
The Echoes of Destiny

Elias Brooks wakes up in a mysterious world full of monsters and magic. With only his survival skills, he sets off to uncover his true identity. Along the way, he learns new abilities and faces dark forces threatening both worlds. Join Elias on an epic adventure of self-discovery, friendship, and hope.

TheMerchant007 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Alone in the wilderness

As the rustling in the bushes grew louder, Elias tensed, his senses on high alert. But instead of another creature emerging from the underbrush, a shadowy figure stepped into the clearing, their features obscured by the darkness.

"Who's there?" Elias called out, his voice wavering slightly with fear.

The figure paused, as if considering whether to reveal themselves. And then, with a hesitant step forward, they emerged into the dim light of the clearing, their form still indistinct in the gloom.

"You... you killed it?" a voice whispered, echoing softly through the night.

Elias nodded, his muscles still tense with adrenaline. "I had to. It was either me or it."

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. And then, with a sense of foreboding, the figure spoke again.

"You need to get out of here. There are more of them, and they won't stop until they find you."

Elias's heart skipped a beat at the realization that he was not alone in this strange forest. 

"Who are you?" Elias asked hesitantly.

"Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is that you leave this place before it's too late."

Elias's brow furrowed in confusion. "Too late for what?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

But before he could receive an answer, the figure continued, "Listen carefully. Survival in these woods requires more than just luck. You'll need to trust your instincts and be willing to adapt to the challenges that lie ahead."

Elias felt a surge of frustration at the cryptic response. "What do you mean?" he pressed, his voice growing more insistent. "Where should I go? What should I do?"

The figure hesitated, as if weighing their words carefully. "There's a place deep in the heart of the forest," they began, their voice trailing off into a whisper. "A place where the veil between worlds is thin. Go there, and you may find the answers you seek."

Elias's eyes widened in surprise. "But why are you helping me?" he asked, his voice betraying his confusion.

The figure offered a small, enigmatic smile. "Let's just say I'm acting on a whim," they replied cryptically. "Now go. Time is running out."

Elias opened his mouth to protest, to demand more answers, but before he could speak, the figure disappeared into the darkness, leaving him alone once more with nothing but questions swirling in his mind.

Who—or what—was this mysterious figure, and how did they know about the creatures that lurked in the shadows?

Taking a deep breath, Elias rose to his feet, knowing that he wouldn't find the answers he sought standing around in the darkness. With the memory of the serpent's hiss still fresh in his mind, he knew that he had to keep moving, to venture deeper into the unknown and uncover the secrets that lay hidden in this strange and dangerous world.

And so, with a wary glance at the darkened forest around him, Elias set off into the night, his footsteps echoing in the silence as he plunged headlong into the mysteries that awaited him.

After venturing deeper into the forest, Elias finds a secluded spot to settle down for the night. With a mixture of determination and desperation, he sets to work on skinning the snake carcass he had slain earlier. Using a jagged stone he found nearby, Elias carefully slices through the tough scales and flesh, separating the edible meat from the rest of the creature.

With the snake prepared, Elias sets about the daunting task of making fire. He remembers stories he had heard as a child about rubbing sticks together to create friction and ignite a spark. With a combination of trial and error, and sheer perseverance, Elias manages to coax a small flame from the dry tinder he had collected earlier. The fire flickers to life, casting a warm glow over the surrounding area.

With the fire crackling merrily, Elias skewers the snake meat on a makeshift spit and roasts it over the flames until it is cooked through. Despite the pangs of hunger gnawing at his stomach, Elias forces himself to eat slowly, savoring each bite as he tries to ignore the bitter taste of the snake's flesh.

As he chews, a strange sensation washes over him, a tingling warmth spreading through his veins. Suddenly, Elias is overcome with a wave of dizziness, and he collapses to the ground, his vision swimming with spots of light.

Hours pass before Elias finally stirs, groaning in pain as he struggles to sit up. But as he opens his eyes, he is greeted by a strange sight—a translucent bubble floating before him, filled with glowing text that seems to hang in the air like a digital display.

Shocked and disoriented, Elias reaches out tentatively, his fingers passing through the bubble as if it were made of smoke. But as he does, the text within the bubble changes, shifting and rearranging itself until it forms a clear message:

"Poison Resistance +10%"

Elias blinks in disbelief, his mind racing with questions. How could such a thing be possible? And why did it remind him of the status windows he had read about in the web novels he used to enjoy back on Earth?

Then, as if a puzzle piece clicking into place, Elias remembers the stream he had stumbled upon earlier, and the healing properties of the water he had drunk to quench his thirst. Could it be that the water had somehow bestowed upon him the ability to resist the poison of the snake? But 10%? Does the efficiency increase the more I consume poison? What happens if I continue eating? Elias picks up the skewered snake and eats and though he felt his tongue getting numb, he continued to eat. As he did a notification kept popping up with a "ding" sound 

"You have consumed poison"

"You resisted it"

Poison resistance has increased by 0.1%

 The notification kept appearing as he continued to chew on the meat and by the time he finished eating, the notification stopped.

Let's see, how high has the resistance increased? What? Just 15%

Elias reaches for the status window bubble once more, his fingers trembling with anticipation. As he does, a flood of information fills his mind, detailing his current condition and abilities in intricate detail.

Status Window:

Name: Elias Brooks

Age: 23

Level: 1

Health: 80/100

Mana: 20/50

Strength: 12

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 8

Poison Resistance: 15.2%


Survival: Basic

Cooking: Novice

Fire Starting: Novice

"Survival: Basic," he muttered to himself, his brow furrowing with uncertainty. "Well, I suppose that's accurate enough. After all, I did manage to fend off that snake and start a fire. But there's so much more to surviving in this wilderness than just that."

Turning his attention to the next skill listed, Elias couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of "Cooking: Novice." "Novice, huh?" he mused aloud, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I suppose roasting a snake over an open flame hardly qualifies as gourmet cooking. But I'll take what I can get."

His gaze drifting to the final skill listed, Elias felt a flicker of pride at the sight of "Fire Starting: Novice." "Not bad for a first attempt," he admitted, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "Starting a fire without any tools or tinder was no easy feat. But there's still plenty of room for improvement."

As Elias studied the status window, a plan began to form in his mind. "If I'm going to survive in this wilderness," he thought to himself, "I'll need to get stronger. And what better way to do that than by hunting the monsters that roam these woods?"

 I'll need to hone these skills and learn new ones along the way," he resolved, his eyes narrowing with determination. 

I'm level 1. How many monsters to have to defeat to increase my level? I'll need to train hard and increase my strength and what is this "mana"? Is that like magic? Am I gonna start shooting fireballs from my fingers? Hahahaha! This is crazy. Just what kind of world is this?

With newfound determination, Elias resolved to use his newfound skills to hunt and gather food. But to do so effectively, he would need more than just his bare hands. He would need tools, weapons—anything that would give him an edge against the formidable creatures that lurked in the shadows.