
The Engineer's Rebirth: The Farmstead's Rise

In his final moments as a heroic engineer, he is reborn into a world of magic and mystery. Now the son of humble farmers, he navigates a realm filled with arcane wonders and ancient secrets. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, he secretly combines his engineering prowess with newfound magical abilities to transform his village. As a brutal winter descends, his hidden innovations attract unexpected attention, drawing him into a web of intrigue and power. With a prestigious academy's doors opening for him, he must confront challenges from both friends and foes while uncovering the dark mysteries that threaten his world. This tale intertwines magic, technology, and the quest for greatness in an unforgettable journey of discovery and adventure.

Noicefr · 書籍·文学
1 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

The sun was setting over the bustling city, casting long shadows across the streets as John Thompson made his way home from the office. As a renowned engineer, John was known for his innovative solutions and unyielding dedication to his work. Today, however, he felt an unusual sense of restlessness. The day's meetings had been exhausting, and he was eager to get home and unwind.

As John turned the corner near his apartment, he noticed a small child playing near the edge of the busy street. The child's ball bounced into the road, and without hesitation, the boy ran after it. John's heart skipped a beat. He saw the car speeding down the street, the driver oblivious to the danger ahead.

Without thinking, John sprinted forward. "Stop!" he shouted, but the boy was focused on retrieving his ball. With a burst of speed, John reached the child, pushing him out of harm's way. The car screeched as the driver slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The impact sent John flying, his world turning to darkness.

As he lay on the cold pavement, his vision fading, John's thoughts were filled with regret. He thought of his unfinished projects, the innovations that would never come to life, and the people he had yet to help. With a final, laboured breath, he hoped his sacrifice had made a difference.

Warmth. That was the first sensation John felt as he slowly regained consciousness. He tried to open his eyes, but they felt heavy, as if they hadn't been used in a long time. The sound of gentle voices reached his ears, speaking in a language he didn't recognize. He felt a soft, comforting touch on his skin and the distinct smell of fresh hay.

Gradually, he managed to open his eyes. The world around him was blurry, but he could make out the rustic wooden beams overhead and the soft glow of a fire in the corner of the room. As his vision cleared, he realized he was in a small, cozy farmhouse. Panic set in as he tried to sit up, only to find his movements clumsy and uncoordinated. He looked down at his hands and was shocked to see tiny, chubby fingers.

What is happening? he thought, his heart racing. He tried to speak, but only incoherent babbling came out. It wasn't long before a woman's gentle voice calmed him.

"Welcome to the world, little one," she whispered, cradling him in her arms. Her face was kind and loving, with soft features and warm eyes. She rocked him gently, humming a soothing tune.

John's mind raced as he tried to understand his situation. He had been an adult, an engineer, moments ago. Now, he was a baby in the arms of a woman who seemed to be his mother. As the days turned into weeks, he realized the truth: he had been reborn.

His new parents were humble farmers in a small village. They named him Eli. From his crib, he observed the simple yet hard-working life they led. The discovery of this new reality filled him with a sense of wonder and a burning curiosity to understand everything about it.

Eli's early years were marked by an insatiable curiosity and an extraordinary aptitude for learning. By the age of two, he was already mimicking the sounds and words he heard around him. His parents, though unaware of his past life, were amazed by his quick development.

As he grew, Eli would watch his parents work the fields, absorbing every detail of their farming techniques. He noticed inefficiencies and silently thought of ways to improve them. But what fascinated him the most was magic. He often saw his mother use simple spells to aid in household chores, and it sparked a deep interest within him.

One evening, as he lay in his small bed, Eli overheard a conversation between his parents and the village chief. They spoke of ancient books filled with magical knowledge, hidden away in the chief's house. Eli's heart raced with excitement. He knew he had to get his hands on those books.

At the age of five, Eli managed to sneak into the village chief's house. He waited until everyone was asleep, then slipped out of bed and crept through the shadows. The chief's house was at the far end of the village, an imposing structure filled with treasures of knowledge.

Eli found the hidden books and began reading them in secret. The language was old and complex, but his previous life's engineering knowledge helped him understand the principles of magic. To his amazement, Eli discovered he had a natural talent for magic. He began practicing small spells, combining them with his engineering ideas.

In the dead of night, he created simple devices powered by magic. One of his first successes was a small light that glowed at his command. Another was a toy that moved on its own, much to his delight. These small successes fueled his desire to learn more.

One night, as Eli was sneaking out of the village chief's house with another book, he bumped into someone. Startled, he dropped the book and looked up to see Thomas, the village chief's son, staring at him.

"What are you doing here?" Thomas whispered, eyes wide with curiosity.

Eli hesitated for a moment before deciding to come clean. "I've been reading the books in your father's collection. They're filled with amazing knowledge about magic and the world."

Thomas looked at him skeptically. "Show me."

Eli led Thomas to a secluded spot and demonstrated some of the spells and devices he had created. Thomas was amazed by Eli's abilities and the potential of the knowledge in the books. "I won't tell my dad," Thomas said, grinning, "if you teach me what you've learned."

Eli agreed, and from that day on, the two became inseparable. Together, they explored the village and tested Eli's magical and engineering experiments. Thomas was amazed by Eli's inventions and vowed to help him keep his abilities a secret. They spent countless hours tinkering with gadgets and practicing magic in the hidden corners of the village. Eli's parents were oblivious to the true extent of his talents, believing him to be an exceptionally curious child.