
The Empress Reign is Over

Thanks to her fiancé-to-be, Lucas Deutrich Laurence, the second prince of Rocchetta Kingdom who tried to kill her, Diana Evans finally gained full control of her life. Surviving her second death, her vengeful soul finally has a grasp of the body and mind. For her amusement, Lucas's mother—Ariana the Empress Regnant was the one who killed her in her first life as Milia Blois.

jessicarianna · 歴史
8 Chs

Magical Mercenary

Diana took a drink and retired to the back balcony. She eyed the engagement ring on her finger. Well, not so bad, although her engagement ring used to be more opulent.

Again, in her lifetime she became a prince's betrothed. A terrible fate, if only the prince was not the son of Ariana. She will surely enjoy her second life and forget about the past.

Diana took off her engagement ring, disgusted at the thought that Lucas was Ariana's son. What's more, that man had tried to kill her. The more she thought the more she loathed this sickened royal family and suddenly the ring slipped from Diana's hand.

Her engagement ring with Lucas just fell from the balcony. Diana glanced down at the garden below the balcony, momentarily at a loss as to what to do. From where she stood, it looked as if the ring had fallen into a bush of lady's mantles—the little yellow flowers that said were Ariana's favorite.

How did Diana know? Oh, that's easy, Yona, her mother is a big fan of the empress and since her childhood Yona has always tried to make Diana have the same interests as Ariana. Luckily it didn't work too well.

Ah, considering those yellow flowers were Ariana's favorite, ruining them should almost be tantamount to smearing the empress' face. Diana was tempted to head down into the garden below and give it a try but she just felt lazy. Damaging those flowers wasn't enough to relieve her sorrow and it would only tire her unnecessarily.

Diana thought again, the drink in her glass was finished. She'd better get back inside the ballroom, the spring's air was starting to make her shiver.

Just as Diana was about to shoot from the balcony a small object flashed right in front of her eyes. It was her engagement ring that had fallen off.

What happened? Diana stepped back, getting ready to run away.

Though maybe the ring had some kind of magic that could make it return to its owner if it was lost? Very efficient but when you think about it, it's more like a ring filled with curses. Albert hated her, he couldn't possibly give Diana anything good.

"Why don't you take it?" The voice of the man next to Diana was even more surprising, she didn't see that man coming. The strange man lifted his finger and in an instant the engagement ring was back on Diana's finger.

The man smirked at the expression on Diana's face. "My pleasure to help you, my lady"

To be honest it wasn't that bad, Diana experienced something even greater: remembering her previous life and staying alive after falling from a third floor balcony. She didn't expect the engagement ring to come back either. So what if it's gone?

Diana was even compelled to let go of the engagement ring from her hand.

"You're going to take it off again? What if the ring is lost again?"

"I think it will be fine. I can get a new one. His Highness Prince Lucas would not really care about it." Diana raised her hand in posing to throw the ring as far as possible.

"Are you foolish!" that strange man stopped Diana, he accidentally pointed his sword at Diana's neck to do that

"Tch! What exactly are you? An assassin?"

"Ah, pardon me, I didn't mean it. Don't worry, I'm not an assassin. This sword is just a decoration after all." He swung the sword into his arm and nothing happened, it pierced through like an illusion.

"That… How! Are you a sorcerer?" Diana shuddered at the thought that this freak man was about to lose an arm.

"Not really. Let's just say that I am a priest who has some grace from the Goddess. You know, like a holy power."

"Oh, really? I've never seen a priest carry a sword let alone draw it at anyone." However this man is suspicious.

"Well, to tell you the truth I'm not a priest. I don't want to be a priest either." After all he was no longer fit to be in church and be around holy people. "That would be enough about me. I hear you survived death, Lady Evans."

"How do you know? I thought the accident I had yesterday was being kept a secret by the royal family because there is a certain someone related." Diana was sure of it because her father didn't even say anything or ask about her condition when they met today. Therion wasn't a bad father, he couldn't stay silent if he knew his daughter was almost dying.

Lucas must have silenced the royal attendants at the palace. Even though no one knew that he was the one who pushed her from the balcony, the event was bound to stir up speculation and create unnecessary tension. Even more, at this time Lucas was trying to build a good reputation in order to get the chance to win the title of Crown Prince of Rocchetta. There should be no mistakes affecting his image.

Alternatively, Ariana also stepped in to protect the royal family's reputation. The point is people in the royal palace have agreed that the incident never took place. Even Liam has kept his mouth shut.

"Information always has its way of escaping, Lady Evans. Some people might have heard of it too but they didn't bother. In my case, I'm curious to know how it worked?"

Diana briefly heard Ariana's voice when she first came to the prison. Surviving death is not an achievement but people are always bothered by this kind of miracle.

"Maybe it's a blessing for the Goddess. She doesn't want me to die before I do this and that."

"Oh, this and that? I see you will do well. So, my lady, as your reward for surviving and recovering let me lend a hand for you and make this and that happen."

"Are you actually coming here to promote yourself with a bit of magic?"

"Haha... I start to take a liking to you, Lady Evans. I'm serious, you can think of me as your servant. If you need my help, snap your fingers three times and call my name and I will come right away."

"Are you the genie from The Arabian Nights now?"

"You can call me Felix. I will play the role of a genie that will grant you your wish if that is what you want my lady. May I…" The man took Diana's hand and kissed it as if signing a contract between them.

"Lady Evans…"

Diana turned around at the voice calling her. There was Prince Austin standing in the doorway. "How is your condition? Are you feeling any better?"

When Diana turned again, Felix was not there to be found, while her hand just hung in the empty air. Was it all just her illusion?

"The introductory song to the last dance will be played soon. I hope you will keep your promise to dance with me my lady," that's what Prince Austin said.

See how persistent this first prince is. He must have been a debt collector in the past seeing how abruptly he came here to look for her. How interesting! Later Diana took Austin's hand and returned to the ballroom to dance along to the last song.

That's how the engagement party ended. After the party, the empress planned to hold a tea party and invite noble ladies who held important positions in the Rocchetta Kingdom to attend.

Prior to that, as the fiancé of a prince, Diana had a duty to find a lady-in-waiting to serve her. Not an easy task because of his background as a commoner. Therion had sent out several letters of inquiry to some houses and they should be arriving today.

Diana had to use this opportunity well and be careful because a lady-in-waiting is like a double-edged sword for a royal member. They can be useful attendants or opportunists seeking for chances and some benefit. On another occasion they could have been spies sent by people who didn't like her position as the prince's fiancé. Lucas is no exception.

Unfortunately on the day of the meeting with her lady in waiting, only one girl showed up and greeted her.

"Good afternoon, Lady Evans. My name is Felicia Aubrey from Middleton Barony. I'm ready to serve you." The girl named Felicia smiled broadly as she introduced herself.

This reality is worse than Diana expected. She had absolutely no reputation among the nobility to the extent that only one person was willing to serve as her lady in waiting. Diana has no option to choose, the good thing is she has less worries of spies.

Felicia must have seen the disappointment on Diana's face so she said, "My lady, even though I'm the only one at the moment, I will try my best to help you."

"Surely. Thank you, Ms. Aubrey."

"Just call me Felicia my lady."

"All right, Felicia, starting today I'm in your care."

Somehow she sounded like someone familiar to Diana. Like a certain magical mercenary that appeared last night and disappeared with no trace. Are they possibly a relative?