

Become the Lord of the Earth or the Lord of the Universe overlooking all beings? Xiao Tian chooses the latter! Start crossing the world! New life! The realm of fighting: the top of fighting! Proud of the world! With me, Xiao Tian is heaven! Ruthless male god Xiao Erhuo!

peach1999 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4

The light of the test magic stone tablet was too dazzling. When the presiding elder saw the ancient font displayed by the magic stone tablet, he sucked in cold air and cried out horror.

"Xiao Tian! Fighting spirit! Fourth stage! Level! Advanced!"


Countless people in the Xiao family returned to their senses from the realm of dreams, crying out loud! The sound of the cry shook the sky, attracting people from outside the family.

After two years of testing, Xiao Tian, the young patriarch with zero fighting spirit! This time! Is the dark horse! He is now like his xiao family peers.

Xiao Zhan, the great elder, the second elder and others showed great ecstasy!

There is another super genius in the clan, which is gratifying!.

The smile on Xiao Tian's face remained unchanged, and he bowed slightly to the Xiao family in all directions, showing humility, making the faces of countless people who had ridiculed him burn red hot, and then walked off the high platform.

"No! It's impossible!" An immature shout sounded.

Xiao Tang, the grandson of the second elder, walked out of the crowd and asked Xiao Tian in a cold voice: "You didn't test out your powers the year before, and you were chased by my yellow-haired dog a month ago. If you have such Cultivation base, why would Ah Huang bite your leg!"

Xiao Teng's question made many Xiao family members look at him, but there shouldn't be a problem with the magic test stone tablet.

"Xiao Tian! You are in the fourth stage fighting realm ,I am Xiao Teng! Only one year older than you! The third stage of fighting spirit! Low level! I want to challenge you!"

The presiding elder said coldly and majestically: "Xiao Teng! You can't challenge your clan members, Don't make trouble! Get out!"

Xiao Teng stared at Xiao Tian with cold eyes, and said coldly "Xiao Tian! You are the young patriarch! Do you dare to not agree You want to be a turtle and a coward? You are not qualified to be the young patriarch. Humph!"

Xiao Tian smiled brilliantly, his figure accelerated, and many people's complexion changed greatly, and he came towards Xiao Teng like an angry thunder. Although he did not open his magic eyes, he was very insightful and could see many fatal flaws in Xiao teng body.

Xiao Teng didn't make the slightest resistance, so he was grabbed by his neck.


"You always let your dog bite people but Thanks to your dog, I awakened my powers . This is your reward!"

Xiao Teng's face was pale, his back hit the ground first, and then his entire body hit the ground, his ears were buzzing ,his head bleeding, and his fighting power was lost.

Xiao Tian put his hands in his pockets, and left with a light smile before the wide-open eyes of other people.

Xiao Teng was killed in a second! The result is obvious!

"Unbelievable! Because he was bitten by a dog, he entered the fourth stage of fighting spirit!"

"Ma Ma! I want to be bitten by a dog too, and step into the fourth stage of fighting spirit!"

"Children don't make trouble! You didn't have an hard time as the young patriarch!"

A smile flashed across Xiao Yan's eyes. Seeing that his brother walked towards Sister Xun'er and left secretly, his test was over, fighting spirit! Five sections! Low level!

In the distance, Xiao Zhan couldn't calm down inside, it was unimaginable that Tian'er actually entered the fourth stage of fighting spirit!

"He really awakened by being bitten by a dog?"

"Congratulations to the patriarch, the young patriarch's talent is probably more terrifying than Yan'er in the future."


Xiao Zhan smiled and accepted, but seeing Tian'er and Xun'er in the distance, his heart aches. Xun'er's background is not simple, Tian'er is going to suffer.

"Forget it, children should live their own lives."

Xiao Mei's face was sulky at the moment, looking at Xiao Tian passing by, she couldn't accept this fact in her heart.

"No matter what, Brother Xiao Yan is the best! Humph!".