A sight that was a memory of the past played in the head of the crying figure.
It was a dark night with clear skies two people could be seen sitting in the forest watching the starry sky above them. The two were talking until the older one told the young boy something that would stick with him for life. "Life is precious anyone wants to live it. Some may experience more hardships than others. Some are maybe born in a better environment. But each life is equal it doesn't matter if you are born human demon god ugly or handsome.
Because in the end, we all end up the same. Every single existence has it ending some may live for what some consider immortal. But I'm sure of one thing my dear disciple" the old man looked towards his right while he said his next words, "everyone has their end and when it comes don't be sad. Remember all the good times and keep moving forward." This night was always remembered by Jax but who would expect that he would have to see his grandfather figure die before his eyes. He couldn't do anything he felt helpless. His pride was immense thinking he could kill anyone. Yet his master had died.
But one thing that kept him in check of not losing his mind was the warmth he felt on his back. The arms that were wrapped around him and the smooth breathing he felt in his neck. A beautiful woman's voice sounded in his ear, "you can stop crying now, Jax." Was all that was said but at that exact moment. The crying figure stopped his crying, and he looked back at the one who said that. Rose looked in the eyes of Jax while she spoke "I know this is hard for you.
But don't be so sad look at his face" and when Jax did, he saw his master laying there. But instead of a pained expression of peace and calm was there. It was if this was one of his happiest moments. "He looks fulfilled doesn't he," Jax said with a raspy voice. "Indeed he does" Rose replied. After a couple of minutes of lightly crying and looking at his master's face while memories played in his head, he spoke.
"Let's give him a proper burial," Jax said while he got back onto his feet carrying his master. Slowly the darkness faded, and they returned to their previous position on the mountain. They didn't know if it was something Luciv did before his death or that the demon king let them go. But it didn't matter to them. A figure carrying a corpse and a figure walking beside him could be seen moving.
Hours later when the sun had already set they arrived at an open place where a wooden shed was present. "Your home master," Jax said towards the lifeless body hoping for a response, yet it never came. Next, to the wooden shed a beautiful old tree was present. The tree Luciv always sat against while he watched Jax train. The perfect resting place for his master like that Jax got to work. Hours later when the sun started to rise again, a beautiful tomb was made. Flowers all around the tombstone and engraved on it: here rests, Luciv grandfather of Jax - son of Vivian.
Happy with what he created he sat in front of the grave. "I know it has only been a few hours since you departed from this world master. But I miss you" Jax's voice changed and slight tears formed in his eyes. "I wished that you could see me grow more. Keep watching over me but alas it won't happen. I know you are satisfied with how you lived and I'm happy you departed with no regrets." A pause was there, "but I regret not saving you. But I will continue forward. I will keep moving forward and keep pushing on. Thank you for everything you did for me."
And like that Jax stood up while he looked towards Rose. Both walked away mixed feelings is what Jax felt in his heart. But he knew that he had to move forward Luciv gave up his life for him. He couldn't waste the life given to him.
The sight was one of sadness. The sky was not clear like most of the time. But now black clouds hung above his head while the rain fell onto the ground. Like this one may not notice the tears that dripped down from the young mans face. He had just said goodbye to the man who raised him. He realized he couldn't see him again.
This saddened him, yet he had to move on. With one last look behind him, he turned around and started to walk away. When the duo left the area, the dark clouds dissapeared and a beautiful rainbow took its place. It was as if the old man looked over them and was happy that they moved forward.
With the birds chirping the animals moving and the sun shining Luciv rested for the rest of eternity.
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