
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · ファンタジー
28 Chs

Peak B-Rank User!

After eating in the luxury restaurant they are now walking toward the Space Exploration Agency to apply as a Aura User, after half an hour of walking they finally in the front of the Space Exploration Agency, without hesitation Jin enter the establishment to register. After he enters and sees Jin they start gossiping and insulting him.


"Oh? Is that the legendary trash?"

"I thought he was dead He didn't come here for almost a week HAHAHA!"

"Why does he keep coming back here He doesn't even get any job because he is unawaken!"


Jin ignore this people and directly go to receptionist to register, because it is illegal to hide that you are an awaken, even Jin want to hide first and make himself stronger before revealing it but he cant people might discover it in he will become a criminal even the bandits is a registered User to let them roam freely in artificial planets.

"Hello Ms. Receptionist I want to register as a Aura User! " He greeted.

"Ahm? Oh yes are you already awaken your power?" Asking with a shock in her face because she also knows this person who can't awaken his power.

"Yes!" He reply

"Can you show me first your aura before we proceed to registering? " She asked

"Sure!" He replied

After a few second Jin's body indulge in Violet aura, that make the receptionist and the people to get shock to this sight, a violet aura is one of the rare aura a user can have most of the aura user have a blue or orange and yellow aura but a violet one is rare and stronger than any of them if nurtured properly.

"What that trash awaken his power? and on the top of that a Violet aura!!!" Some random user

"Okay sir, we can now proceed to registering your name after that some test to determine your power" Receptionist.

"Sure!" He replied

"Can you show me your QR so that I can send you the form and after you fill it up we can proceed in testing" She said, Jin show his code and proceed filling up, it only a minute because it's only need a basic information so they proceed in testing.

"Follow me to testing ground sir." She said, while Jin is following silently.

The test consist testing your physical ability without Using an Aura and Physical Ability when it boosted by aura in that way they will determine how strong the individual is.

"In this test you only need to punch that machine without using your aura and punching that with your aura. You can now start " She explained.

After hearing that Jin goes in the front of the machine, inhaling and exhaling air after that he punches the machine with all his might without using Aura. his punch weighs 2,000 Kg without aura.

the receptionist outside the testing room is in shock saying "If his punch is 2,000 kg without aura his physical power is already at B-Rank! if his punch exceed 4,000-5,000 with aura His already at Peak B-Rank Aura user and almost breaking through A-Rank User!" She exclaimed.

after that Jin ready his self to punch the machine with his Aura and the result is already what the receptionist expected.

"What his punch with aura is 4,568 Kg! He is a Peak B-Rank Aura user! I need to call boss" She said, after testing Jin leave the testing room and wait.

"Thankyou for you cooperation sir, you can wait in the waiting room we are going to processes your card! " She said.

"Sure!" He replied

while Jin is waiting the receptionist called his boss to tell him that there is Peak B-Rank User that registering, after that the boss rushed to go into the Agency.

After waiting for a short while, Jin was called into the boss's office.

The boss looked at Jin with a mixture of curiosity and seriousness.

"So, you're the Peak B-Rank Aura User who just registered," the boss said, eyeing Jin.

"I must say, it's quite rare to see someone with a Violet aura and such impressive strength."

Jin nodded politely, feeling a mix of pride and anticipation for what awaited him.

"Your test results are exceptional, and we can see your potential as an Aura User," the boss continued.

"We have various missions and explorations where your skills can be put to good use.

However, I must remind you that our agency operates under strict rules and regulations. You'll be expected to follow orders, work as a team, and prioritize the safety of yourself and others."

Jin listened attentively, understanding the responsibilities that came with being an Aura User.

"We will provide you with training, guidance, and opportunities to grow your abilities. Your journey as an Aura User starts here," the boss stated, extending a card toward Jin.

"This is your official identification card as a registered Aura User of the Space Exploration Agency. Guard it well."

Jin held the identification card in his hand, feeling a surge of conflicting emotions. Gratitude and excitement coursed through him, knowing that the Space Exploration Agency had recognized his potential as an Aura User.

