
The everlasting encounter

Coming to terms with the possibility of something good happening in your life, trying not to sabotage yourself when that happens and staying committed

DiaConstant · 現実
6 Chs

4. Enlightenment

Everything was completely dark

and someone turned-on the lights.

It was funny that in a place so stark

you could hear the Dance of Knights.


The rhythm of the evening was fast

everything vibrated with life.

All seemed primed for things to last

a dreamy environment in the afterlife.


Drowned in his own fog he waited a bit

wondering about time and place.

He smiled and marveled at his own wit

trying to get a better feel of space.


She came down the stairs softly

moving slowly diagonally.

He had missed her awfully

questioning if he was looking adequately.


There was much grace in her descent

she looked down, then raised her eyes.

The time-space continuum was bent

the prettiest of starry skies.


He barely recognized her

she seemed a different atom.

Much less of a blur

more sure than she could fathom.


She had made up her mind

she was, after all these days, sure.

She was going to be kind

she managed to find the cure.


The walk was downhill

she thought much smoother .

Her heart begun to fill

strangely, it was much smoother.


Of her choice

she was again not sure.

You could hear it in her voice

was it perhaps an allure?


They were both surprised

when they veered away.

Certainly not what the doctor advised

they were leading each other astray.


Even the simplest of thoughts

seemed to change.

They started seeing spots

being together was no longer strange.


She was surprised at her reactions

her feelings had switched once more.

Maybe a result of his actions

something was alive after all.


He was perplexed and trying hard

was he seeing what was not there?

He decided to risk it and draw another card

there was still precious little time to spare.


First the square, then the column

a twist and a turn and some steps.

Talking was quieter more solemn

better eat, if only there were some crepes.


They were wondering what it was

that made them change so much.

What was the real cause

that prohibited a touch.


Did he say the right things

did she react the right way?

What gave their thoughts wings

and made them both less gray?


They spent more time together

it felt nice and easy and sweet.

It was despite of the weather

were they destined to meet?


Their eyes closer than ever

two hearts warm and soft.

They were both clever

but left standing in a pigeon loft.


In that small table by the slope

they approached hesitantly.

Both wonderful, both clothed in hope

there was a lot bonding them evidently.


She looked straight at him

free from all her fears.

She was ready to scream

the happiness and still no tears.


He listened to her voice

watched her mannerisms.

He felt happiness, he had no choice

her image coming to him through prisms.


She was simultaneously hot and cold

quick electric waves passing right through her.

Everything was bright and gold

a cat next to her had started to purr.


He tried to assist her

he wanted her to just speak.

Un-distracted, not wanting to deter

and failed to be cool or sleek.


She saw herself in his eyes

a mirror reflection of hers, smiling.

There were no lows, just highs

her emotions started pilling.


It was a view to a different reality

a sneak peek to new skies.

She was standing under a silk tree

all transformed by one look of her eyes.


It had never been like this

where on earth were they?

And still there was no kiss

just needed to get ready and pay.


The time was stretched again

it happened only for them again.

The two of them alone again

pushing their endurance levels again.