with for years, lay on the ground in front of the shattered window. Blood pooled around her head and her eyes were closed. Luke ran to her side, his hands shaking as he felt for a pulse. It was too late. She was gone.

DaoistuNP3JZ · 現実
12 Chs

Chapter 3: The Mysterious Killings Continue

It had been 13 days since the acid attack, and Luke and Stella were called to another crime scene. This time, it was a young man who had been found dead in his apartment.

As they arrived at the scene, Luke noticed that the victim's body was positioned in the same way as the previous victim. He also noticed that the killer had left a message on the wall in blood. The message read, "The reckoning has begun."

Luke and Stella knew that they had a serial killer on their hands. They contacted their captain and briefed him on the situation. The captain ordered them to work on the case full-time until the killer was caught.

Over the next few days, Luke and Stella worked tirelessly to gather evidence and interview witnesses. They discovered that the victim had been involved in a drug deal and had owed money to a local drug dealer.

They suspected that the drug dealer might have had something to do with the murder. They went to the drug dealer's hideout and found him there, along with his gang members. The drug dealer denied any involvement in the killing and refused to cooperate.

Luke and Stella were frustrated, knowing that they had hit a dead end. They decided to go back to the crime scene and re-examine the evidence. While they were there, they noticed something that they had missed before. There was a hair stuck to the victim's shirt that did not belong to him.

They sent the hair to the lab for analysis and waited anxiously for the results. When the results came back, they were shocked to find out that the hair belonged to a woman who had been reported missing a few days ago.

They immediately began to investigate the missing woman's case and found out that she had been involved in a love triangle with the victim and his girlfriend. They discovered that the victim's girlfriend had been jealous of the missing woman and had killed her out of spite.

Luke and Stella arrested the girlfriend and took her in for questioning. Under intense interrogation, she confessed to killing the missing woman and the young man in the apartment.

Luke and Stella were relieved that they had caught the killer, but they knew that there were still more murders to come. They also knew that the killer was taunting them and that they needed to act fast to catch him before he struck again.

As they left the station, Luke turned to Stella and said, "We have to be one step ahead of this killer, Stella. We have to think like him and anticipate his moves. We can't let him win."

Stella nodded in agreement, knowing that they had a tough road ahead of them. But she also knew that they were a great team and that together, they could take on any challenge.