

The great human civilization has been passed down and developed a splendid culture since the start. However, this universe was not created for humans, and human civilization is doomed to face one challenge after another, as well as crisis after crisis. Asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, encounters with malicious alien civilizations, and changes in Earth's orbit caused by other stars' gravitational disturbances... There are numerous challenges that may be encountered, and... as long as humans exist, these things will undoubtedly be encountered. On an ordinary day, without any warning, people noticed that the sun had dimmed... Human civilization is about to face its first major challenge since the dawn of civilization.

KingofMortals · SF
196 Chs

Mysterious Virat and destroyed Hard drive

But maybe it was Brad's negligence, or maybe it was our luck. The center found a damaged hard drive that Brad had used."

"This hard drive has been severely damaged physically. Normally, we can't restore data from it, but the researchers at the Institute of Computational Sciences thought we could give it a try. So, we handed this hard drive to them. , they finally restored about 200 bytes of data through two consecutive days and two nights of work."

The symbol of byte is Byte, 1024Byte is equal to 1KB, 1024KB is equal to 1M, and 1024M is equal to 1G. Two hundred bytes of data is roughly equivalent to the size of a text document with no more than five hundred words.

And this hard disk is a high-speed hard disk of 1,000 gigabytes. It may store a lot of data that is vital to the entire human world and the entire earth, but that important data has been damaged, and the only data that has been restored is less than five hundred words.

"On the surface, this seems to be a record of a conversation between Brad and a certain person, but we have no way of knowing who this person is, nor what the specific connotation of this record is, let alone how these records affect your work. Is it helpful? The restored data is as follows."

"The primary task of life is to survive. The essence of survival is to continuously obtain energy from the outside world to maintain its own operation. When it is inevitable to die, living organisms tend to retain their own information. Specifically, through reproduction, your own genes are passed on."

"I agree with the definition of reproduction in the second half of your sentence, but I don't agree with the first half of your sentence."


"The primary task of life is to survive, but the essence of survival is not to obtain energy from the outside world to maintain its own operation, but to discharge its own energy to the outside world to maintain its own operation."

"Why would you say so?"

"Because the living body itself has a very high energy intensity."

This paragraph ends here. Maybe it still has a text, but that content disappeared from this world along with the damaged hard drive.

In addition to this record, there is a second record that has been restored. But this record is much shorter, and the content is even more baffling.

"Can you come out?"

"No, it's cold outside."

"What if it's cold?"

"I will die."

There are only two records in total. After reading these two records, Alex put down the information in his hand, walked to the window again, opened the window, let the cool summer wind blow his body, looked at the people in a hurry under the building, once again lost in thought.

"Does the living body itself have a very high energy intensity?" Alex muttered to himself, "In comparison, can it be said that the energy intensity of the living body is very high, but by releasing energy to maintain survival? Humans, including other animals It is true that you lose your own energy all the time, but can this be related to the essence of survival?"

"It's cold outside, and is there a causal connection between it and "death"? Who is Brad talking to? What role did this mysterious person who talked to Brad play in this incident?"

Alex felt that he seemed to be caught in a certain logical cycle. Since I started to take over this matter, everything I have encountered has been so weird, and there seems to be some kind of vague connection between these weird things. However, Alex has never been able to figure out what the connection between these strange events is.

Alex knew that he lacked a key and a certain key point. As long as this key point can be figured out, everything will be linked together, and all doubts will be solved. Judging from the fact that Brad left the only relic to himself, this key is only owned by himself. But what is it, what is it? !

A blank sheet of paper that was specially reserved for you? The conversation you had while drinking with yourself?

What is the connection between them?

Alex couldn't figure it out, no matter what. Alex's eyes looking out of the window began to become scattered, and blue veins began to protrude from Alex's hands holding the railing, and even his body began to tremble.

At this moment, Alex even resented Brad a little bit, and resented why Brad put all these doubts on himself, why he couldn't tell all this clearly, but let himself go to great lengths to solve the mystery. If it can be solved, it's fine, but I don't have a clue.

Alex tried his best to suppress the irritable emotions in his heart, and it took a long time for him to calm down. I don't know when it will start to get dark again, and the weather is getting colder.

Alex sighed, closed the window, walked out of the room, and called out to the empty living room, "I want to go down for dinner, are you going?"

Virat came out from the balcony again: "Okay."