
The Elf Princess

Cynthia_Daggett · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 4: The man under the hood

The next day Liam and I got dressed up and headed towards the ball room. When we got there his brother and sisters were sitting on their throne. "Hello Your majesties and Highnesses." I greeted and bowed. "Come on up you two." Said the king. "Yes sir." Said Liam. "Ladies and Gentleman. I'd like to announce Liam and Rhylie's engagement." Then we waved and stepped down. We stood in front of the Royal family. "Sisters. Brother. I would like to introduce my wife to be. Princess Rhylie." "Nice to meet you. Your highness. My name is Cyrus." Said his brother. Then his twin sisters came over. "Nice to meet you your highness my name is Hestia. Congratulations on your engagement to our brother. He always talked about you." "Really?" I looked at Liam and he blushed. Then the second sister came by and said, "Nice you meet you. Your highness. I am Talia. The younger twin. Congratulations on your engagement." "Thank you all. Your all so sweet." Then I saw a cute little fox like creature. "Oh how cute." I said. "This is violet she is a wyvern. She is a type of fox that can only be found in the forest here. We found her in front of the palace injured and took her in." Said Hestia. "They are very bright and beautiful." I said. "I have a question if anyone can answer. If someone is looking for an animal as a pet what would you give them? I have a brother who wants a pet but can't seem to find the right one." I said. Then Cyrus spoke up. We don't know what they are called, but they like to hang out by the water. Do you have any water nearby your palace?" "Yes there is a lake not far from us." "Well I don't know if you will find them there but if you do they are catlike creatures that have a tail with a fin at the end of it. It has a feather in the middle of its head. It has slightly longer ears than a cat. Oh it also has some sort of design on its back. They would be good starter pets." "I think I read about it before. I can't seem to figure out what they are called." I said.

"Oh I forgot. Liam do you know the man I told you about who shot the arrow at me? Is he here? You said he might be." "Yes he is here. He has been waiting to talk to you." Said Liam. "Excuse me your highnesses and majesties." They nodded and Liam escorted me.

The man was still hooded and said, "So I finally get to meet the princess face to face huh?" said the mysterious man. "Watch your tongue sir." Said Liam. "Its ok Liam. He is somehow from my palace. Can I see your face please?" "You really want to know who I am that bad huh? Well, the meeting is over anyway. Come to the magician's part of the castle I will be waiting." Then he disappeared. "Let's go tell father where we are going." Said Liam. "Father we are going to the magician's place." "Ok Liam. Just be careful, ok?" "Yes father."

We finally got to the Magicians place. "Hello?" I said. "Ah your highnesses welcome." Said the magician. I hear you want to see my pupil's face. "Yes sir. He came from my castle that I was born in." "Oh so you're the princess he was talking about." Then there was a knock on the door. (Knock Knock) "Come in already. They just got here." "Sorry sir." He came over with his hood still on. "If you really do remember me Rhylie. Don't be shocked ok? If You do I don't know what will happen." "Yes I heard from sage and Lilly about what happened in the palace. I'm sorry." "Its fine. You didn't know how to control it back then. Your mother must have sealed it to keep it from coming out. She was smart. Ok here I go." He pulled down his hood and my eyes went wide in shock. I was in a daze. "Rhylie are you ok? Rhylie. Rhylie? Rylie!" I ended up snapping out of it and running away from the situation. I knew a place I could run. My sisters house.

I finally got to my sister's house and knocked on the door. (Knock knock) "Its me Rhylie can I talk to you?" "Come in Rhylie. Are you ok? You don't look so good." "Did you know?" "Know what? That the man in the hood looked like brother?" "Yes I did." "Who is he? Why does he have the splitting image of sage?" (sigh) "Sit down. I will tell you." I sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. There was another knock on the door. (Knock Knock) "Come in." Said Lily. "Oh hi Sage." "Hey sis. OH Rhylie you're here?" "She just found out about the man in the hood I was about to explain it to her." "No wonder she looks palely sick." Said sage. "All 3 of us thought he was dead. He lost a lot of blood. We don't know exactly how he survived." "Ok but who is he? Please tell me." "He is our father." "What! Are you serious?" I was starting to get dizzy. "Rhylie breathe." Said Sage. "Excuse me I have to go somewhere." I went out of the house running this time into the forest.

