
The Emperor's Rise

A story of how a ordinary boy became a ruthless demon and Emperor of his very own empire just so he can go back home. -This is not a system/culvitation Novel,it will be pretty grim and fun depending on the situation.I am not a good writer by any means- On hiatus

K3bab_Man · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Taken away

Mike opened his eyes to find dense fog all around him. "Hello? is anybody there?". Then, a thundering voice came from all angles."You must defeat them,You must protect this world". Mike asked "Who are you? What even is this place?!".. "Me? Something above your paygrade. This place? Me"."This is not the time for jokes. Answer me! "

"I am a god." "Huh?" Mike was not very religious but still believed in God. The thing was , the God Mike knew didn't make sh*tty jokes.Still believing this was some sort of joke , Mike asked it to prove its godhood.He shouldn't have as he started feeling extreme pain all over his body." We shall meet again,human" Just like that Mike fell unconcious.--------------- -----------------When Mike woke up,he found himself staring at the sky. He got up and saw forest as far as his eyes could see. Another thing he realized was that his hands were abnormally pale and fingers long and sharp."What happened? Why are my hands like this?" he questioned. Then he lowered his head to look at his torso and what he saw horrified him, his body was as white as snow and he could see his bones sticking out. He also realized that he was much taller now."F*ck". He pinched himself with the hopes he was just dreaming, even if he could feel the wind touch his slim body. He really was taken away from his home, his friends, everything and everyone he was accustomed. Clearly he wasn't dreaming because the moment he pinched himself with his razor fingertips it hurt. He also had felt something on his head from the moment he woke up and touched it to check, turns out he also has horns! "Why do i look like this? Was that person really god?" for the next few minutes he pondered, entirely dazed at what had happened. Finally he came to his senses and started walking in the forest without any kind of direction. Meanwhile he was still asking himself questions "Where am i , Why am i here?" but instead of getting answers he only got a loud screech. Out of nowhere a weird creature with 6 limbs came. It had dark, sturdy skin and also a pair of horns on top of its head. It kind of looked like a baby human/lizard combination except the fact it larger than a baby or a lizard. Before Mike could even ponder what the thing was another two came out of the bushes. Even though Mike was larger in there were more of them and they clearly were planning to kill Mike.Seeing this, Mike started running away like any sane person would.The creature pack gave chase after him.They moved quickly, jumping from tree to tree and Mike realized that if he didn't do something they would eventually catch up.