
Chapter 1

Staring blankly at the black sky, Jun Shen had no clue what he did to deserve this. Deserve what you ask? The 27 stab wounds and 6 bullet holes in his body is what. How did this happen to him, you ask? Well, he really has no idea.

He was simply minding his own business and was walking home after he finished his shift at work, when he heard begging and screams coming from an alleyway he walked past. He could tell the screams were that of a woman, so he ran into the alleyway and saw a woman being raped by 3 men, making him angry.

Why was he angry for some random person he doesn't know? Well, it is this situation that caused his little sister to die 3 years ago when she was 16, which is why he is always angry whenever something like this happens near him.

Grabbing a big stone off of the ground, he rushes at the rapists and smashed the back of one of their heads with the stone, causing the head of the first man to tear and rapidly bleed. After the first man fell onto the ground unconscious, he went to hit one of the other rapists when he felt a burst of pain in his back, making him stumble.

He looked backwards and saw a man he didn't see earlier with a dagger in his hand that was covered in blood, his blood. Before he could do anything else, a loud sound was heard multiple times from behind him, near where the other two men were still standing.

As soon as the loud sounds appeared, he felt multiple bursts of pain in the back and left shoulder, making him realize he was shot. He wanted to struggle but he simply fell to the ground, powerless to fight back.

In the end, the man he smashed in the back of the head with the stone slowly got up and pulled a dagger out from his pants and repeatedly stabbed him all over his body, which is where we get to the present point.

He has no idea how he hasn't died yet considering the amount of wounds on his body, and the fact it has already been 2 minutes since the rapists left him in the alley after dragging the woman away with them.

Finally, his vision blackened completely and he felt something pull his body, or more like his soul, into somewhere foreign to him. He was stunned when he opened his eyes, looking around at the giant room he appeared in.

"Am I still alive? No, I am definitely dead after all of those stab wounds and bullets shot into my body, so where the heck am I? Is this where people who die go or something? Huh, I always thought everyone would simply cease to exist after they died..." Jun Shen mumbled to himself.

He was about to go and explore this big room he was in, as he might find something that would explain why he was there, when he suddenly heard a voice from behind him, making him turn around in a flash.

He saw what seemed like a woman but the body was more like that of a man, making Jun Shen confused. He shook his head and ignored the strangeness of the person who suddenly appeared and was about to ask where he was when the person spoke first.

"No need to ask where you are. You are within the boundary between life and death, or simply the void if you wish. I simply have one question to ask you: Do you want to live again? Or do you wish to stay dead?" The person said to Jun Shen.

Live again, or stay dead? Jun Shen was confused by the question asked. He wondered if this person in front of him was some sort of God or something, or else why would they ask him such a question all of the sudden?

"Heh, I am certainly not a God. If I was, I would simply create somebody to take your place instead of bringing you here after you died. The reason I brought you here was because if you agreed, you would be reborn into a parallel world as a type of entertainment for me. If you don't want to live again, you would just be sent to the Reincarnation Cycle and reincarnate without your memories. Now, do you agree to be my entertainment or do you wish to be reincarnated?" The person said.

Jun Shen thought for a moment and decided to agree to be the persons entertainment, as it allows him to live once again. If he could keep his memories when he entered the Reincarnation Cycle he would of certainly chose that, but since he doesn't keep his memories he chose to be the persons entertainment in the end.

"Splendid! Now let me explain to you about this situation. One, you will be transmigrated to a parallel Earth, one that has magic, abilities, skills, whatever you want to call them. There are also monsters, dungeons and many other similar things there. I will be sending you there the day the world experiences it's change, which is when the magic and monsters start appearing. Also, since you are not a native to that world, I will gift you with one special ability for you to use there. Now, which ability do you want? Choose from this list." The person said while swiping their hand in the air, causing a giant list to appear in front of Jun Shen.

Looking at the list, Jun Shen could see hundreds of thousands of different abilities on the list, which is giving him a headache. There are abilities like Cooking, Martial Arts, Driving, Piloting, Engineering, Language Comprehension, Flight, Invisibility, Teleportation, Regeneration, Cloning, Telepathy, Blacksmith Mastery, Alchemy, Space Magic, Time Magic, Elemental Magic, Immortality, Eternal Youth, Inventory Skill, Creation Magic and so on.

Looking at all of the abilities he could choose, he was dumbstruck. While some of them are pretty useless, there are many good abilities on the list. For example, the Martial Arts, Language Comprehension, Regeneration, Immortality and the Creation Magic. Not to mention the Elemental Magic, which consists of all elements, which he can choose one of.

He was slightly tempted to choose the Immortality, but he decided against it in the end, as he would end up living alone for all of eternity if he chose that, and he would have to watch any friends and family he gains die while he lives forever, which would make him too depressed.

Finally, he eyed a special ability on the list, Darkness Control. It allows him to do anything that uses the dark, such as teleporting to shadows of people, stealth, diving into shadows, using darkness to attack people like magic, such as creating a spear of darkness and similar stuff to that.

Not to mention he can get stronger and stronger by killing people or monsters and absorbing their abilities with the darkness power, letting his strength increase as well as many other things. Looking at that, he didn't hesitate and chose Darkness Control right off the bat.

"Ah, a good choice. Darkness is one of the strongest elemental powers out their, alongside Lightning and Fire. Not to mention it can be strengthened with the more abilities you absorb from other people or monsters. Well, since you have chosen your special ability, it is time to send you to the world now. Please do entertain me!" The person said while waving his hand again.

Before Jun Shen could ask anything, a purple portal appeared in front of him and sucked him in without letting him resist, and before he could react, he was instantly knocked unconscious the second he was through the portal, not knowing where it would take him.

Looking at Jun Shen who successfully got sucked into the portal, the person had a grin on their face and slight anticipation could be seen sparkling within their eyes, as well as playfulness and excitement towards the future.