
The Echo of My Soul

From my childhood, I was living a mixed life. Was I blessed or was I cursed? I had a contrary view over my life. But I was never alone despite everyone around me abandoning me. Another voice was echoing through me, telling me to not be afraid. At one point, I almost succumbed into a life under the shadow, but someone eventually pulled me out of it and placed me under the spotlight. I thought I was freed forever, but the Echo told me that I was wrong. And it was all proven true on the day I discovered the true face of my beloved, who cheated on me without any shame. That day, I felt my world breaking apart. We were always together, I thought we would be together forever. Like some sort of beautiful fantasy. Silly, yet warm. Somewhere I could escape to. A home. It wasn't too much. But somehow, it all started that day. Or did it start before it? I don't remember. My memories are failing me. He told me I shouldn't stay. He told me I'll only get hurt no matter how I try to please him. He did not lie… Then, why did it hurt so much? Maybe because I truly loved him, seeing him with another had me broken to pieces. It wasn't fun, but… It wasn't the worst. That day, I finally decided. ‘Leave.’ It was as if a trigger had been pulled, and my life moved again in a hectic direction. I've met people I thought I won't be meeting again, and was stranded between so many fights of interests. I could only fight for myself there. This time, not only the Echo was with me. Another person was there, supporting me unconditionally. Giving me the confidence to move. Still, I will forever wonder… What choice is the right one? I guess I'll never know until I reach my destination.

ExQuartz_Roachina · 都市
72 Chs

Meeting the CEO

Alice was always stupid in my opinion. She was so docile, maybe she liked the scenario where she was the damsel in distress. 

But when it came to reality, she did not like it. 

I am her. So, knowing that much was easy. Funnily enough, she herself was unaware of that fact. She thought she was normal. 

But since I am here, how could she be considered normal? 

Dual personality was nothing normal. 

We've been trying to act similar to each other and even switch interests. But the only thing she was able to do was slightly to get into things. 

Drifting was my forte, not hers. Though she still did amazing in it sometimes. I let her choose a lover, and look where we are now. 

That was a mistake from my side, a misjudgement. I cannot deny that. Our whole career may end. What was I supposed to do now? 

Being an Idol was Alice's job, not mine. 

Controlling those hectic emotions was also her responsibility. She let me out, and I did what I thought was right. 

I didn't mean to kill him. Or else, Marcos would be dead. I never loved him enough to kill him from the very beginning. 

What happened wasn't something so intense, either. 

I simply lowered my head, showed an appearance of submission and meekness, then, I held the vase. 

One swift move ended everything so quickly. He fell, glaring at me. The fake gentle and worried light Alice saw completely vanished. 

Yes, that was more like it. I liked that, I can hate him this way. I wanted the desire to kill him, this hatred was needed. I kicked his groin. That was so satisfying. I loved how that whore next to him gasped sharply. Heh, Alice's vomit was still on her head. 

They were so disgusting but I barely paid attention to them. I took my phone and left that place. I went down the road on foot, because that car was also technically his. 

Why did I allow Alice to be that stupid? 

It was sickening thinking about it. 

In the end, I could only resort to AVO company. Alice was one of their favorite and most famous Idols, they ought to be able to give her a place for the night at least. 

Shit. Why did I not bring any money with me? Now I had to walk all of this on my own feet. I could swear that tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to take a step out of my bed without any support. 

Oh, why should I? It would be countless times better to let Alice take control by then, lest I ruin our life more. 

I was almost reaching the AVO's building, when a familiar car pulled next to me. The side of it was twisted to the inside with the shape of a road lamp. 

Wasn't this the stalker that Alice managed to destroy today? Well, clearly not enough. Since he was here in front of me. 

What am I supposed to do? I could easily deal with him, but was it wise? Mhmm, I'm so conflicted now. 

Maybe ignoring him would be the best, though. 

Just as I was about to ignore him completely and enter the AVO's building, a hand found its way to my mouth and gagged me. 

With a quick decision, I collapsed into my attacker's arms. It would be stupid to attack him while he had his hold around me. 


This made him shocked for sure and he probably believed it. Should I be thankful for Alice being so weak and innocent in front of everyone? It was probably one of the reasons this worked. 

He carefully carried me and took me to the car, I contemplated whether I should attack him before he closed the door, but decided against it in the end. 

….What are you doing? 

Jeez. As you can see, we can't make a scene at this moment. What I did with Marcos was more than enough, currently it's dangerous. 

How could she be so stupid? Another scandal would not be tolerated. Who knew what Marcos would like to do with us after the stunt I pulled. 

The attacker put her in the backseat of the car and whispered, "Sorry boss, maybe the shock was so strong. I'll bring some meds from the nearest pharmacy-"


"Yes, boss…"

The man closed the car's door and left. I was about to stand up and act, but the other man grabbed my arm, yanking me to his lap. 


I screamed in shock, the strength on my wrist was crazy. Opening my eyes, I was met with a handsome man that resembled Marcos greatly. 

For a moment, I forgot to breathe and lost control, allowing Alice to take over. 


Oh, yes. The boss- he is AVO's CEO for the love of God! How could I forget that. Handsome fresh meats were common in this industry, but a man of his caliber was someone who would never be replaced. 

He was one of the top, if not the top. 

I took over again and smiled pleasantly, as much as I could, technically. 

"Ah, boss, why are you here? And in this position, too?"

He nonchalantly stared at me for a few moments, before finally tilting his head and complaining plainly. 

"Your relationship with Marcos is concerning me. I am fed up with covering up those tracks and paparazzis."

Ah. Yeah, I forgot another annoying aspect about this relationship. And… Oh god, I most likely need to tell him about the shit I've done. 

Well, Mr. CEO, we may need to get along for a while. 

Fluttering my eyes, my smile became more sheepish, "You won't need that anymore, sir."


He hummed then sucked on his cigarette, before letting it out casually on my face. Ugh, men! 

I slapped his hand that held the cigarettes away, uncaring about who he was. Sorry, sir, but I'm not your bitch. You don't puff that moving lung cancer at me! 

"As I was saying before the lung cancer attacked me, you won't need to worry about that as we broke up."


Damn, he smiled, and that smile, filled with interest and curiosity, melted me. Alice should've chosen this guy instead of that trash Marcos. 



"It just so happened that I just hit his head with a vase after catching him cheating and I'm not even sure if he's alive."


Teehee~ making him speechless is so fun! 

I'll try to update another chapter despite my disastrous internet ;-;

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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