
The Elders

The world was hit with a major catastrophe, which affected the physical and supernatural world. The cause of this can be attributed to the ELDERS or better still the craziest of them all. This is my first work, so a lot of constructive criticism is appreciated, also am not really good at English so expect some grammatical errors.

Peroejije · アクション
6 Chs

Chapter 4 : Am I dying?

The morning sun gradually shone on Alice face through the spaces in the branch of leaves above.

She raised her hands to shield her eyes.

For some seconds she couldn't realize where she was? and why is lying on the ground.

Gradually, the previous night adventures started to kick in and the only question now on her mind was how is she still alive.

She should be dead, after her attacker bit her and gradually sucked out her life. She subconsciously used one of hand to rub the right side of her neck that was bitten, but the bite marks were all gone which is weird.

She finally decided to get up and find her way back to her car, she stood up and starting tracing her way back from she ran from.

Alice felt that something was weird she noticed that it was unrealistic for her to be able to walk, cause of her broken ankle and loss of blood. But like her neck it seemed that it has healed as well except for the dried blood.

After a full 45 minutes, she was able to get back to her car. She looked around for her phone but couldn't find it.

Luckily she was able to hitch a ride with a fat lady driving a minivan. During the ride, the woman kept giving her a cautious and inquisitive look. She wasn't to be blamed though. Her clothes were all torn in different places with leaves attached on her hair.

But her main concern right now, was the devilish hunger she was currently feeling.

'Are you ok miss Alice? The woman asked with concern now on her face.

"How do you know my name?. Alice asked back with a raised eyebrow and a suspicious tone.

" oh my daughter Lydia is in your class ".

'Oh, am ok just a little hungry. Alice said with a low voice.

It came as no surprise, when she opened her bag and brought out chocolate bars. And offered it to her which she wasted no time in taking and devouring it.

"So what happened? Why are you in this state? It seems she couldn't contain her curiosity anymore.

"Camping went a little bad. got chased by a coyote, and my car tyre has also flattened out, I guess am just having an unlucky weekend.

Alice easily lied through her teeth. At first she wanted to report to the cops, but later realized reporting to the police about being attacked by someone that looks like Dracula, will be a sure way of them judging her to be going insane.

"Am sorry about that, I think some music will cheer you up.

Through out the remaining drive, Alice had to bear the sound of some really terrible rock music.

After she bade farewell to mrs Crawford ( fat lady), Alice quickly went towards her house, half running the whole way. For some strange reasons, she felt really uncomfortable under the sun and felt some stinging pain as if she was burning.

She went inside and heaved a sigh of relief, but no sooner did her hunger pangs come again, this time stronger than ever.

Alice went to the refrigerator and emptied it of anything edible. She started wolfing it all down. But the hunger was never sated and this was gradually driving her mad.

She decided to have a shower, which always calmed her down ever since she was little.

In the shower she stared at herself in the mirror, but suddenly the mirror started to crack and soon spread all over it.

She was still taking all of it in, when the man she encountered last night, appeared in the cracked mirror with his face obscured by darkness except for his extended sharp canine teeth . She stood there frozen with fright until the man stretched his hand out from the mirror and grabbed her neck.

This woke her up from her hallucinations and she drew in quick breaths. After some minutes she stabilized her breathing and quickly went ahead to finish her business in the shower and got out to put on some clothes.

Few minutes later she came out from the bedroom wearing a pink sleeveless top over an orange trouser with her blonde hair tied up in her usual pony tail style.

She looked at the mess she left on the dining table comprising of finished, unfinished and untouched foods. She concluded she would clean up when she comes back from the toll truck company office.

As she stepped out of the house, to take a cab, the uncomfortable stinging burning pain from the sun started again, this time worse than before, as if to compliment the pain, the hunger she was feeling intensified to an unbearable stage.

Within seconds she was back inside the house and rushed to complete what she started on the dining table, but no matter how much she hate she couldn't get satisfied and she let out a grunt in frustration.

She stood up, but felt dizzy and immediately fell down on the floor. She tried to get up, but her body felt like it weighed a ton. It was during this time that she noticed she was looking really pale after staring at her hand.

"Am I dying ?

This was I last thought before she lost consciousness.