
The Eradicators

A dead man has been given a chance sit at the top of the multiverse of supers.

Expresso7 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

The Eradicators Info

M1 (Leader)-Broly (H-6'7->9'0 A-25) [Pic]

{Buff: Stronger overall in all categories.}

Fun Facts:Hates Superman with a passion.Likes watching the light go out of his enemies eyes as they die.

M2 (Co leader)-Blackfire (H-6'4 A-26) [Pic]

{Buff: Massively increase physical stats. All energy projection powers are enhanced immensely enough to rival Darkseid's omega beams.}

Fun facts: Wants to make powerful children with Broly. Dislikes She Hulk for being a meathead bitch

M3(Speedster)- Impluse (H-5'7 A-16) [Pic]

{Buff: More deeply connected to the speed force making it easier to move faster and access to more abilities.}

Fun Fact: excited about being part of a badass team has a small crush on She Hulk.

M4(Smart Guy)-Franken Stein (H-6'10 A-37) [Pic]

{Buff: Enhanced thought perception, lots of scientific knowledge, and mind}

Fun Fact: Wants to experiment on everyone in the group including himself but doesn't out of fear of loneliness.

M5(Magician)-Zatanna (H-5'7 A-27) [Pic]

{Buff: can use magic with needing to speak & stronger/faster spells though it does help.}

Fun Fact: Started feeling extremely sadistic wants to watch people look at Broly destroying their planet.

M6(Healer)-Unohana Retsu (H-5'3 A-1000+) [Pic]

{Buff: All healing powers and medical knowledge enhanced.}

Fun Fact: Happy and Excited about starting a new journey with some interesting people. Wouldn't mind patching up Broly from time to time.

M7(Swordsman)-B. Lancelot (H-7'0 A-30) [Pic] {Buff: All abilities buffed greatly.}

Fun Fact: Can actually speak but doesn't feel like it as grunting is easier.

M8(Tank)-She Hulk (H-6'4 A-30) [Pic]

{Buff: Greatly Increased physical stats the more damage she takes. Better than Hulks anger increase.}

Fun Fact: Happy to be apart of a new team. Dislikes Blackfire for being a smug cunt.