
Chapter 2: The Battle for the Damned Knight.

She stood froze, caught in the moment of hesitation as the prince held out his hand with the blue flames drew shades of menacing purple. Leomord feels a spike through his spine, the feeling of dread and misery fills his soul as Dyrothh raises his hand agaisn't Lunox as she tenders to Leomord's descent.

"You know maiden, I would have agreed to your request if you had came alone. Things would have gone smoothly if your tree friend wasn't getting ready to attack my domain in a moment."

"Then he must have been provoked by your forces of demons. He has to be there to keep the portal open."

"You're the maiden of light and darkness, you never needed help to enter this realm in the first place! You tried to decieve me and take Leomord by force."

"That isn't true, violence will always curse those who-"

"Who do you think you're talking to maiden! I'm the lord of this realm and you dare speak of violence being a curse?!" Dyrothh exclaims as his tail raises over his head, swiveling in temptation to act.

"Remember where you're standing Lunox, this is my realm and I do whatever I want with it and all of it's subjects!"

Leomord in his pressing fear reaches for her hand, spouting in his doubt of salvation.

"There's no use to save a forsaken soul, leave..."

Her eyes peered through his, for a sense of regret drives through his soul with hope of light. Steps drew closer and closer with Dyrothh earing to strike them down where they stand.

"What's the plan for the both of you now then, maiden."

Her eyes shift to Dyrothh's, filled with nothing but the goal she came from the very start of her quest.

"This is for the balance of the world..."

Sparks of dark light breaches the land as Lunox leaps towards Dyrothh, a cast of rays filled with darkness and hope heads towards the prince in a instance, he leaps back and dodges her first assault.

"You think you can catch me by surprise!? You're filled with darkness and I can sense it all when it comes. You're useless in both realms as long as you don't pick a side, maiden!"

"Yet I'm filled with the balance of both sides, and as long as where I stand is true, it becomes my twilight."

"Then so be it!!!"

Dyrothh's tail sparks with speed as it hurdles towards Lunox, driven by his nature to rule over his realm. Claws drew from his fingertips as a motion of darkness swirls in his palm, growing larger as she takes his assault head on.

She suddenly disappeared for a moment, replaced by a golden orb with it's followers in a rotation as his strike passes through it, the essence of her order as the judge.

"So you do have the ability to summon your brilliance in this land of chaos, but it's no match agaisn't my rule!"

Lunox strides towards as Dyrothh hurdles his dark aura towards her, she leaps to the side while she allows the darkness to enter her, letting it consuming a bit of her sanity.

"Don't underestimate me prince..."

She cast her turned chaos bolts to the prince, swiftly making up the distance between them, he dodges her quick assaults as they miss short agaisn't him with every bolt catching up with his speed.

"I told you to not underestimate me!"

Darkness fills her mind as she burst out a hasten bolt the prince, it lands towards him and lights up and space with her chaos state. He falls through his knees, despite his sight towards the goddess of twilight herself.

"Erhhh... So you're stronger than you appeal, the goddess of twilight..."

She heads towards the fallen prince with her looks chaos, driven to end the imbalance she sought out to get rid. A orb of gold slowly heads to the prince as she starts to bring back her mind from chaos.

"You know that's unecessary for you to hurt me more than what you did just now."

Rays of light brights up as the orb hits the Dyrothh, letting him leak a pained grunt to fill the empty void.

"I told you that it wasn't necessary!" Dyrothh yells as he takes heavy breathes after facing agaisn't her order.

Sudden breaks of rifts open across the dark skies, a familiar face seeps through the portal, enough to bring Lunox back to Leomord as he stood still, controlled by his curse. The curse of being her slave for eternity.

"Lunox my friend, come home..." A calm voice peeks through the void as his friendly nature follows through the portal.

"Belerick! Thank you for waiting. Can you help me with bringing him up, he may be to heavy for me to carry alone."

"Okay, my friend..."

Vines sprout from Belerick's hand, slowly diving down to this abyss and taking hold of the stunned knight. Slowly bringing him into the portal.

"You know we'll meet again sooner or later, it has always been that way..." Dyrothh's tired voice pierces as he lifts up his leg a moment at a time, gaining a stand.

"It's written in the fate of this world, both sides will always face agaisn't each other with every imbalance. It cannot be stopped, even if I wanted to."

"Yet you're always there to fix it... The goddess of Twilight."

"May we cross paths once again, the prince of darkness." The maiden replies to Dyrothh as her wings of fission begin to get bigger, turning into a dark shade of metallic purple. Chaotic aura revolves around her as she ascends from the realm towards the portal to the Land of Dawn.

"Heh... see you later indeed..."