

At that point everyone in the room was silent, no one knew what to say next and Lucas chose not to stop there,

"How about you Superman, they know you are strong, they know you are fast and they know you are powerful but do they know just how powerful. Do they know the level of care you need to take when dealing with them when dealing with daily lives. In your hands every thing is as soft as a newly laid egg, it wouldn't take that much pressure for even the strongest of their structures to turn to dust and rubble in your hands. But like the rest of them you control yourself, keep your own power in check and you have passed the same lessons on to your cousin, daughter and son."

"How about Wonder Woman, they see you dressed in the Amazonian warrior outfit but do they know the real function of your tiara and gauntlets. Do they know the force you hold back by wearing those ornaments kn a daily basis, do they know what would happen should those gauntlets come off, should the mark of Hecate be unleashed onto this world."

"How do you know all of this how do you know about all our lives?" Asked green lantern, and Lucas replied "because just like you all I carry great power."

"I apologize of the approach i took was hurtful but i needed you all to look at this situation from my perspective, i know just how powerful and potentially dangerous I can be. However simply because I posess incredible power doesn't mean I should be scrutinized by all of you.

I am surrounded by some of the greatest heroes this world has and will ever seen but at the same time they are the greatest threats this planet could ever endure. Batman knows what I'm talking about."

Everyone turns to Batman and like the tough guy he is he doesn't even blink he simply says, "although your statement does make some sense it still doesn't answer the question, how do you know about all that I formation."

"How do you know about Wonder Woman, how do you know about the timelines erased by the Flashhow do you know about Martian Manhunter and how do you know about Superman's personal secrets. You try to reason with us by revealing that our greatest private worries aren't as private as we hoped them to be and you expect us to just trust you after that."

"I dount you trust anyone other than yourself Batman and I know all about your information because I have been told all about you.

You were wondering how a sentient biological life form can wield the power of Eternium that has a destructive effect to all sentient and biological life forms.

Well tell me how does Flash channel enough lightning to vaporize a planet through his body on a daily basis, How does wonderwoman move around with reality destroying level magic power on a daily basis like it's nothing, how does Superman shoot fire from his eyes or process ice from his breath. It's all about two things, either it's a modified genetic make up or..."

"Or the power they wield doesn't truly belong to them and they are simply vessels through which it is unleashed." Finished mister Terrific, "so which one are you?"

"Both of them, the new gods know of the origin of Eternium but they do not tell any of you because they do not consider it a concern of yours. I think you should know that Eternium isn't a rare element in the universe it's a power that comes from beyond the source."

"What source?" Asked Batman and green lantern said, "he is talking about the source wall at the end of the known universe but nothing beyond the wall can exist in the known universe and nothing in the known universe can exist beyond the wall. Beyond the source wall exists the Antimatter universe and beyong that is the void beyong existence. What you ate talking about cannot happen. "

"Then how do you explain Sinestro breaching the boundaries between universes to fall I to the Antimatter universe only to return with a yellow lantern power battery.

The antimatter universe is the domain of Mobius the Anti-monitor, a sixth dimension entity exiled from the known universe after he attempted to erase the multiverse and replace it with an anti verse.

Of you remembered that time you would recall that the antimonitored was faced in battle by the Specter a cosmic being of incalculable power.

However the specter is still from the Material universe, Matter and Antimatter cannot coexist so how do you explain the specter fighting thr Antimonitor or even Sinestro surviving within the Antiverse.

The answer is simple the multiverse isn't as simple as you have been led to believe, beyong the source wall lives beings that transcend reality, creators and destroyers of realities cosmic concepts sonowerful they are inco achievable in the known universe.

The source wall exists not to protect the universe from the void beyond tr multiverse but rather to keep the abstract beings from crossing I to the known universe.

However no security system is ever foul proof, billions of years ago a war waged in the Abstract universe between abstract entities and one of them was injured.

He was the Abstract personification of Eternity Abstract beings cannot take on physical form within the known universe so he fused his power to an asteroid the size of the Solar system.

The gods of old and guardians of the source wall attempted to fight this Asteroid and they could only chip off of it, the tiny particles that were chipped off however still carried the power of Eternity.