However, a deep sense of independence stirred within him, prompting him to question the path he was about to embark on.

"Thank you for the opportunity," Jin said respectfully, his voice steady.

"But I have made up my mind. I choose to pursue the life of a mercenary rather than joining the agency. The freedom and flexibility of being a mercenary align better with my personal goals." Jin had always admired the mercenary lifestyle, and his newfound power made him realize that he no longer needed to rely on organizations like the New Government(ADF) and Becoming a Space Aura Soldier (SAS) to earn money. He wanted to avoid being tied down and become a slave to anyone.

The boss's surprise was evident, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Are you absolutely sure about this decision, Jin? The agency can provide you with stability, resources, and a supportive team."

Jin nodded, a resolute expression on his face. "I appreciate the offer, but I have always been drawn to the life of a scavenger and a lone wolf. Being a mercenary suits me better. I want to explore the vast realms, take on challenging missions independently, and have the freedom to choose my own path."

The boss sighed, understanding Jin's desire for autonomy. "I won't try to change your mind, Jin. Ultimately, it's your choice. However, I must caution you that the life of a mercenary can be tough and unpredictable. Make sure you are prepared for the risks and challenges that lie ahead."

"I understand the risks, and I'm ready to face whatever comes my way," Jin replied confidently.

The boss nodded, accepting Jin's decision.

"Very well, Jin. I respect your determination. I wish you the best of luck on your mercenary journey. Remember, should you ever change your mind or find yourself in need of assistance, the doors of the Space Exploration Agency will always be open to you."

Jin smiled appreciatively, grateful for the boss's understanding. "Thank you, sir. Your words mean a lot to me."

With that, Jin bid farewell to the boss and left the Space Exploration Agency. As he stepped out into the world, a sense of liberation washed over him. He was now a free-spirited mercenary, ready to carve his own path, seek thrilling adventures, and make a name for himself in the vast realms. The road ahead would be challenging, but Jin was determined to prove his worth and establish himself as a formidable mercenary.

Deep down, Jin knew that his decision to become a mercenary was just an excuse and not only driven by a desire for independence but also by a refusal to be tied to a new government that treated soldiers as disposable assets.

He had witnessed firsthand how they deployed soldiers without hesitation, disregarding their lives and well-being.

As a mercenary, Jin would have the freedom to choose his battles, uphold his own values, and make a difference in a way that felt true to him.

With his heart set on the path ahead, Jin walked into the unknown, his spirit unyielding and his resolve unbreakable.

The realm awaited his arrival, and he was determined to leave his mark as a formidable mercenary, fighting for his own ideals and shaping his own destiny in a world filled with both danger and opportunity.


[New Class Acquired: Mercenary]

[New Skill Acquired: Survival Skill]

Description: Mercenaries are adept at operating in hostile environments, ranging from dense jungles to harsh deserts. They possess survival skills such as navigation, hunting, tracking, and wilderness first aid, enabling them to endure and thrive in challenging conditions.

"Wow, I even gained a new skill!" Jin exclaimed. "Status Window!"

[Status Window]

Name: Jin Level: 35


Human [Transcended]

Class: Scavenger [C], Tamer [R], Warrior [C], Mercenary [C]

Titles: First person to tame a Rare Slime, First Dimensional Purchase, Against All Odds


Str 53(+15)

Agi: 43(+10)

Vit: 43(+5)

Vig: 38

Int: 35(20)

End: 45

Dex: 35

Unused Stat Points: 35


Appraisal [Active]

Merchant Network [Active]

Aura Mastery [Passive]

Survival Skill [Passive]

"I already have four skills, and I'm already strong! And Zephyr keeps gaining skills and becoming even stronger! Don't surpass me too much, Zephyr, okay?" Jin expressed his concerns, to which Zephyr replied with a reassuring "Squish!!" "Then let's stock up on supplies before returning to our ship and embarking on a journey across the galaxy!" Jin exclaimed.

After procuring a month's worth of supplies and upgrading their spacecraft, they departed from Solarium, ready to face new adventures and challenges in the vast expanse of space.