
The Endless Chain

Vanitas Is plagued by nightmares of slaughter And darkness, when the Test to become an Invoker, goes wrong and awakens something inside him those nightmares will become a reality. (this is my first novel so it's not perfect)

Red_Tempus · ファンタジー
2 Chs


Vanitas was a child again staring at the empty night sky the flickering crunch of torches filling the emptiness around him . He could feel his hands shaking, the cold seeping into his blood making the ice crystals grow more pronounced in his veins. His mind ran over all the memories he had experienced since becoming one with the darkness. The last time he had been awake it had been during another nightmare about his brother dying or being turned evil like himself but unlike that dream this was different, this wasn't a memory.

This was a waking vision and his heart felt like it was tearing at his chest when he saw Seth a boy no older then himself on the battlefield surrounded by other children. They were fighting to protect their own, he couldn't save anyone even if he tried.

No matter how hard he pushed against the overwhelming darkness that wanted nothing more than consume him he couldn't stop it from dragging them down into its depths, their screams echoing through Vanitas' ears as they were consumed by the endless abyss that was the flash of steel from his blade, the smell of bodies drenched in their fluids from the fear perforated the air around him strong like a hand on his throat but still he slaughtered, his blade weeping crimson tears as it flashed through the night sky.

"What is wrong?"

The sound of the soft voice startled Vanitas out of his nightmare as he looked away from the sky towards the source of the words. Standing there before him with his hands folded behind his back was his older brother.

"Seth what are you doing up?"

His brother didn't know That Vanitas had slaughtered him and everyone else in the orphanage.

"couldn't sleep again huh? I thought that maybe you could tell me what's been bothering you"

His gaze met Vanitas', eyes full of concern for his brother and hope that maybe today he would finally understand what kept Vanitas awake.


He could sense Seth's disappointment but also understood it was the truth. The nightmares hadn't stopped since he was born they never would. His sibling had gotten used to it, he did too but some things simply didn't change just because you got old enough to go to fight and learn to become an Invoker, yet somehow he managed to convince himself that one it'd be different that things would change.

"So why don't you come inside? You can keep me company until I fall asleep."

Seth smiled warmly gesturing his head back toward the church they both resided in before asking Vanitas to follow him.

~ ~ ~ ~

It took him a while after they entered the church, the dim lighting from the candles made him feel watched but Seth seemed unbothered as he wandered slowly between the sleeping children as if his eyes could make out anything in the darkness, eventually he stopped he set himself down on a straw mat. The silence was comfortable and comforting despite the awkwardness surrounding them, he didn't want to be rude he had already interrupted Seth's sleep so he decided not to bother trying anymore. After a few moments of comfortable silence he started talking.

"You really should get some rest Seth tomorrow is the Blighting."

"I'll be fine"

Seth replied as he leaned forward resting his head on his mat and closing his eyes

"If you say so."

Vanitas stood up his grey eyes watching over Seth, the nightmare still vivid in his mind. Before long Vanitas heard a soft snore from his brother.

Sighing he sat on the floor leaning his back against the wall, looking up at the small stained glass window above his head. It showed a man and woman kneeling on the ground praying together, Vanitas wondered for a second what is there was to pray to.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Vanitas wake up we need to go!"

opening his eyes Vanitas looked and saw

Seth was already dressed in his black Invoker outfit ready to leave for the Test.

"Nothing I'm sorry let's go" Vanitas sighed after getting dressed as well, the cloak was thick but oddly light the hood was lined with strange runic symbols some of which gave a faint glow.

After finishing with getting dressed they left their small room and joined the rest of the group for breakfast.

as they finished eating, a poor meal that barely qualified as food. a priest had them all lined up and handed them a black mask with no eyes holes or anything of the sort the priest whom Vanitas had never known the name off looked sadly at all the boys gathered and only spoke one thing before opening the doors to guide the group of boys to a wagon waiting outside.

"Do not forget your face "

Vanitas watched the man walk back inside the building and close the door behind him leaving a heavy silence in his place.

with that abrubt message and the sound of the doors that once belonged to their home slamming behind them the boys silently walked towards the wagon as the driver told them they would arrive in time and to put on their masks as they set off leaving for the first time in their lives. As the wagon moved away Vanitas looked at the others who were all silent. not saying a word Vanitas put on his mask, hoping it would hide the fear of the unknown that was blooming in his eyes.

for a long time and then suddenly they slowed down, they were in what looked to be an abandoned city. Vanitas felt his stomach drop. The air made his skin crawl with fear "welcome to Taela make your way off the wagon and form a line" a booming voice called from somewhere in the distance but oddly enough Vanitas felt the voice right next to him. as he made his was off the wagon he found his body stiffening with each step. The buildings of Taela looked ancient and abandoned and the streets themselves were filled with debris and broken pieces of buildings littering the dirty ground. As they neared the large structure that stood proudly at the end of the street Vanitas noticed people gathered around the entrance of what he assumed were the building, they were laughing loudly, drinking or playing cards. As they approached closer, he began noticing the men were different. They weren't wearing the usual dark garbs or robes but rather plain white shirts and pants. Some of them wore hats and some had hair pulled back into ponytails.

As they reached the group the laughing stopped and they all stood up, eyes grim as if looking at dead bodies,

Vanitas knew that look well as an orphan with only his Brother Seth to rely on, so he knew far too well that look of pity and disgust that all the figures in white were giving them. a tall man made his way through the group, his eyes violet as if bathed in lavender the aroma of herbs and niceties wafted off him like perfume, his hair wasn't put up but laid gently on his shoulders, his lips formed a sort of crooked smile as he spoke. "welcome Children to the Blighting, My name is Ashe and I will be overseeing you all. before we begin the festivities does anyone know what it is that happens here?" his voice like ice sent a shiver down Vanitas Spine.

