Ilodyer, a former assassin reborn in magical world as a half-elf child, forms a powerful bond with The Elven King. Their shared experiences and deep connection lead to a profound love that transcends time and differences. Amidst lush landscapes, their tender moments and unity inspire all, proving that love can conquer even the greatest challenges.
The Elven King gently placed the young man back on the bed, got out of the bed, get dressed up, and tied up his silver hair.
After glancing at the slumbering figure in bed, he chanted a spell, setting up an invisible barrier in the room, and then quietly left the room after softly closing the door.
The young man that was lying in bed heard the sound of the door closing and slowly opened his eyes—eyes that were as alluring as darkness, yet as cold as the iciest stream in the Evergreen Glade Forest.
After gazing blankly at the lifeless night pearl for a moment, he sat up in bed, sweeping his black hair from his shoulders to the back of his head.
A delicate smile then graced on his lips. "Would this still be considered as rape?"
With his usual frivolous tone.