
The Epic She Was Looking For Wasn't What She Expected To Find

A Bard looking for an epic tale that would put her name down in history gets 'recruited' by a group of pirates misplaced from their own home. With little other choice she helps them make their way to the capitol, the most likely place to find someone that could help them. Follow Kamara as they face many challenges and monsters, looking for a way to serve the pirates back to their own world.

Nohboddy · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Prolog: Destiny Awaits Pt2

Suddenly the group of men parted and two more sets of feet walked towards her. One was obviously taller, his red coat almost dragged the sandy ground. The other was about the size of a Dwarf. They stopped on the other side of her coals. She knew she was being watched.

In the blink of an eye, she leaped up to her feet, casting her blanket to the side. As she did so her hand waved over the dead flames, bringing them back to full life, illuminating the room and everyone in it. She was surrounded by pirates, who had jumped at the sudden light. With this realization, her eyes locked onto the obvious leader's as she readied her flute to start playing.

This got a small chuckle from the man clad in red, who had remained calm along with his shorter partner. "I am not here for a show, young lady. You can put your instrument away."

"I promise, my shows are to die for." She made a small grin. She hoped they didn't call her bluff.

Although, a bluff like that relied on the others knowing bardic magic. Soft, cruel laughter rippled through the men like a wave. "Oh really? Perhaps I'll have you play for me one day. As for now, though, I have a few questions for you. Starting with, where are we?"

She tilted her head slightly and stood up properly. "You're on the shores of Orrinshire in the kingdom of Bellenau." 

"Bellenau? Where is that?"

The bard thought for a moment. "It's to the east and across the sea from Garamol." Seeing the man before her still seemed to be confused she looked around at the others before speaking again. "You're not from around here are you?" Her eyes landed on their captain once more.

"No. We're not. Something pulled us from our home to here."

"Where is your home?"

"A far away place. Another world, it seems." The captain looked back at the shorter, round man beside him for a moment. His attention returned to the woman before him. "How well do you know these lands?"

"Very. I'm a traveling storyteller. I was heading back to the capital, the City of Thorpes."

"Would there be someone that can help us home in that city?"

This got a small shrug from the bard. "Perhaps. It's very likely, there are plenty of spellcasters in the capital. You might be able to find one that knows the planes well enough to find your home."

The captain nodded, obviously pleased by this information. "Good. You're going to take us there."

"I am?" She raised a brow. It wasn't like she was in a position to argue or anything, but she hadn't exactly expected that.

"You are. You know these lands. We need a guide."

"And of my safety?"

This got the shorter man to speak up. "So long as you help us, the Capt'n will keep you safe."

A nod from the taller man. "What is your name?"

"Kamara. And yours?"

"Captain Hook." He held out his right arm to her, revealing a hook instead of a hand.

She reached out and took hold of the hook, shaking it as if it were just a hand.

A smile crossed Jame's lips. "You are an interesting woman, Kamara. I'd say this will be an interesting adventure for all of us." He turned and headed back towards the fog covered entrance of the cave. "Come, Smee, we need to ready the ship for sail. We leave at dawn."

The portly man followed obediently, "Y-yes, Capt'n!"

As Hook walked through the group of pirates they closed around Kamara once more. Although as a few of them stepped towards the bard a rough clear of the captain's throat caused them to step back again. 

"We are readying the ship for sail, men. I would make sure to be on it briefly. Any delay will be considered treason." Hook glanced back at the group of men. That's all it took for them to cooperate and they turned to follow him. Some more reluctant than others.

"I expect to see you aboard before daybreak, Miss Kamara. I shouldn't have to come retrieve my guide." His words were dark with a note of cruelty. A warning that she didn't intend to ignore.