

It had been 7 years since that eventful day. Yahan had learnt how to like ve on the streets now. He knew when to be on the lookout for the police, had learn to beg. Overall he had become tough. He now knew who was simple enough to be mugged. He did some odd jobs for the bakery nearby for some money. The baker was kind to him. " You remind me of my own son." He said. He had made some friends on the streets too who helped him in the beginning. Homeless Joe knew which place was suitable enough to sleep, Lassie knew the right places to stash extra food and Shawn well... he was a pain in the ass in general. Yahan didn't even know why he put up with him. "Just let it be." Lassie said. Overall they were a nice bunch....well as nice as living in the streets could be. "You have the casserole ready." Joe asked him. "Yeah it is ready." He said. "Good bring it here." Lassie smiled at him. Yuhan had certainly grown. Of course the scar on his cheek still showed. He never told them how he got it. "Perhaps some childhood bullying or abuse." He thought.

"Well what do we have here?" Jordan said. "Not you again." Yuhan thought. Jordan was the bully of the street. He thought that everything belonged to him. Such behaviour was expected from Jordan. "No you won't you piece of shit." Homeless Joe said. "Oh just give it to him." Shawn replied taking Jordan's side. "Oh come on don't tell me you joined him." Lassie said. "Told you, he would desert us." Yuhan said. There was no way Jordan would knew this was their secret stash unless and until someone told him. He guessed Shawn was the one who did. He picked up his casserole and tried to run. "No you won't punk." Shawn said as he tripped him. It was a pretty depressing situation. 3 guys against a whole gang. "What do you want?" Lassie cried out loud. Suddenly Jordan changed his form. He suddenly was tall and gigantic. "I just want your flesh human." He whispered. Yuhan gasped while Lassie and Joe fainted. "And oh you Elementalist you won't be eaten my master wants to torture you personally." He said. "What're you talking about?" Yuhan said confused. "Oh so you won't tell. It's fine master knows his ways." He said. "You won't take me with you." Yuhan cried out loud. "Okay we won't." Shawn said. "Don't you see he's using magic. " Jordan whispered who now was 10 feet tall. "Gag him before he charms us." He cried out loud. It was pretty much a lost fight. They quickly gagged him. "Leave my friends alone." Yuhan cried out in desperation." "We will." Jordan replied mechanically. What Yuhan saw next was completely unbelievable. There were 2 flying reptilian creatures standing. They were small but looked quite dangerous. This was completely weird." I must be dreaming' Yuhan thought. "C'mon Jordan said who was now his normal height again." They now climbed on top the reptiles and continued their journey. It was a long way ahead. Yuhan wondered what would happen to them when suddenly he saw some winged horses. 'What is this weird dream.' He thought. Those winged horses came near them. He couldn't see properly but he was pretty sure there were 2of them. They quickly stopped them. "Leave them immediately." A girl ordered. "Those damn Elementals." He cried out. Suddenly one of them put forward his hand and as quickly shot fire. "It's not that easy." Jordan smirked. He quickly changed shape and was now a huge dragon. The other boy quickly went torwards him and untied him."You all right mate.'' He asked smiling. "Yeah, yeah I'm he said." He quickly pulled him onto his Pegasi.Yuhan turned to look towards the battle. It wasn't going too great though. The girl was continuously throwing fire balls onto the dragon and he was dodging them with ease. "Let me join them." The boy who rescued him looked at him and winked. He quickly went towards his teammate. "He won't be able to handle two Elemental. Use your weapon." He cried out loud. The girl nodded at him. He quickly made a whirlwind and threw it at the Dragon. Jordan now disoriented was then attacked by the girl with a sword. She cut him into 2. Yuhan expected to see blood. But surprisingly Jordan just turned smaller and smaller and turned into a seed. The girl caught hol of. 'What the hell is happening.' He thought. "Nothing to worry about. Hey, I'm Jacob by the way. And that girl over there is Niya." Niya nodded at him. Jacob helped him get . "Where are we going?" He asked."What the hell is going on?" .

"Everything will be answered at the academy." Jacob calmly told him. And don't worry they have great food there. And thus, they pulled the reins and Yuhan started his journey towards the academy....