
The Elemental Sword

As he was exploring some underground ruins our protagonist finds himself in a live-threatening situation, as he somehow manages to make it out alive. For this troubles he is rewarded a strange blade which links itself to his body. With his newly acquired item he decides to investigate similar ruins and sets out on this new mission.

Filipe · ファンタジー
22 Chs

The Road Trip III

At a dense forest where you could barely see the dirt in the ground the small animals were hiding and moving away as a figure was dashing past them. The one dashing trough the vegetation was of course Aster.

After he heard the scream he had almost immediately started to move. Thankfully he knew where to go.

'Those are an Elemental Beast and an Elementalist aren't they?'

Even thought he wasn't very good at it Aster could still feel the two auras that were a couple of hundred meters in front of him.

When he was at the wagon he managed to sense the Beast but now he could also feel the other individual.

'I hope I'm not too late.'

Aster was flowing his essence trough his body in order to run faster and had already started to envelop his daggers in his aura.

When he moved closer he could see the silhouette of the Beast who was walking on two legs and was about 3,5 meters (11' 6'') tall and a person on the ground facing the beast.

He quickly moved in and placed himself in between them.

He took a brief glance at the person who was in the ground.

She was a young woman probably around the same age as Aster, she had long red hair almost the same tone as a rose, a thin waist and a very feminine face and features, including red eyes that matched her hair. She was wearing a simple red attire that looked easy to move in but that also matched her hair and eyes. On the ground to her side was a bag with medicinal herbs spilling out of it.

'She doesn't seem injured just startled. She is an Elementalist alright I can feel it but probably not a fighter. I should just quickly take care of his...Be...'

When Aster turned to face the beast he was meet with a Beast with brown fur a massive frame and paws with huge claws. His aura was aggressive and territorial.

When the Bear noticed his new opponent he stopped moving and started to measure his new foes strength.





'What is happening?'

'I was just collecting herbs as usual when this Beast showed up, I was about to run away but...'

But then Aster showed up and placed himself between the two of them.

'I guess he is an Elementalist but... What are the two of them doing? And what is this felling? I'm trembling in fear and have this knot in my stomach. Is that Bear that powerful.'

When he placed himself in front of the Beast she thought he was gonna fight but instead.

'Why is he shaking? Is he scarred? And why is the beast just standing there for the past couple minutes? Should I do something?'

She first thought of running away, then she thought of helping when she saw him shaking but now since both of them were still not moving she decided to just stand still afraid of what would happen if she decided to move.

She was behind him, so she couldn't see his face, the Beast on the other hand could.


Why was It felling that way? The one in front of him didn't seem threatening. Even the aura of the female behind this one was more powerful than the aura the one in front of him was releasing. So why was he scarred.

He was shaking, he was weak, his grip on the weapons was almost none existent then WHY...

It was his eyes.

Those blank eyes devoid of emotion. Devoid of conscious. And his instinct. Every fiber in his body was telling him that if he did not leave he would not survive.

He felt reluctant since this was a prideful animal who was known for always protecting his territory and backing away from no one but even then the Beast's pride and instinctual behavior meant little to nothing. The Beast wanted to leave.

And so it did.

After more than five minutes since Aster had first placed himself in front of him the Beast left slowly and once she was far enough away it started to run.


When she saw the beast leave for no apparent reason she was confused.

'Did he do something?'

Since she had done nothing. The only reason for the Beast to leave would be if the person in front of her did something. She then tried to call for him.

"Excuse me."


Yet there was no response. He was still shaking and the felling of uneasiness she was felling was still there, but she still got up and went up to Aster.

"Are you ok?" She asked as she sook Aster's shoulder.

"Ha!" She jumped back startled as Aster turned to look at her.

"Hu? Where?" He started to say before his eyes met the Girl's ones. When he recognized her he then gripped his daggers still in his hands and started to scan the area around them.

"The Beast where is It?" He asked hurriedly.

She was a bit confused at the question but answered nonetheless.

" It... left. "




After a few minutes the two of them calmed down, and she explained what happened to Aster.

"I see. *sigh*. Sorry, that must have been awkward. Name's Aster." He said while raising his hand.



"Rose... well if you don't mind me asking why are you all alone here. No offense but you didn't seem like you could handle yourself that well."

She was a bit embarrassed when answering.

"Well... I was startled. I didn't expect a Beast to show up around here, but I was also about to run away. I'm an Elementalist you know and I always explore around these parts, so I'm used to it. I would have probably been ok even if you didn't show up but... well. Thank you I really appreciate your help."


"hum, no problem. Are you a Herbalist by any change?"

"H-how did you know?"

Aster simply pointed at the bag that was still on the ground.

"You recognize them?"

"Some. I'm no expert thought. Anyway is your village nearby?"

"Ye. I'm from Restlesswind. It's ok I can make it back on my own."

Aster ears perked up after hearing that.

"Restlesswind! I'm actually going that way myself do you mind joining my party it would be nice to have a guide."

"I see. Well I surely don't mind."




After going back to the wagon Aster explained what had happened to the Merchant and daughter and of course they were delighted to give a ride. The merchant did know the way pretty well but having a local give directions was always welcomed.

Rose was a bit nervous when she got on the wagon but the merchant's daughter constant piquing and requests to play with her hair made her nervous smile quickly turn into a genuine one.

Aster as usual had moved back to the roof and started to train yet again but you could see his mood was different from usual.

"So, is he your escort?" asked Rose to the merchant. The little girl was still playing with her hair, so she was basely stuck and all she could do in his situation was make conversation.

"He doesn't really look that strong and is a bit... weird right?" She continued.

"Hehe, that he is, quite the strange one but I'm not sure if escort is the right label, even if he is kind of working as one. I'm not an Elementalist, so I don't know how he comes out in terms of strength but I trust him."

"So you didn't hire him?"

"No, It's more like me giving him a ride, mostly him just helping me again however."


"Ye, we kind of met the same way you did almost 2 weeks ago."

"You were attacked by an Elemental Beast?!"

"Bandits. Potayto, Potahto. He got us out of the hole situation unarmed."

"He did?"


"So, he is an Elementalist then."


"Then what?!"

The merchant tried his best to suppress his laughter as he smirked and turned to look at Rose while doing the same pose Aster had done.

"An Archeologist!!!"





After a couple of hours travelling the group had finally arrived at a clearing. The endless sea of trees had finally stopped and you could see carts moving around as well as a wall in the distant. The merchant let out a sigh of release when that happened thanking the Elements in his mind. He knew it would probably be ok but the past few weeks had definitely been a bit to eventful for him. Even if he wasn't at the Central Area of the Continent they had been at the inner area for a while, so he was glad to finally see civilization after that long trip.

When they got close they could see the wall surrounding the village. It was significantly sturdier compared to the one in Fresh Wood even if it was still built mostly using wood. You could even see multiple guards placed alongside it.

When they got closer they were stopped at the gate by the guards but since Rose was with them after a quick talk they were quickly allowed in.

Once they went past the gates you could finally see the whole village in all its splendor.

Rose didn't miss the change and cheerfully announced to the trio:

"Welcome to Restlesswind!"

Ty for Reading. Extra Chapter today since I was in a good mood (and had time). As always I would love some feedback.

Well see you guys Friday unless I'm extra motivated.

Filipecreators' thoughts