
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · アニメ·コミックス
205 Chs

Chapter 49


This is for all of my pookies :3 you know who you are... this is also as an apology for baiting y'all with a chapter yesterday

Well enjoy 😉


[Third Person's PoV]

Iris was looking out the window from her office with tears in her eyes "Just where are you Alexia" she muttered.


"What?" Iris said confused and looked closer onto the capital. She saw smoke come up from the middle of the capital, when she saw it her eye's opened wide in shock.

"The capital is under attack, damn it! Alexia could be in danger. GUARDS!" Iris calls out and as she did two guards burst the door open with their sword in hand

"Yes, Princess?"

"Are you okay, princess?"

Iris shook her head, "I'm okay but the capital isn't, it's under attack. Go and gather all the other and let's move and stop these terrorists that think they could do what they please in my Kingdom"

"As you command, Princess" said both of the guards as they quickly left and went to do what they were told.

Iris just grips her sword tightly until her knuckles turn white "I swear, I don't know who you are but if something happens to my sister there will be hell to pay"

And with that Iris runs out of the office, she went and commanded the rest of the knights available.


Just when Alexia was about to start speaking again to the creature to her side, the lanky scientists came running down with rapid speed while cursing like a sailor.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, they're here, they're here, why now, why now when I just came this close to discovering the secret to reviving the demon. Fuck why couldn't they just stay in the countryside and deal with our small bases like they always have"

Alexia hearing this grew smug thinking they were here to rescue her 'It must be the knights Order, my sister must have found me. Finally I can get out of this shit hole. I still have to be careful, this weirdo can still use me as a hostage'

Alexia then spoke to the lanky man "Hey, why don't I make you a deal? You release me and I can talk the Knight Order to not hurt you, what do you say?"

"Knight Order? You think I give a fuck about the Knight Order. You think we would have went and taken you if we feared them. No they're the least of our problems.

I know what I must do I must drain her of all her blood before I escape. It's the only way for me to complete my research and escape"

The lanky man then grew angrier and started kicking the monstrous creature


"STOP IT! You're hurting it" cried Alexia

The building then started shaking as dust flew everywhere

"FUCK! They're all ready here" the guy now was gripping his hair in panic.

"Who's this they you keep talking about" asked Alexia curiously. 'If it isn't the Knights Order who else could it be'

The scientist didn't even answer just grew more panicked "They won't show mercy to anyone, everyone that tries to stand in their way would just get slaughtered."

Desperate, the scientists grabbed a syringe from his lab coat that was filled with bright red liquid.

"There's no other choice the only way to survive it to send you after them and maybe stall them for a while, while I escape. ALTHOUGH IT WASN'T PERFECT IT WAS CLOSE ENOUGH, NOW GO, GO AND SHOW THEM A GLIMPSE OF THE DEMON DIABOLOS"

The scientists without mercy plunged the syringe onto the creature and injected it with the red liquid. The creature started to grow larger and larger while it roared in pain.


The lanky scientists loosing it looked at the growing creature in fascination "Yes YES THIS IS IT, IT'S BEAUTIFUL"

The chains that were holding the creature in place snapped due to the creature's height and strength. When it got freed the first thing it did was squash the scientists with it large hands and claw.


Alexia just look at this in disgust not expecting to see something so gruesome. The creature then swiped it's giant claws at Alexia. Meanwhile Alexia closed her eyes anticipating her death, but instead it broke her chains, sending Alexia flying and colliding into a wall.

When she opened her eye's she saw the creature escaping and destroying the walls in the process. Seeing this Alexia sighed in relief, as she softly whispered "see even a big monstrous creature likes me, I'm sure his wives will like me as well"

Alexia then got up and saw a sword laying around on the ground, picking it up she swung it around "It's not in the best conditions but I can work with this"

Just when she was about to leave Zenon appeared looking worried "Ah Princess I was finally able to find you, come let's escape it's going to be dangerous around here"

Alexia didn't pay attention to him and just pointed her sword at him "How did you find me?"

Zenon just looked at her in confusion "I followed your magic signature of course"

Alexia didn't look amused "That's funny, throughout all of this I was in magic sealing chains. So how could you have found me..."

Zenon the looked at Alexia for a bit before dropping all pretense "HAHAHAHA you sure are one amusing Princess I'll tell you that"


The creature that was taller than any building started going on a rampage destroying everything in sight. Leaving casualties in its wake.

Iris came running at full speed and cut off the creature's arms saving a couple of knights that were fighting the creature.

She then turned towards the knights and asked "Are you guys alright"

The Knights all sighed in relief before one of them shouted "LOOK OUT"

But it was too late, the creature regrew it's arm and swung it towards Iris. Sending her flying and smashing onto buildings making her head flow with blood.

Which she quickly stopped, she quickly got up and healed herself before running back towards the creature cutting off more of its limbs but the creature would just regenerate them back and strike Iris, again and again leaving her in a worst state then the last.

Making Iris click her tongue in annoyance. "Fine I'll guess I'll just keep cutting you until you can't regenerate any more"

Iris then started to gather magic power and spread it throughout her whole body enhancing every part of it. The ground caved in due to the force of Iris step, as she ran at full speed towards the creature.

When she arrived infront of it she started swinging her sword all over the place cutting and amputating the creature over and over and over and over and over again.

The creature started getting used to the cuts and as it did Iris's sword started doing less damage to it making her click her tongue. The creature unexpectedly grabbed Iris by her leg and started smashing and swinging her all over the place, making Iris almost unconscious.

Before the creature could do any more damage Alpha came and cut the creature's arm the was holding Iris, giving her the time to perfectly healed herself. Even though she was still injured she wasn't at the verge of unconsciousness anymore.

Alpha then turned towards Iris and all Iris saw were golden dragon slit staring deep at her "I'm going to have to ask you to stay out of the way, you're too weak to be in this type of fight, and you're only hurting her"

Iris hearing this grew enraged. 'Weak?! Me?! Who does she think she is?'

Before Iris could express her displeasure Alpha disappeared from her view and reappeared infront of the creature with a slime sword in hand.

And while in the air she said softly with a warm smile "Don't worry everything is going to be alright we'll get you the help you need"

She then closed her eyes swung her sword with grace cutting the creature in half. All that was left were steam due to the creature.

Iris just look at this in shock 'Fast! I didn't even see her move and her sword movements were so beautiful. Just who is she'

Iris carefully asked "Just who are you"

Through the steam one could see her silhouette holding up the body of a little child. The only thing that were visible were her golden dragon eyes.

"The name is Alpha, a member of Shadow Garden, the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Sin of Pride.

That is all you need to know"

And with that Alpha completely disappeared from all of their views. While Iris just mutters

"Shadow Garden..."

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Shadow_D_Monarch3creators' thoughts