
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · ファンタジー
28 Chs

I will eat everything I want!

As Jin and Zephyr arrived at the upscale restaurant, they were greeted by an elegant ambiance and a tantalizing aroma wafting through the air.

The restaurant exuded an aura of sophistication, with its dimly lit interior, plush seating, and attentive staff. The menu presented a wide array of Earth's luxury foods, each dish carefully crafted to please the discerning palate.

Jin's eyes widened as he perused the menu, intrigued by the names and descriptions of the unfamiliar delicacies.

From decadent seafood platters featuring lobster and caviar to tender, perfectly cooked steaks accompanied by truffle-infused sauces, the options were both diverse and indulgent. He couldn't contain his excitement at the prospect of experiencing these new flavors.

"Zephyr, we're about to embark on a culinary adventure like no other," Jin said with enthusiasm, his mouth watering in anticipation.

"Let's savor the finest offerings from Earth and create memories to cherish."

With Zephyr eagerly perched on his shoulder, Jin called over a waiter to place their order.

The knowledgeable staff guided him through the menu, providing recommendations based on his preferences.

He decided to start with a delicate appetizer of seared scallops drizzled with a citrus-infused sauce, followed by a main course of succulent rack of lamb accompanied by truffle mashed potatoes and sautéed seasonal vegetables.

To complete the extravagant meal, Jin couldn't resist ordering a decadent chocolate lava cake topped with a scoop of homemade vanilla bean ice cream.

As they awaited their feast, Jin marveled at the restaurant's opulent surroundings, taking in the elegant décor and the sounds of soft jazz music playing in the background.

He felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that his recent success allowed him to partake in such luxurious experiences.

When their dishes arrived, Jin and Zephyr's eyes widened with delight. The scallops were seared to perfection, boasting a delicate caramelized crust.

The rack of lamb was cooked to a mouthwatering medium-rare, oozing with succulent juices. The truffle mashed potatoes melted in their mouths, and the sautéed vegetables provided a refreshing balance to the rich flavors. Finally, the chocolate lava cake unveiled its molten center, combining the warmth of the cake with the cool creaminess of the ice cream.

With each bite, Jin and Zephyr savored the exquisite flavors, their taste buds dancing with joy. The experience surpassed their expectations, leaving them in awe of Earth's culinary prowess.

As they concluded their lavish meal, Jin couldn't help but reflect on the extraordinary journey that led him here.

From scavenging in the wastelands to harnessing his awakened powers, he had come a long way.

Now, as he reveled in the delights of Earth's luxury foods, he felt a deep appreciation for the opportunities that lay before him.

Filled with gratitude, Jin smiled at Zephyr, expressing his satisfaction. "Zephyr, this is just the beginning of our adventures. We've tasted Earth's culinary wonders, and there's still so much more to explore. Let's continue embracing the marvels of this world as we forge our path."

As Jin and Zephyr concluded their delightful meal, Jin decided to settle the bill using his digital currency. He called the waiter back to their table and explained his preferred payment method.

"Excuse me, instead of physical crystals, can I pay using my digital currency?" Jin asked, showing the waiter his digital wallet app on his mobile device.

The waiter, familiar with the modern payment methods, nodded with a smile. "Of course, sir. Our restaurant accepts digital payments. Please scan the QR code on the bill with your device, and it will take you to the payment page."

Jin followed the instructions, positioning his phone's camera over the QR code printed on the bill. The app quickly recognized the code, prompting Jin to confirm the payment amount. With a simple tap on the screen, he authorized the transfer of 1,250 High Magic Crystals from his digital wallet to the restaurant's account.

A few seconds later, Jin received a notification confirming the successful transaction. He showed the confirmation message to the waiter, who verified the payment on their system.

"Thank you, sir. Your payment has been received. We appreciate your patronage," the waiter said, acknowledging the digital transaction.

Jin smiled and expressed his gratitude. "Thank you for the excellent service and the delicious meal. It was a pleasure dining here."

The waiter reciprocated the gesture with a polite bow.

"You're most welcome, sir. We're glad you enjoyed your experience. If you have any further needs or if there's anything else we can assist you with, please let us know."

Jin nodded appreciatively. "I will keep that in mind. Once again, thank you."

With the digital payment completed and the formalities concluded, Jin and Zephyr left the restaurant, satisfied with both their culinary adventure and the convenience of modern technology.

They continued their journey, carrying fond memories of the delectable flavors they had savored and the seamless digital payment experience that had made their dining experience all the more enjoyable.

As Jin and Zephyr walked away from the restaurant, they couldn't help but notice the murmur and stares from some of the noble patrons inside.

The whispers and curious gazes caught their attention, making Jin wonder what was causing the sudden interest.


"Who is that young and handsome man?" one noble whispered to another, their voices barely audible above the ambient chatter.

"Is he a son of a wealthy family?" another noble speculated, glancing in Jin's direction.

"If he is, why don't we know him?" a third noble pondered, clearly intrigued by Jin's presence.


These murmurs and discussions about Jin's appearance and possible background created a sense of unfamiliarity for him.

Back in the Space Exploration Agency, he had grown accustomed to hearing negativity, insults, and comparisons to his parents.

But now, with newfound wealth and a different environment, he noticed that people were looking at him from a different perspective.

The change in perception brought a mix of emotions. On one hand, Jin felt a sense of satisfaction and validation.

The wealth he had acquired through his recent endeavors had elevated him to a position where others saw him as a young man of significance and intrigue. It was a departure from the judgmental and belittling atmosphere he had experienced in the agency.

On the other hand, the unfamiliar attention also made Jin realize that he was stepping into a world where he didn't yet belong.

He hadn't grown up among the noble families, nor did he possess the established status they enjoyed. However, the momentary curiosity and speculation surrounding him provided a glimpse of what might await him in the future if he continued on his path of growth and success.

With a mix of gratitude, determination, and a touch of humility, Jin continued walking, keeping his focus on the journey ahead.

He knew that his newfound wealth was merely a stepping stone, a means to explore new opportunities and carve out his own path.

The stares and whispers from the noble patrons served as a reminder that his journey was just beginning, and there was much more to achieve and discover.

With Zephyr faithfully by his side, Jin embraced the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.

The murmurs and stares faded into the background as he walked confidently towards his future, leaving behind the judgments and prejudices of the past.