They obliterated the gods and if the gods didn't possess immortal bodies they would have died instantly, theynlet the Asteroid go a d asit traversed the universe it was splintered by colliding into planets, stars and blackholes,

In the end the small shards were thrown across the universe landing on life sustaining planets, in cases where planets didn't sustain life the power of eternity withi. The shards would forcefully evolve the planet to induce life.

One of those Shards arrived on earth during the pleistocene period and its impact with the Earth annihilated the native life species that the current civilization calls dinosaurs.

The shard wasnt that big though and where it landed it was coated with mud and clay. It lay in hibernation for millions of years until an ancient king uncovered it in his search for power.

Several miners died before they understood that the energized mineral cannot be touched by plain hands. However once the mineral lost its charge then it could be used as an efficient conductor for energy.

The mineral didn't distinguish between magical and non magical energies. As long as the rock loses its charge then it can be held by biological life forms.

The king sought to use it to build a crown capable of channeling power from the nether realms, a council of wizards discovered his plans and sought to stop him from uncovering more of the Eternium so they created a champion to oppose the king's rule or so goes the story of Kandaq.

After that time it lay dormant for thousands of years until it was discovered by intergang leading to the return of Kandaq's lost champion commonly known as Black Adam.

Cadmus located said mineral after failing to make a perfect soldier in the form of a clone to Superman that resulted I to Superboy of the teen titans.

After Superman's encounter with the Phaelosians Cadmus somehow obtained a portion of the genesis crystal and sought to fuse the genesis crystal with Eternium to offset Eternium destructive tendencies.

However for their experiment they needed a viable host so they obtained the blood of a daxamite whose genetic potential is no different from a kryptonian.

Next they needed a willing host so they went to a hospital and landed on a young man suffering from an incurable blood disease the doctors had given ten months to live.

They presented this man with a way to save his life with low chances of success, what this man saw however was a chance to end his suffering faster so he accepted their offer.

They places him in a lab and introduced a serum I to his body along with nano machines in his brain and bloodstream so they could freely control him should they be successful.

They fused Eternium with Genesis and in the process triggered the attention of the abstract being whose power they sought to steal, he observed their action and took pity on their test subject.

The Abstract being who now went by the name Eternia used his control over his power to fuse Eternium into the subject's body and simultaneously using the genesis energy to erase the control mechanisms Cadmus had placed in his body.

Eternia rebuilt the young man's body making it perfectly susceptible to Eternium energy. Eternia transformed this sick dying man into a herald wielding cosmic power.

He granted this man a second chance at life and made him his agent in his home sector. The main purpose of Eternity was to extend the existence of life and it would do anything to ensure the continuation of life.

Eternity acted through his avatars because it couldn't freely interact in the known universe but it imbues its avatar with enough power to fulfill its missions.

Also the avatars aren't exactly mindless drones as they could choose whether or not to follow Eternity or turn their back against it and since they too are living entities it cannot reiterate against them.

However apart from dire situations Eternity left its heralds to go about their lives choosing what they wanted to do with the power they have been granted.

I know all about your lives and secrets because Eternity showed it to me, when I disabled the electromagnetic interface, I saw this exchange happen and the possible ways it could have gone majority of them ended badly.

Eternity granted me this knowledge so I could make you understand that just like each amd every single one of you I too have my own burden to bear."

And to show them that this entire time he had been playing cool, he took a step forward and his body glowed with Eternium energy and then he was outside the the containment room.

Lucas had just unintentionally unlocked his personal power from Eternia and it was Energy manipulation. As he moved forward, his body transformed into spatial particles that folded space around him to transport him outside the room.

Long story short he had just teleported and he hadn't even intended on doing that. This was what they meant that he would have to learn the proper usage of his personal abilities later.

However even though space warping was cool he could tell that he couldn't use it over a long distance as spatial manipdilation wasnt his primary ability, energy manipulation was.

He could temporarily take over the energy within space molecules and command them to teleport him but that was over a short area mostly within his line of sight so farthest 1 mile.

It then dawned on him that the neutralization of electromagnetic waves wasnt because his mind had elevated but rather because of his energy manipulation.

What he had originally perceived as mind reading turned out to be his connection to Eternia that granted him the knowledge he needed to know at a specific point in time.

You could think of it as cosmic awareness and all heralds had it, it's the Avenue through which they connected to and from the mindspace.