Meanwhile. Liam and the others were looking for Rhylie. "I think I might know where she might be." Said Liam. "Brother follow me." Cyrus followed his brother to Lilies house. (Knock knock) Sage opened the door. "Is Rhylie here?" "She was a few minutes ago then she ran off towards the forest." "Oh no. Thank you sage. Cyrus get our sisters and the guards fast! I will be heading into the forest. Send our sisters there too." "Yes Brother." "I hope I'm not too late."

Back in the forest. "I can't believe he is still alive! Why didn't they tell me? Why did my father shoot me?" I stopped by a beautiful lake. It was so blue and beautiful. "Oh, hello there little ones." "Hello." "So, what is this lake?" "It's a lake where the mermaids live. If you get caught you will drown." "Oh, is that so?" "Hey you can understand us?" "Yes, I have the power of talking to animals." "Oh cool." "Be careful lady." "Thank you little one." I got closer to the lake to look. I lost my balance and fell just as I heard a voice. "Rhylie!" I was sinking deeper and deeper into the lake. I thought I saw Liam but it could just be me as I blacked out.

Liam just barely got Rhylie's hand before she got to far he couldn't help her. He was trying to hurry before the mermaid would catch up. 'Hang on Rhylie. Don't die on me ok. We're almost to the surface.' Liam said to himself. Just as he lifted his head up to breathe, he saw his sisters and the guards. Then Liam and Rhylie got pulled in by a mermaid. "Girls stay here. Us two will save them." Said a guard.

They dove in and fought the mermaid off and she swam away. They guards each had a person. One had Liam. The other Rhylie. Once they got to the surface, Liam coughed as soon as he was laid down. However, Rhylie wasn't breathing. Luckily Liam knew CPR. "Breath3 Rhylie please breathe." He held her nose and blew some breath in her lungs and continued the compressions. The last few breaths she ended up coughing. (Cough Cough) "Oh thank the spirits. Rhylie you ok? Can you hear me?" "It wasn't a dream I did see you." Then she laid back down and closed her eyes. He felt he pulse and she was fine. "Cyra! We have to get to the healer fast!" He hopped on with Rhylie and headed over.

They got to the healer's place and laid her down. "She got scratched pretty good by the mermaid. I can't fully heal it but I can do what I can. The rest can heal itself. Also, we need a maid to change her clothes and take care of her." "I'm sure my brother already thought of that."

There was a knock at the door. "Hello?" Said the healer. "I'm the maid sent to care for Rhylie." "Yes come in." Everyone left so she could change Rhylie's clothes and after he would heal her wounds.

Once her wounds were healed enough, the healer said, "When she wakes up she will have a sore throat most likely. Also, a stuffy nose." "Thank you sir." "Its my job your highness." The healer left and Liam stayed with Rylie. He sat on a chair and held her hand. "Oh Rhylie. You scared the hell out of me. I know it was a shock, but you don't go and do crazy stuff like jumping into the lake idiot."

Three days later still no sign of her waking. The healer came by to check on her and she still looked pretty sick. "Hmm. Lets see if this will help her get better faster." He got some medicine in a syringe and gave her a shot in the arm. He waited just to be safe. "Ok well no side effects that's good." Just as he was leaving Liam came through the door. "How is she?" "Same. I just gave her a shot that hopefully will speed up the healing time." "I'll be staying with her for a few hours. If anything changes, I will call for you." "Yes, your highness." Then he left. There was a knock on the door. (Knock knock) "Its sage and Lilly can we come in?" "Yeah come on in." They went in and saw their sleeping sister. "When do you think she will wake up?" Said sage. "I don't know. Neither does the healer. He just gave her a shot to speed up the healing process. She got hurt pretty bad by the mermaids. Luckily the healer healed most of it. The rest will have to heal on its own."

