
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · アニメ·コミックス
159 Chs

Chapter 34 *R18*


Everyone unexpectedly freaking loved last chapter, funny thing was half way through it i got this insane headache.

I was just going to leave it half finished but I decided to say fuck it and continue writing, and that's how I discovered my gift of being able to write scenes while in pain....

*proceeds to bang head against the wall to see if it still works*

By the way, it's insane how I got 1,000 power stones, I'm not sure if you guys notice but I never asked for them, not even once.

So seeing all the support is amazing, 🙇‍♂️ thank you....


~Omni pov~

After Cid finished exploring the city, he decided to just go home.

When he arrived, he found his sister in the training yard practicing her swordsmanship. When Claire noticed Cid she called him over.

When he got close to her, she stopped what she was going to say and started sniffing the air. She then got closer to Cid and started sniffing him all over.

And with a serious tone she asked "Who have you been with? And why do I smell the lingering scent of multiple women? Are you having sex with them? How many are they?"

Cid then just casually replied "Don't worry about it, Don't worry about it, Not yet, and seven... for now"

Claire's face then turns irritated "What do you mean for now?"

"Don't worry about it"

Claire then swung her practice sword directly at Cid which he easily dodged.

She didn't stop at just one swing, she kept swinging at him trying to at least get a it in but they all missed.

When he turned his back at her so he could go grab a sword for himself, Claire saw it as the perfect opportunity to strike. Cid with his back turned just dodged it all the same, irritating Claire even further.

When he grabbed his own practice sword Claire still annoyed at Cid for seeing other girls started swinging at him with more aggression.

'Why would he need any other girl when he has me right infront of him, I better take action quickly before some unexpected bitch gets to him first'

And with that they spent the rest of the afternoon practicing.

It was now night time and Cid was laying in bed looking at the ceiling in deep thought when the door was then carefully opened.

It was Claire and she was wearing her sleeping wear.

She then slowly closed the door and started walking towards Cid. Cid didn't even look at her and asked "What are you doing here, especially during this time"

Claire didn't speak but started crawling sensually towards Cid when she got on the bed. She then climbed on top of him and put her hands on his bare chest as he doesn't normally wear a shirt when going to sleep.

Claire then gained a serious expression as she asked "Answer me honestly, are you a virgin?"

Cid then looked at his sister with a raised brow "Why should that matter and didn't I previously say that I didn't have sex"

"You just said you didn't have sex with them meaning the ones who's smell was all over you, you could have had lost your virginity to someone else entirely and I wouldn't have known"

"Sighhh, no I haven't lost my virginity, happy?"

"Very" Claire said, which she then proceeded to lower her head towards Cid's neck and started kissing and licking it softly.

"After all, all you're first times should belong to me"

She then started aiming her kisses more upwards and went straight towards his mouth.

Cid inwardly smirk knowing where this was going and silently made a barrier using sound magic so sound doesn't escape the room.

As she started kissing him, Claire started to grind her hips against his making their pleasure heighten.

She then slowly backed away and pressed her forehead against his and looked directly into his eyes.

"You are too handsome for your own good and incredibly powerful as well. Alot of pretty bitches and sluts from high places are going to be coming after you and some may succeed in capturing your heart. So you're probably going to have a harem of incredibly beautiful thots.

So I'm going to make sure I'm your most important."

She then smirked "After all everyone remembers their first times, so I'm going to take them all for myself"

And with that she went back to kissing him.

After a while she backed away as a string of saliva still connected them, she proceeded to lick her lips while looking at him and slowly take off what she was wearing.

When she was done she tossed it towards the floor and came off from on top of Cid, she then proceeded to take a hold of his pants and slowly take them off.

When she finished she looked at his dick in amazement as she took a hold of it. 'It's quite big' Claire thought as she proceeded to start stroking it lightly.

And with her tongue she moved her mouth closer and licked the based of his dick all the way towards the top.

Once she reached the tip she encased it with her mouth and proceeded to suck on it and lick all around the head of his dick.

While that was happening she would look up towards Cid to get his reaction but he just had his hands under his head in a relax manner.

Claire just got irritated seeing no reaction from him, so she took the entire thing in her mouth.


She then slowly moved her head up and down. While moving her head she started to lick all around his shaft in rhythm with her head movement. When she started using her tongue she felt a hand on her head pushing it down further and caressing it.

*guk* *guk* *guk* *guk* *guk* *guk*


*guk* *guk* *guk* *guk* *guk*

"You're surprisingly good at this, keep going I'm close"

Claire hearing his compliment smirk and pick up the pace.

*guk* *guk* *guk* *guk* *guk* *guk*

"Oh Fuck" Cid exclaimed as he sat up and took a hold of her head with both of his hands and pushed her head further down.

"I'm cumming"

*Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt*

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

After each cum shot Claire would just start swallowing it without an ounce of hesitation.

When he was finished Cid just plopped back on the bed, while Claire lifted her head up high and let out a breath of satisfaction.

While wiping the corner of her mouth with her tongue she said "That tasted very good"

Taking a hold of his tool she started stroking it making it hard once again. When it got hard she slowly hovered over it, she started to guide his dick right towards her entrance.

While guiding she started to run his dick on her entrance and say "As you can see, I'm already wet, so it should go in smoothly"

She then took a deep breath to prepare herself and slowly started sinking onto it, until it met a barrier that was stopping it.

Cid seeing her nervousness took a hold of her hips and made her look towards him "You ready?" He asked, to which she shyly nodded.

Cid nodded right back and thrusted his full length right into her depth destroying the barrier that was stopping her previously.

"~Oooowwww~" Claire moaned from the pain as blood started coming down.

She laid down in Cid's chest and started breathing heavily due to the pain with tears in her eyes "Wait a minute, it hurt more than I was expecting"

After a few minutes Claire got her breathing under control and sat up from his chest, she then looked at Cid and said "I'm ready, you can start"

Cid while holding her hips started to thrust upwards slowly at first.



The pain Claire was previously feeling quickly turned into pleasure.

"Fasterrrr!!! ~Awwhhhh~"

Cid hearing her moans started picking up the pace. Which prompted Claire to moan even louder.



Claire while riding Cid just started biting her lips due to the exceptional pleasure she was feeling.

Cid took his hands off her hips and made his way towards her breast. When he started playing with them Claire let out soft subtle moans. She took her hand and held Cid's hand in place of her breast and made him squeeze even harder.


Claire then started to grind her hips with Cid still inside of her.

"Faster, please go faster I'm really close." Claire pleaded.

"Shit, I'm close too"

"Let's do it together, at the same time. And come inside"

Cid nodded as he started to go even faster. The only sounds that could be heard were the sound of grunting and moaning and the bed squeaking.

Claire shut her eyes and looked upwards and muttered lustfully "It's coming "

Cid just continued at his regular pace until they both came at the same time.

~AHHHHH I'M CUMMING... aaaaaahhhhhhh~"

*Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt*

With heavy breathing Claire plopped down back onto Cid's chest taking a breather with a goofy satisfied smile.

She then lightly muttered "Best birthday present ever"

Cid's eyes then went wide 'Oh shit that's right her birthday celebration party is tomorrow... although she's already 15, the celebration happens a few weeks after.'

Cid then turned Claire and laid her down on the bed and with a smirk said "Don't think we're done with just one round, the night is still ahead of us"

Claire's eyes went wide as Cid who still hasn't disconnected from Claire started pistoning his member back inside her...

And with that they spent the long night in each other's embrace until morning came.