
The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows

What happened when an actor/assassin reincarnates as Minoru (Cid's previous incarnation) and then later gets reincarnated once again as Cid Kagenou aka Shadow with the powers of The Shadow Monarch, read and find out.

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · アニメ·コミックス
204 Chs

chapter 12

~Omni Pov~

"Since you're the only one left alive it's going to be tough for you to even get started on finding a place to live

So how about a invest in you and we can plan out your future" Azrael said to Yukime who was sitting down near her mothers grave and looking over her burnt village .

Yukime just nodded feeling lost on what to do next since she doesn't have any money or residence, since her whole village is destroyed.

The shadow soldiers then came marching from the village with a bag over their shoulder and as they marched they made their way towards Azrael dropping the bag by his feet and kneeled down while looking up towards him for praises.

Azrael seeing them just rolled his eyes at their exaggeration and said "Good worrk" which cause the shadow soldier to beam in happiness

And with that they went inside his shadow happy at being praised by their Monarch.

Yukime seeing all this happened, just stood there in shock

'Just who is this being... And how strong is he truly to possess such unearthly abilities that are out of this world'

While looking up at him she asked hesitantly "Just who are you"

While still looking at the village he answered "You can just called me Azrael and thats all you need to know, the time is not right for you to know anything else"

Azrael then looked at the bag infront of him and said "This is for you, in there is all the zenis in the village, there should be more than a million zenis in the bag, it should help you out when you need it"

Yukime then looked at him in surprise "Are you seriously giving all of this to me? Why?"

"Like I said it's an investment, I might need your help in the future.

As for what to do with all that money, you could go to the lawless city and buy a building and buy some girls turn it into a brothel and make even more money

You don't even need to be a prostitute yourself, you could just get other girls to sell their bodies and you could be paid for it."

Yukime just continued looking at the money on the floor and the more she thought about it the more she liked the idea and decided to agree.

"And while the other girls make money for you, you could spend the rest of the time training yourself so you could get your revenge on the Dire wolf beast kin" Azrael said pointing Yukime towards the profession she was going to have if Azrael didn't intervened.

And as Azrael finished speaking to Yukime she just looked at him wide eyed "He's still alive?"

"I didn't kill him so you could get your revenge on him in the future, thats why I left that scar on your back as a reminder. I'll fully heal it when you accomplish your revenge"

Yukime hearing him then gained a determined expression and expressed her thanks

"Thank you for letting it be me that gets to kill him in the future"

Azrael then said "Come forth, scarface"

A being made out of shadows and a face with a large cross shape scar by its eyes then appeared from underneath Azrael in a kneeling position awaiting for his orders

Azrael then pointed towards Yukime "Protect her until she finds a place where she can safely store her money and a place to stay

Scarface nodded as he then stood up and grabbed the bags full of coins and sunk into her shadow.

Yukime then looked at her shadow in fascination while looking at the purple eyes looking at her from inside it.

And as she stood up from her mothers grave she gave Azrael a deep bow expression her thanks

"Thank you for giving me such an opportunity. I'll do everything in my power to make it up to you"

Azrael just nodded and sent her towards the direction of the lawless city.

While looking at her disappear into the distance Azrael then looked backed towards the village and started walking towards it

And with cold eyes which started glowing a bright purple color he said

"Come forth and serve"

And as he took a step forward as he uttered those words beastkins made entirely out of Shadows started to come to life.

A three tail fox also appeared behind him and looked towards Yukime's direction.

The three tailed fox beastkin then knelt down behind him expressing her thanks

While all the shadows in the village just expressed their servitude.

Azrael didn't even bothered to call forth the children and elderly into the mix of shadows in ordered to let them rest in peace as they had no use for him.

He then called all the shadows into his own shadow except the three tail fox woman beastkin.

He then turned towards her direction and saw her standing straight and said to her "Since you're daughters name is Yukime, I shall name you Yukihime"

As soon as Azrael named her Yukihime then grew another tail behind her back enhancing her strength making her a 4 tailed fox.

Yukihime then bowed down expressing her gratitude once again with a soft smile and got pulled into his shadow.

Azrael then looked towards The Lawless City's direction with a pondering expression before summoning Kaisel beneath himself

Kaisel whipped its long neck into the sky and let out a roar signifying that it's about to take off and with a flap of his wings he took off into the sky going into the direction his Monarch directed.