
The End

Most people never think about seeing the end of the universe, sure their have been vids made and postulations done by the scientific community, but in the end all of it was plain speculation. Never did anyone believe that the end would actually come, and in a way no one predicted.

No one knows when it started but a few hundred years ago governments around the galaxies notice an anomaly near the edge of the observably universe. What they saw was not an explosion of thousands of super nova, nor black whole popping up to eat solar systems. No, what they saw was a blinding light of plasma that was moving like a tidal wave. It was the energy of the universe collapsing on it self.

To prevent mass panic, for the first time ever, all the governments allies or enemy came together and agreed to keep the end a secret from their citizenships. As colonies began to be consumed, leaders began to blame an enemy that came from dark space to cover their losses. They then began a series of programs to hopefully have as many survive the coming calamity.

One such program was the Ark Initiative, where each civilization came together to build massive stations to house as many people as possible that moves across the galaxy to hopefully find a safe haven.

The other program was just completed today and activated. Transmigration Initiative, a simple name but a complicated goal. It was a fleet of Arks that were equipped with experimental drive cores that were built with the hope to shift them to another universe or a parallel universe. Just like the Ark Initiative however hopes were not high.

Inside the command center of one of the last remaining Arks, was an old man dressed in a ceremonial military uniform looking out into the vastness of space. Behind him was young man with a communication tablet in his arms, looking solemn at his stoic commander.

"How is it?" the commander asked not looking away from the glass.

"Reports have come in that the last ships have disappeared," the young man replied.

"We can only pray that their mission is a success," the old man sighed and suddenly look ten years older. The young man nodded and said nothing else.

The old man turned around to look at the young officer in front of him.

"Tell me Lieutenant, how long have you been under my command?"

The young man hesitated doing the math in his head, "Close to five years, sir."

The commander nodded and may his way to a antique wooden liquor cabinet, taking an old bottle of bourbon and two glasses. He poured two glasses and waved his Lieutenant over. When the young man came over the old man handed him one of the glasses. The young man hesitated for just a second before taking the glass. The old commander raised his glass in a toast the young man followed suite.

"It's been an honor serving with you," the two clinked their drinks together then downed the liquor at once. The old man smiled when the other coughed as the alcohol burned down his throat.

"Go, join your family Lieutenant," he said, pouring himself another glass. The young man nodded, turned to leave but just before he walked out he door, he turned to the old man. With tears in his eyes he saluted, and held himself straight.

The commander smiled with his own tears threating to drop and returned the salute. Then he was left alone. He turned back to the observation window and sat down in a chair, slowly sipping his bourbon watching the infinite darkness before him, and a faint white line in the distance. The old man smiled and raised his glass once more, before the white line became a blazing wave. If this was the end, he thought, then this is a good end.

I know this is short, but it was concept thats been in my head for a while. Kind of a thought experiment on how the end of the universe would be. It's rough but I hope you enjoy.

RogueLuckcreators' thoughts