
The end of US

A girl named Kaira having trouble with her own life, She need to choose. LIFE OR (DEATH) END. But she met someone that would make her feel alive again. A man that would make her feel loved and valued. What would she choose? Do really people think that the end of love doesn't exist? But they DO.

Lycein_umie · 都市
8 Chs

An anonymous call (3)



I got a call from an anonymous number; I felt weird, so I didn't pick it up.

but it just wouldn't stop calling me back.

So I tried to answer it.




In a few minutes, the person just kept being quiet, so I kind of got a weird feeling. I tried to talk, but still no one was answering.


Kaira:Hello? Uh, what do you want from me?

Why are you not talking? Who are you?

???: Meet me 

Kaira: why?Who even are you?

???:You will know if you come!

Kara: Where is it?

Where you always went to

Kara: In Ravenveil, Pojón?

???: Yes, meet me there at 5:00 p.m.

kaira: okay..




I don't know if I should go or not.

should i?

I suddenly jumped when Niro spoke out of the blue.


...to infinity and beyond...

What in the actual fuck?

What the heck are you doing?

get down 


Posing like a kid while standing at a dinner table


Gosh, why are you like this?

Niro: I'm always like this, acting like this, because it was my favorite movie when I was a kid.

Kaira: You're being weird (annoyed).


Niro:Why do you look so stressed? Are you good?

And with whom were you talking on the phone earlier?

Kiara: Nothing; it's just my friend.

Niro: But why do you look like someone is going to eat you? Is there something bothering you? he added.

Kara: Why did you suddenly ask so many questions?

Niro: Uhm, I'm just kind of worried, you know.

Kara: I'm going home later.

Niro: Why did you say you were going to stay until tonight?

Kaira: I need to go home; I'm worried about my mom. You know that I ran away.

Niro: Oh, can I drop you off?

kaira: No thanks; I can do it myself, and what if my mom thinks that we're dating?

And also, we just met yesterday, so stop acting like you actually care for me.

Niro:I do.(quietly)


~4:00 pm~


Niro: What are you thinking?

Kara: Nothing, anyway; I need to go now.

Niro: Wait, can I have your number?


kaira: why? I already have yours; don't worry, I'm still going to text you.

Niro: Wait, do you have my number?

how? I never gave it to you.

Kara: I saw your calling card in the guest room.

yesterday night, so I thought, why not take it?

Niro: Ok, but text me okay when you reach home.

Kaira: Why is this man suddenly acting like he is my boyfriend (in her mind)?



She reached the meeting location.


Kaira: Where is he? I didn't even know his name, so why did I even come here?

when suddenly a car hit her, and she passed out.


Her Pov


I felt something hit me from the back, and my vision suddenly got blurry and blurry until eventually everything went black.


Get her in the car.


???: Ok, boss


Her Pov 

I wake up in an unfamiliar room feeling dizzy and weak; my head hurts, and I can't even remember anything.


Kaira: What happened? Where am I?

You're finally awake.

kaira: Who are you?

You don't need to know.

kaira: why..? Is there something that you're hiding?

Wait, are you the man who called me earlier?

???: I don't know what you are talking about.

Kara: What do you mean, you're not him? And then, who are you, and why did you bring me here?

???: I accidentally hit you, which is why I decided to bring you here.

Kara: Um, but why here? not in the hospital?

???: I have an important meeting, so I told them to bring you here, and since I have a private doctor, I called her to check on you, and she said you're already okay now.

Kara: Why do I always need to bump into someone who is rich as fuck (in her mind)?

I would tell my driver to drop you off. Where do you live?

Kaira: No thanks; I need to meet someone.

Okay, then you can now leave.

kaira: what!! just like that after you hit me with that Lamborghini of yours, huh?

???: Then what do you want me to do? I already offered to drop you off, but you...

kaira:(walk away)



???: Hey, Miss, where are you going?

Kaira: I'm going home!

???: You don't want to eat?

Hearing that, I rush to him and ask, "Where's the food?" Forgetting I had to meet someone.

???:(chuckled)follow me

kaira: wow! I've never eaten something like this in my whole life. (Amazed)

You can eat as much as you want.

Kaira: If I could only eat all of them, I would.


~after eating~


Kara: I'm already full!

Kara: Wa... Wait, what time is it?

oh dang! I forgot I needed to meet someone.

I immediately said goodbye to him and headed to the meeting place.

(I called him.)

???: Why didn't you come?

Kara: I'm sorry, I need to do something, but I'm already here.

???:So do you want me to come there again?

kaira: Y..yess

???: Wait for me there.

kaira: okay

Before I could hang up, my mother ran to me.

Mom: My dear, what happened to you? Why did you run away? I'm so worried. Please come home now.

Kaira: I'm sorry, mom, for running away. I just couldn't take it anymore, but maybe I can go home now.

Mom: Thank you, my dear. I understand. Don't worry, mommy will always be there for you (while hugging Kaira).

Kaira: Thank you, mom (teary eyes).


(hung up)


Mom, can I stay here a little more?

Mom: Sure, I would pick you up at 9:00 p.m.

Kaira: Ok, mom, take care.


~After while~


???: So, are you ready?


Hi!Thank you for reading my story.

Stay tuned for upcoming new chapters, and if you like my story, please like and share.