
The Escape of Stigma

What happens when culture interferes with love? Love conquers all but will it stand against a norm that is already existing? Deborah is a woman who was forced by society to abandon her love, education, and future. She got pregnant by Dave but he didn't know he was the one responsible and failed to stand up for her when she was denounced. Join this interesting story as we explore the life of Deborah.

BlackMoon0724 · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 8

There is always a time for a particular season.

No season lasts forever.

Deborah packed the little things that she could call hers. Of course, everything given by her family except her clothes was left behind. She was still busy packing when she felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom to vomit. The offspring was complaining about not having anything to eat for two days. It was not her fault, she couldn't bring herself to eat any food from her family. Even though, Emilly secretly gives her food. She had no appetite to eat it. Now she is regretting it. When is she even sure of eating a good meal again? She sighed. She doesn't want to think too much of her ill fortune. She picks up her phone from the drawer where she had kept it for days. She boots it on out of curiosity if Dave did try to contact her. She was a little disappointed when she finds none. She laughs at herself for expecting too much. She removes her sim card and breaks it. From that day on way, she was a new person. All her past must remain in her past and be buried alongside her pain.

After packing, she left the house. As expected she didn't see any of her family members.

Since she had to save money, she trekked the long distance to the bus stop. She didn't even know where to go. All she wanted was to be far from home and everyone who knows her.

As she passed a group of women and restrained herself from greeting them to avoid any interaction.

" I pity her mother " one of the women spat.

"Nnaga! Please be easy on the child" the second woman rebuked.

" Which child? A girl that knows how to open her leg and get pregnant is no child" Nnaga said

" You have a daughter too Nnaga. Nobody knows tomorrow. The second woman said

" See, let me tell you, I have prevented my daughter from bringing me this kind of a shame. This kind of situation will never be my and my daughter's portion." Nnaga boosted

" How" The second woman was puzzled.

" Through the new family plan of course," Nnaga said in a whisper.

" But I thought, Family planning is for married women. Why are you suggesting it for your daughter? The woman said

" In a society like ours and the present generation of wicked men, I must warn and educate my daughter. I still blame Emily for her daughter's misfortune. She is being a chaste wife and mother and forgot to protect her daughter. Or do you think Deborah is the only one who has been pregnant out of wedlock in our community?" Nnaga lowers her voice

" Did you not notice the daughter of Wanami? Early last month she was robust and glowing but by month end she lost weight" Nnaga revealed.

" But is not only pregnancy that makes one glow na. Maybe she suffered typhoid." The other woman said.

Nnaga looked at her friend and hissed.

"If not that you are my friend, I would have called you duck brain. Why are you so dumb? What kind of typhoid makes a girl glow at first then she does weight? Don't say I was the one that told you but I think Wanami help her daughter in aborting the pregnancy. This is what Emily would have done. " Nnaga hissed.

" But you know abortions can be complicated. " I believe she has the good of her daughter in mind" The other woman defended.

" Good indeed. For an only daughter? She was just being too righteous. Now see where she over righteousness has landed her." Nnaga picks up her basket and places it back on her head.

" let's return home please before our husbands start looking for us."