

The great human civilization has been passed down and developed a splendid culture since the start. However, this universe was not created for humans, and human civilization is doomed to face one challenge after another, as well as crisis after crisis. Asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, encounters with malicious alien civilizations, and changes in Earth's orbit caused by other stars' gravitational disturbances... There are numerous challenges that may be encountered, and... as long as humans exist, these things will undoubtedly be encountered. On an ordinary day, without any warning, people noticed that the sun had dimmed... Human civilization is about to face its first major challenge since the dawn of civilization.

KingofMortals · SF
196 Chs


The buzzing sound got louder and louder as time went on. While feeling a little dizzy in his head, Alex also noticed that his exposed skin had become a little woody, as if a layer of plastic film had been applied to it, and then that it had become a little woody again. It appears to be the type of sensation that is accompanied by static electricity. The moment Alex lifted his eyes from the ground, he saw a cloud of birds flying out of the mountains and forests, spinning around in the sky like headless flies, and some of them crashing into the ground.

Immediately, Alex realized that it was because the birds' navigational organs had been disrupted.

"I believe I am witnessing what may be the first communication between a civilization on Earth and an extraterrestrial civilization in human history. Our human civilization has progressed independently on this small blue planet for millions of years, beginning with the ancient ape-man, and has now finally reached the pinnacle of technological development. There is an endless starry sky that wraps around us all, and behind that curtain are countless mysteries to discover... As of right now, there is an outside possibility that an unknown civilization from a mysterious world has arrived in our solar system, and we are currently attempting to establish communication with them."

Alex's heart is pumping a little faster than usual.

"Can you imagine what they would think if they really existed and received this message?" says the author. What is going on in their heads? Are they laughing at the self-control of this backward civilization, or do they just ignore it and dismiss it as the chirping of ants?"

"However, as humans, we have finally arrived in the present. Although our current technology is behind the times, this does not imply that our civilization is inferior simply because we have not had enough time to develop. If we manage to survive this catastrophe, the next one will not be far behind. Eventually, our footprints will extend across the entire starry sky, and we will also enter this mysterious world..."

Alex's current state of mind is akin to a tumbling wave, and he is not going to stop for anything. In the midst of the slight dizziness and discomfort on Alex's skin, Alex's ears continued to be filled with the roar of the person in charge of the observatory. Alex was well aware that what the person in charge of the observatory had said was in fact the content of the signal sent by the radio telescope to the sun at this particular time.

I consider it a great blessing that our two civilizations are able to communicate across a distance that could be tens of millions of light years to come together here. We, the owners of this small galaxy, would like to extend our warmest greetings to you, and please accept our sincere greetings."

"Even though our technology is behind the times, we have noticed that you appear to be engaged in some activity in our galaxy. Excuse me, do you want something from our galaxy? Please tell me. Alternatively, are you conducting scientific research to determine Do you have any scientific information? Are you able to tell us these details? "We look forward to hearing from you."

"The moral level of a civilization, in our opinion, is complementary to the scientific and technological level of that civilization. You, who possess cutting-edge technology that we can only imagine, must also possess a moral level commensurate with your technological prowess. And you, with your high moral standards, are unlikely to embarrass a backward civilization with a footprint that is still limited to the star from which you came. I'm sorry to inform you that some of your actions toward the sun of our galaxy have had a significant impact on our lives, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people in our civilization as a result of your actions. Die, along with potentially billions of other people of your species in the aftermath. "This has left us feeling deeply saddened and bereaved."

"We believe that you have the best of intentions, and we believe that this is the result of some of your blunders that we do not understand. " Please know that we are hoping and praying that you will correct these mistakes in order to alleviate the suffering caused to our civilization. We sincerely hope that we will be able to coexist peacefully with your civilization, and we believe that this will be your desire as well."

"Earth, sincere human civilization. We are looking forward to hearing back from you."

In addition to the roar of the person in charge of the observatory ceasing to exist, Alex's dizziness and discomfort on his skin disappeared at the same time. The hum has disappeared, and the birds in the forest have gone silent as well. As a result, Alex was aware that the signal transmission had come to an end.

The entire message was delivered with sincerity and a slightly humble attitude toward the AL2-level civilization, which may or may not exist at this point. The understatement of "some of your blunders that we do not understand" overshadows the death of tens of millions of human beings and the human suffering that has resulted as a result.

The Samantha family who died in the frigid wind and snow of the small town of Nagrasan, the elderly people who were stubborn and refused to evacuate even if they died, and the time they spent in the Arctic came to Alex's mind at this moment. She also thought of the mother bear who was shot by Monjo to protect her cubs.

Alex's heart was racing with a rush of blood. Alex, on the other hand, maintained his calm demeanor and did not say anything. Sophia snatched Alex's arm from behind him, and Alex could hear Sophia sobbing softly in the background and feel the warmth of his sleeves becoming wet with tears.

"Damn," The person in charge of the observatory was completely unaware of when his eyes were turning bloodshot. After walking up to the railing and grabbing it with both hands, he yanked on it so hard that even the blue veins on his arms began to bleed, and the entire person began to start. trembling.

"That's tens of millions of people!" If you want to die, you will die. It is that simple. The robbers came to our house and took away the sunshine that had been rightfully ours, but we must still humbly pray for them to return it to us on the grounds of "noble morality." It's a fucking disaster over here! "Damn it, I'm done!"