
The Era of a Villain

Good? Bad? Strong? Weak? How are they decided? A young man, along with 40% of the population of the Earth, is transported to a different world. The young man was in a hospital bed in a coma, blissfully unaware he was not on the same—planet he was born on. Imagine waking in an unknown place with a purple-skinned man checking your vitals. 'Oh, a purple man? How nice they bought Barney the dinosaur to see me.' "Doctor! Doctor, the man passed out!" Vincent did not pass out; he closed his eyes because the lights blinded him. "Vincent Frost, the being who has sponsored you, has chosen you to be a villain. The villain system is now bounded and can't be removed." Vincent's mind, which was still cloudy, became clear instantly. He immediately shot up in his bed and screamed. You have to be kidding me! I created the cover using Webnovel tools; it has nothing to do with my character. Join our so-called villain and his journey to becoming a villain.

HNIC409 · ファンタジー
62 Chs


Planet Strara, Royal Observatory.

Richard was grinning from ear to ear as he saw Vincent tame the truskin. "Ryker! Go and write up a request to his majesty for permission to use the recording function. We have to have this video." Ryker stood up unbalanced and almost fell over. Richard looked at the wine storage and saw Lyla on the ground asleep. 

Patty didn't try to stop him from getting upset this time. Richard's eyes turned pitch black, and a hole appeared beneath Ryker. Ryker fell inside of it, screaming an apology. "Blake, go and make the request." Blake shuddered and left to do what Richard told him to do. Richard conjured a ball of black water and threw it at Lyla.