In the end he died. This is the story of a man who had watched the end of everything and then was offered the future of a new beginning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning this is my first time writing and publishing anything publicly so don't expect me to write a new bible. Also I don't have an artist to help me so there will likely not be any visuals for a while Finally please just enjoy Cover is mine. Its Asataros's Helm
It ended in a blink. A multi-billion year creation burned away in seconds. Man had spent untold resources preparing for the end, but they could never have dreamed of facing themselves.
I stared through my semi transparent visor into the void. I was bathed in light as I turned towards our burning sun as pieces of my fractured world occasionally offered respite in the form of deep black shadows. In the end however they were fleeting, and the burning light always returned. My suit's functions began beeping a prattling as it struggled to keep me alive.
Humanity had blown apart its own world. They had discovered a new form of energy which they hailed as the holy grail. I had seen many weapons and power sources come and go but this was of course one of the greatest. In my opinion nuclear power was still better. Why? Nuclear didn't split the planet the moment it was slightly overcharged.
A freezing cold began to creep up my legs as the temperature control sputtered and failed. My silver eyes glazed over as my pale skin broke and cracked. My silver star hair frosted over and stiffened. Yet it did not matter for I would always survive. I had been there from the beginning of humanity after all. From beginning to end I had fought all it's wars and battles. I had been tested, researched and rediscovered a thousand times over.
I was their eternal soldier after all. Billions of years of fighting and loss shaped me into a monster from a human standpoint and the fact that this process had already happened thirteen times didn't really help. Every hour I would die and my body would then recharge the suit which inturn would revitalize me.
It was living hell and yet the pain was but a small price to pay for the peace and freedom my soul felt. I had long been a slave to a race which had little care for me. I had been forgotten when there was peace and recovered when conflict began. The freedom offered by the dark voids embrace was welcome.
Then a bright light shone upon me. I began to disappear as the world blackened. The blackened moon and burned debris floated away from my vision. Death? No I had seen that and this was not it.
I was now in a bright white room? No, I had no footing, no sense of direction. There was no airflow and no sound. This was a different space. I spun as my bright eyes landed upon the form of a man. They then dulled and I chuckled. My peace and freedom in hell had only lasted thirteen hours.
How was the opening for the story? As the book advances I will add an auxillary chapter for the charachters we see