
The Epic of Azathoth

He is the infinite, the limitless Sultan, Supreme, Unlimited, Unchanging, He is eternity. He is the Creator, the Sultan who rules everything beyond the infinite Archetypes. He is beyond the countless gates and the Transfinite waves of Realms, Avatars and deities, All the Outer Gods are nothing but servants and bacteria in comparison to such power. He is Azathoth.

Biggubosu · アニメ·コミックス
88 Chs

Announcement .

Question, is there anyone left alive? Or anyone who wanted this to go forward?



There will probably be a 'Time Skip' in the HP world.

And a little flashback of some of the events that happened there and then it will follow into the Adventure Time world, where there will be another flashback where Daemon and Simon will travel into the Adventure Time dimension.

And to promote my new fic: I'm just a Necromancer for fun.

References? There is no bald man who just gives a game in that place Cof cof ...