
The Empress Reign is Over

Thanks to her fiancé-to-be, Lucas Deutrich Laurence, the second prince of Rocchetta Kingdom who tried to kill her, Diana Evans finally gained full control of her life. Surviving her second death, her vengeful soul finally has a grasp of the body and mind. For her amusement, Lucas's mother—Ariana the Empress Regnant was the one who killed her in her first life as Milia Blois.

jessicarianna · 歴史
8 Chs

Your Highness

27 years ago…

At his 22nd birthday party, Albert Laurence, the Second Prince of Rocetta made an unexpected wish. He asks his father, Charles IV, the emperor's blessing to marry Ariana, the daughter of Marquess Brandon. In other words, he wanted to cancel his current engagement with Milia Blois.

Albert knew his father would grant his wish. Albert even promised to prepare his own wedding dowry. That later known, the dowry was a large piece of diamonds called Regent and a set of jewelry encrusted with Orlov Diamonds from the East Continent.

With such a lavish dowry and huge effort that Albert showed, the Emperor could not help but give Albert his blessing to be with the daughter of Marquess Brandon.

After that day Milia came to the palace from time to time to meet Albert. Then after a couple days of attempt, she finally was granted to see Albert.

"Your Majesty, Lady Blois has come to the Prince Palace. She was looking forward to having an audience with you."

"You mean, Milia? Alright, let her wait in the drawing room." Albert could have refused to meet Milia because she had come to the palace unannounced. Considering that Albert hadn't spoken to the girl at all, he thought to give her that granted.

Even so, the work in Albert's hands felt more important than rushing to meet his ex-fiancé. Albert unintentionally made Milia wait for two hours. Then when he came to the drawing room, Albert just sat in front of Milia waiting for the girl to speak.

The tea that was served again when Albert came in had even stopped emitting its smoke. The cakes on the plate were still neatly arranged without a single gap which meant Milia didn't even touch them at all.

"Don't you have anything to say?" asked Albert after they had been silent for a while. If Milia didn't answer then Albert would leave immediately, he couldn't waste any more time. There was a proposal plan that he had to complete.

Luckily Milia relented and opened her mouth, "Shouldn't I be the one saying that..."

Milia, this girl came with a bit of hope but…

"I have nothing to say for you."

[ Is that so? Am I not deserve even a single word of apology? ]

Milia didn't have high hopes, she just had little to hear Albert say 'sorry' with his own mouth. Was it too hard for Albert to say sorry? Milia would be very amused even if Albert's apology was just a formality and courtesy.

She just needed a single word. Albert didn't need to add excuses or regrets or guilt either. I'm sorry… that's it. It doesn't matter if it's a cold or empty word. Milia was eager to hear it, that way her soul might be saved.

"Should we end up like this?"

"The Emperor has agreed to my request and it has been decided. Didn't you come too late now?"

Too late he said? Milia came several times to the palace but she couldn't see Albert at all. That man was busy preparing the dowry to give to Ariana. So in the end this is also Milia's fault?

In recent days people have expressed sympathy for her. Well, it was because Albert was the first to choose Milia to be his fiancé and showered her with love.

Milia is Albert's first love. They first met at the first prince's birthday party. At that time little Milia was trying to approach the birthday boy to play together. Instead of hitting the first prince, Milia's courage and determination attract Albert's attention.

Little Albert went to his father the Emperor and asked Milia Blois as his fiancé. Ever since then Albert treats Milia like a queen and makes everyone believe that their love will last forever. Unfortunately no one knew that would come a day when Albert decided to end their fairy tale and started a new story with Ariana Brandon.

I don't know when and where their tales started going wrong…

Milia didn't see the sign at all. Albert has always been a warm man to her. They even entered hand in hand at the last birthday banquet. Albert was still holding Milia's hand before he came forward and received the gift from the emperor.

Milia didn't know it would be the last time Albert stood next to her and held her hand.

That night people started whispering after Albert made his wishes.

"There must be something wrong with Lady Blois…"

Everyone only knows to throw negative comments and blame on Milia. No one dared to blame Albert's sudden decision. They didn't even wonder when did Albert start seeing Ariana, how Albert fell in love with Ariana when he was already engaged or why Albert chose Ariana who was even lower in status than Milia.

The nobles were more concerned and interested in cornering Milia and pushing the Blois Dukedom to their downfall.

There was a huge uproar after Albert and Milia's engagement was officially annulled. As a result, the Emperor himself decided to meddle and even asked forgiveness with his own mouth.

Charles IV prepared a large amount of compensation for the Blois Family because his son had broken his betrothal. His majesty even offered something no less insane than his second son's request:

"Lady Blois, I still had a hope that you would like to become a part of the royal family and for that I will gladly give my blessing if you are willing to continue the engagement with my first son, Arthur Laurence."

Milia… engaged to the First Prince?

"Arthur has agreed to this plan of mine. He promised to be a better man than Albert. Please think carefully about my offer."

"Thank you very much for Your Majesty's generosity and concern. But I can't accept anything more than material things. I hope Prince Arthur will find an outstanding woman who he truly loves with all his heart." For that Milia has no desire to accept His Majesty's offer.

The Emperor's offer made another big wave. The news spread faster than ever, leaving everyone furious and wondering:

"What did Lady Blois have to make the emperor insist on making her daughter-in-law for the royal family?"

And the situation at that time couldn't get any more murky…

Someone tried to poison Ariana. The timing was just right when Albert presented the dowry, so at that time Ariana got immediate treatment and saved. Still Ariana fell ill at that gloomy time.

Albert mobilized all the royal investigators to investigate the case and it was no coincidence that the evidence gathered by investigators pointed to Duke Blois.

The betrothal annulation between his daughter and the prince made no sense at all. It was only natural that Duke Blois would develop a resentment against the royal family and especially Ariana Brandon. There is enough reason for him to try to assassinate Ariana Brandon and everyone agreed to inflict proper punishment on Duke Blois and his family.

Milia couldn't believe her father would do something rash like that. But with all the evidence at hand Milia has no chance to defend her father or seek the truth.

Under Albert's orders, Duke Blois was sentenced to death. All the assets and property of the Duke Blois family were confiscated by the royal family. Meanwhile Milia lost her peerage as a princess and she was being thrown out to the palace dungeon.

Albert's anger did not stop there. After imprisoning Milia, Albert gives Milia the same poison as the poison that almost killed Ariana. It goes little by little through the food.

Of course Milia realized her food was poisoned. There was a strong tremor in her chest, pain all over her joints, and an unbearable feeling of nausea that had come after Milia had eaten the food in prison. The food that soon makes her body ruined from the inside.

Milia would die if she continued to eat all that food, moreover she would definitely die if she didn't eat at all. Albert must have really wanted to sentence Milia to death. Somehow he still let Milia live until almost a year had passed…

Maybe because he was too busy to prepare for his wedding to Ariana or because he thought Milia would die by herself with all the poison he gave her.

In a meantime the Emperor finally gave the title of Crown Prince to Albert. The night of Albert's conation celebration also turned into his engagement party to Ariana.

Exactly at night of coronation… a visitor came to the palace dungeon.

"Ariana…" Milia couldn't help but pronounce the name of the woman standing outside the prison bars. She was the only woman in the kingdom who had golden hair and red jewels eyes.

The one and only, Ariana Brandon. The girl that Albert swore to be the last woman in his life. Milia didn't know what was going on in the palace, but seeing how magnificent Ariana's dress was tonight she knew that there was a big celebration in the palace.

"How should I address you right now? Is it, Your Highness?"