
The Emperor's Rise

A story of how a ordinary boy became a ruthless demon and Emperor of his very own empire just so he can go back home. -This is not a system/culvitation Novel,it will be pretty grim and fun depending on the situation.I am not a good writer by any means- On hiatus

K3bab_Man · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Prologue - An Ordinary Day

This is my first time writing anything,so i would greatly appreciate your feedback.I am writing this for fun and hope i can entertain people.My first language is not English so don't hesitate to correct me.

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As the sunlight shone on his face, Mike started to wake up.

It was another day in his simple life as it was the case for most people.

He was lucky enough to have been born into a fairly happy middle class family in the US.

He had good grades , a decent social life and was considered a good person by most of the people he knew.

After sitting in his bed for a while he finally got out of his bed and washed his face, ate breakfast and wore his school uniform.

He said goodbye to his parents and left for school.

On the way there he met his best friend, John.

"Hey Mike, how is it going?".

"Pretty terrible you know. I hate waking up this early, infact i hate waking up at all !".

John laughed a bit as they started walking across the road.

His laugh was clearly artificial but to give him credit it wasn't a funny joke or even a joke at all.

The two chatted until they got to the school and then split up to go to their respective classrooms.

School was the mostly same boring schedule.

Mike listened to the lesson,went to take a piss... things students do.

The only lessons he was truly interested in were history and geography because he was a strategy nerd.

The type of person that sits in front of a computer for hours end playing 4X or RTS games.

It was truly suprising that he had friends in the first place.

He was very excited to get back home and play as Gilga-bro clearly.

When the last lesson ended, he said goodbye to his friends and started going home.

John stayed at school for training as he was in the school's football team.

He was walking back home alone, bored and tired.

When crossing the road, instead of a truck hitting him, a white light covered his whole body and disappeared before anyone could see it.

Taking him with it.