That same day during the night. Everyone was asleep. Liam was still with Rhylie. "Hm..No it can't be. No father." She was having a nightmare and she was squeezing Liam's hand. "Rhylie are you awake?" "Hmm. No father." "Its ok Rhylie. Your ok." Said Liam. He noticed she was having a nightmare and brushed through her hair. She started to calm down. "Oh thank the spirits she's ok now. (sigh)" He closed his eyes while holding Rhylie's hand.

An hour later, "Hmm. Where am I? Why is it dark? Liam?" I squeezed his hand and he woke up. "Rhylie are you awake?" "Yeah where am I?" "Hang on a minute. Guards Rhylie's awake get the healer." "Yes Highness" Said one of the guards. "Its ok Rhylie. Do you remember what happened?" "My throat hurts a little and I have the sniffles. I sort of remember. I saw some cute little creatures they were surprised I could understand them. I remember asking them about the lake. They told me mermaids are in there but to be careful they will drown you. I wanted to get a closer look then I lost my balance and fell in. That's all I remember." "So that's what happened." "Yeah." "I had a dream Liam. It was about my father. He was in trouble in the castle and I couldn't save him." "You don't remember Rhylie? He is the reason you ran. You saw his face and ran to your sister Lilies house and that is where you found out the man was your father. Then you ran into the forest." "Oh so that's what happened. It's a blur right now. Did you save me Liam?" "Yeah I did." "If I forgot to thank you. Thanks." "You already did."

The healer came in and turned on the light. "Good your awake. Let's check out out. How are you feeling now?" "Sore throat and my back is a little sore. I also have a runny nose." "Yes you almost died. Liam had to do CPR on you." "That bad huh?" "Yeah you were." "Why does my back hurt?" "You got hurt by the mermaids. I could only cure what I could. The rest has to do its job." "So that is why I hurt. Damn that hey some sharp nails. So when can I get out of here?" "Let's see how you are tomorrow first. Then I will let you know." "Thanks healer." He left the room and it was just Liam and I now. "Where is my dad now?" He is still in the magicians room. I am sure he is worried about you. He came to visit you when you were still sleeping." "He did? What did he say?" "Hey said he loved his little girl. He didn't mean to scare her. I hope she will forgive me. I hope she will come see me after she is well." "I see. I think I owe him an apology as well for running out like that. Not only him but you and the magician as well. I also have to apologize to Lily and Sage." "Its ok Rylie. We are fine. I am fine." "Thanks Liam." I laid down and closed my eyes and relaxed.

The next morning, I was fine. I still had a little pain from where the mermaids got me but other than that ok. Right now, Liam and I are walking in the garden. "Liam? When do you think I can go back home?" "Oh tomorrow." "Really that soon?" "Yes. Do you want to go home?" "Well I don't know. I have mixed feelings right now. I came here to meet your parents then I find out my brother sister and father are here. Its all too much. As of right now I would prefer to go back home with my little brothers and the others. I miss Sparkles Ash and Oh I was going to look for those cat like creatures. Do you have them here?" "No its too warm here. It's the perfect temperature over there. They like to hang out in the night when its cooler. Just be careful ok? Bring someone with you." "I will I promise." "Do you want to go see your dad now?" "I guess so." "OK lets head over there then."

We got to the door and I became nervous. "Its ok Rhylie. I'm right here I have your hand ok?" "Yes thankyou Liam." (Knock Knock) The magician opened the door and saw us. "Please come in your highnesses." The men bowed and my sister curtsied. "Good morning your highness'." They all said. "Oh good morning." We both said. "I would like to apologize to all of you here. It was a shock having someone look just like my brother. Lily telling me it was my father. So Sorry." I bowed. "No need to bow to us child." Said The magician. "We understand how much of a shock it was to see your father alive." "Thank you so much." I started crying. I went over to my father and hugged him. "Daddy. I'm so glad your alive. Mom told me in the letter you were dead." Her father hugged her back. "I'm here now. Baby girl. Its ok." It was silent for awhile until she calmed down. "Father when was the last time you went to the palace?" "Actually I escaped from there. A year ago. I've been working with the magician for a year now. Was the flower palace still pretty bad?" "Yes it is. Listen. Stay away from it ok?" "Father mother wrote me a letter I wanted you to read it." "Ok sure." I gave him the letter and he read it silently.