A boy to his left answered for the group "its where we get Tested to see if any of us are capable of being an Invoker"

The crowd nodded, Vanitas however wasn't so sure if all it was a test why would the figured in white have such sad looks?

"precisely, though there's a little more to it then that" the man called Ashe chuckled, a dry lifeless sound like glass breaking. "you are each to enter one after the other once in you will be told how to proceed" all the figures in white moved aside revealing a pair of double doors with strange runic designs on the handles.

The doors opened and a feeling the cold rush over all the children present making them shiver. one courageous child dressed in the same black cloak and black mask as everyone else walked towards the doors, the moment their figure passed through the doors there was a woosh and wind and a deafening boom as the doors slamed closed, the sigiles on the handles glowing bright gold. as the door slammed shut with a loud thud and a sudden gust of air hit everyone causing Vanitas to nearly lose his footing as the wind picked up.

For several seconds no one said anything, Vanitas felt uneasy. The silence stretched on longer than normal and he found himself fiddling nervously with the edges of the robe that covered his shoulders and arms. He could hear the sound of the other children in front of him breathing deeply, some even crying.

after what felt like an eternity the door glow died down and it opened back up.

"Next" one of the figures in white yelled.

when nobody moved Ashe spoke "if nobody goes then I'll start picking at random" that elicited a small yelp from the group of youths.

'This is bad. This is very bad' Vanitas' thoughts raced through his head as he looked back and forth between his brother and the glowing door. Seth who has stayed close to Him since they left the Church looked just like anyone else in his black Cloak and mask.

"you!" Ashe said, pointing At Seth. "Go" Vanitas was about to say something when be felt a tug in his sleeve, Seth head gave a short shake and he walked forward his figure disappearing behind the door and then another loud bang and the doors slammed shut.

They had waited almost 2 hours until finally the door reopened again. and the Cycle repeated with Ashe picking someone at random and the doors slamming shut. the panic in Vanitas heart was building with every boom of the doors, how he manged to still stand was a mystery even to him. "You" Ashe spoke pointing at Vanitas. "go" this time Vanitas stepped toward the doorway, his hands balled into fists he clenched them tight, clenching his jaw as he pushed forward forcing his feet into moving. as he passed the doors he heard a boom behind him, there was no turning back now. As his footsteps echoed down the stone corridor he fears corroded his brain making any thought almost impossible.

Finally reaching the end of the corridor he turned a corner to be confronted by yet another door, just like the others this one also had a glowing golden sigil on the handle. as he stood in front of the door he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, before pushing the handle and entering the room beyond the doors.

Inside the large room Vanitas could feel the overwhelming aura of the room as soon as he stepped inside. There were two massive pillars in the center of the room and on either side of him the ceiling rose higher than what could be possible, the floor was covered with a large red and blue carpet. On each pillar were a few statues made out of gold and marble, all with an expressionless face with glowing yellow eyes. the statues were all standing straight and looking out into space, looking like they were observing everything that was happening. the walls were a bright white painted with various colors, it reminded him of a church. in the middle of the room there was a orb, it sat at the bottom center of the room near the edge of a stage that was raised up above the ground slightly and was surrounded by chairs for those watching. It stood alone in the corner with a pedestal in front of it and on the sides two smaller orbs. Vanitas couldn't help but notice that each one of them were glowing brightly. "What am I supposed to do now?" he whispered to himself.

Before he could continue his question the pedestal started to vibrate, a soft whirring noise could be heard. then a small beam of light appeared in the center of the pedestal and started swirling around creating a circle of light, like a miniature sun. the whirling stopped and the lights became much brighter, Vanitas jumped and covered his eyes as blinding light filled his vision. After what seemed like minutes but was really only 30 seconds the rays slowly faded. When Vanitas opened his eyes a new image stared back at him. the new scene took place in the center of the room. there before him was a table, and on the table sat a book that was resting on top of a white cloth. Vanitas saw a hand grab the book and set it aside, his mind going blank as he was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

before him was a woman, she was very pale her long flowing white dress draped gracefully across her body as she sat in her chair. Her eyes were closed and her face was expressionless, her lips parted slightly as her chest rose slowly as if she were taking deep breaths. Her dark hair was cut very carefully just below her chin.

A single lock falling down on her forehead.

Vanitas watched as the woman suddenly opened her eyes, he noticed how the light shining off them seemed to shine brighter, as did everything around him. His body shivered, the woman didn't seem bothered by his presence, instead she sat calmly in her seat staring directly at him. her gaze bore holes into his soul, Vanitas felt uncomfortable. "hello" her soft feminine sounding voice caused Vanitas to flinch as he tried not to let his fear show, he failed as his body shook.

Vanitas blinked trying to clear his head, his mouth felt dry and dryer. "Um, hi…my name's Vanitas" he stuttered.

"I know" she replied simply.

"oh" Vanitas said, his voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" she said softly.

"it's okay" Vanitas replied, his voice still shaky.

"I'm Sorensen"

Vanitas gave her a small smile "nice to meet you...Sorensen" he responded.

"your welcome…now…what exactly is it that you wish to achieve?"

Vanitas took a deep shuddering breathe "I don't know...maybe…I wanna try….try to become an Invoker..?" Vanitas felt himself falter under her gaze, her sharp green eyes seemed to drill holes into him. "uhmm...."

she hummed thoughtfully, tilting her head a bit. "yes I think I can understand your desire. but many wish to Invoke the soul but few can, do you know why that is?" her soft voice mused. Vanitas paused thinking before answering "no...no i don't" he replied quietly. Sorensen simply nodded "well, the answer lies within yourself"

Vanitas furrowed his brow "huh?" he asked confused.

"you seek to gain power"