
The Enemy Within

With her father dead, Bella must take her father’s place as the lead captain. She’ll be working in the kingdom’s hunters, hunting and killing off all the threats and sinister forces that are out there. But Bella’s main objective is to get revenge on her father’s killer. But what if the killer has been always by her side? Will she ever get her revenge, even if the enemy is within her ranks.

Israel_Lopez_2331 · ファンタジー
1 Chs


The Hunters readied their weapons, Swords steadied and shields up. The woods were silent, only the hunters could be heard. Darkness surrounded them, not even the moon was enough for them to see. And suddenly, the earth started to shake and crack, lava spilling form it's cracks. The hunters rushed away from the cracking ground. Across them a lone woman stood, staring at them with extreme fury. She was wearing a black dress that swirled and moved like waves in the ocean. The woman had a pale dead looking face and large blood red eyes. She was standing right in the middle of all the lava that was pouring from the earth, yet she did seem to be hurt. "It's her!" One of the hunters yelled to the others. Another responded,"Don't be fooled men, for if it is the one we have been searching for and all her power is all but the trick of the mind!" This hunter was different form the others, he wore gold instead of the usual silver that the others wore, for he was the captain. The woman laughed, a terrible shrill laugh that sent shivers up the spines of the the hunters. She found the fact that they recognized her, amusing. For men tend to mistake her for the ghost of a dead one. The hunters surrounded her, it was six against one, but the woman had already begun her magic on them, confusing their minds . She lunged at the closet one to her, biting down on his neck with her sharp teeth. The others tried to help, but it was too late. One by one they all fell. The last one left was the captain, he did not want to give up without a fight. He begun waving his sword in circles, desperately trying to slash the woman. "Fight me, you hag. If your so powerful, why not let me see so we can fight properly!" The woman smiled at this and laughed once again. " Oh, but I find this so amusing. Seeing you struggle like a captured beast. Right before I cut your throat open with my bare hands." The captain was shocked, not because he was afraid of what she had just said. But because he recognized the voice of this person.The woman quickly used this time to lunge at the captain and cut open his throat. "I told you didn't I." She walked off into the distance, licking the blood off her hands.