Ilodyer, a former assassin reborn in magical world as a half-elf child, forms a powerful bond with The Elven King. Their shared experiences and deep connection lead to a profound love that transcends time and differences. Amidst lush landscapes, their tender moments and unity inspire all, proving that love can conquer even the greatest challenges.
Actually, explaining the "short" distance was quite easy for the Elven King, who has roamed extensively through the eldoria continent, and seemingly having no concept of distance.
Leaving the hollow, they entered a plain.
It was spring; winter had just departed, and the plants were eager to sprout, while the animals hurriedly emerged.
The midday sun felt warm and comforting, and the two of them sat on the grassy slope for a while.
The nearby flowers gently swayed in the spring breeze, and the animals were unafraid of the elves since elves never consumed meat—except for half-elves.
"Father King, shall we roast this rabbit?" Ilodyer grabbed a clueless rabbit near the Elven King's feet.
The Elven King looked at the confused rabbit and furrowed his brow, "This... doesn't seem right, does it?"
"Why not?" Ilodyer shook the rabbit's ear.
"I'll roast it for you; I'm quite skilled... oh, I don't have any seasoning or salt on me..."