
The Echoes of Destiny

Elias Brooks wakes up in a mysterious world full of monsters and magic. With only his survival skills, he sets off to uncover his true identity. Along the way, he learns new abilities and faces dark forces threatening both worlds. Join Elias on an epic adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and hope.

TheMerchant007 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Crafting survival

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that stretched like fingers across the forest floor. A golden hue bathed the surroundings, painting the leaves with a warm, amber glow as evening approached.

Elias stood at the edge of a clearing, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to reach up to touch the heavens. Their branches swayed gently in the breeze, creating a soothing rustle that echoed through the forest.

The air was thick with the scent of pine and earth, mingling with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers that dotted the forest floor. But unlike the familiar sounds of birds and insects that Elias was accustomed to, the forest was alive with the calls of monstrous creatures and the buzzing of insectoid beasts, their otherworldly cries filling the air with an eerie symphony.

Despite the presence of these formidable creatures, Elias remained unharmed. In this strange world, where the laws of nature were vastly different from those of his own, there existed an unspoken balance—a delicate equilibrium that kept the predators at bay.

These monstrous birds and insects had no interest in Elias, for he was not their natural prey. In this world, where survival was a constant struggle for all living beings, the creatures of the forest had learned to coexist in a fragile truce, each species carving out its own niche in the intricate web of life. 

Elias knew that time was of the essence. With each passing moment, the light grew dimmer, and the creatures of the night began to stir. With a sense of urgency, he set to work gathering materials and crafting tools and weapons that would aid him in his quest for survival. With each task he completed, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him, knowing that he was one step closer to being prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

It took Elias several hours to gather the necessary materials and fashion them into usable tools and weapons. The vines were stubborn, and the branches often proved too brittle to be of use. But with patience and perseverance, Elias overcame each obstacle, his determination unwavering.

As the shadows lengthened and the air grew cooler, Elias finally completed his task. He stood amidst a makeshift arsenal of weapons and tools, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed his handiwork. The sun had all but disappeared below the horizon, leaving only a faint glow in its wake.

A tingling warmth washed over him—a tingling warmth that seemed to emanate from within. Glancing down at the floating status window before him, Elias saw new information displayed there:

"New Skills Unlocked:

Woodcrafting: Novice

Archery: Novice"

Elias raised an eyebrow in mild surprise at the revelation. It wasn't that he didn't expect to acquire new skills—it was more that he had anticipated their arrival, given the nature of this strange world. With a shrug, he accepted the newfound abilities, recognizing that they would undoubtedly prove useful in his survival.

But his eyes widened in surprise as he noticed another addition to the status window—a line that read:

"Points: 0"

Elias blinked in confusion, his mind racing with questions. Points? What could they be for? And how could he acquire them?

With a furrowed brow, Elias reached out to touch the status window, his fingers passing through the translucent surface as if it were made of smoke. But as he did, the text shifted and rearranged itself, revealing a wealth of information about his newfound abilities.

Status Window:

Name: Elias Brooks

Age: 23

Level: 1

Health: 85/100

Mana: 30/50

Strength: 17

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 12

Poison Resistance: 15.2%

Points: 0


Survival: Basic

Cooking: Novice

Fire Starting: Novice

Woodcrafting: Novice

Archery: Novice

"Hmm, my mana and health increased. Come to think of it, I don't feel pain from the wound I got from the first monster a few days ago." Elias thinks to himself as he slowly unwraps the piece of clothing tightly wrapped around his waist. "What!?" Elias was shocked when he realized that the wound had completely healed so much so that it felt like he was never hurt in the first place. "Could this be the healing property of the water from that strange stream? And my mama? I once read in a fantasy novel that mana is present in nature and can be absorbed. I wonder if my mana increased from spending time in this weird environment. Do I have no control over it? And is 50 the limit? I wonder how high it has to reach for me to be able to use magic. It'll be possible right? There's only so much I can do with these crafted weapons. They're not very durable either. I'll only be able to use them a few times before they get damaged.

Elias bent over and organized his handcrafts. His tools included a sturdy spear, crude arrows, a wooden bow, coils of rope, and makeshift containers. With these, he felt more confident to face challenges ahead. As the sun set, Elias found a comfortable spot in the forest, a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. With a sense of accomplishment, he set about making a makeshift bed from the softest leaves and branches he could find.

As he settled onto his crude bed, exhaustion crept over him, his muscles weary from the day's exertions. As he closed his eyes, memories of his life on Earth flooded his mind, each one vivid and poignant in its own way.

He remembered the bustling streets of his hometown, the sound of cars honking and people rushing by on their way to work or school. He remembered the warmth of his childhood home, the smell of his mother's cooking wafting through the air as she hummed a tune in the kitchen.

But alongside these fond memories, there were also memories of hardship and struggle. He remembered the arguments with his landlord over unpaid rent, the stress of trying to make ends meet on a meager salary. He remembered the loneliness he felt, the sense of isolation that seemed to weigh heavy on his heart.

But as Elias lay beneath the stars, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the forest, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. Despite the challenges he faced in this strange new world, he knew that he was strong and resilient. And as sleep claimed him, he drifted off into dreams of a future filled with hope and possibility.