
Chapter 029:"The Land Defender v.s The Sea Conqueror"

Its been 20 days since I received the news about my father arriving at the Dukedom of Skyetiello today is Seraph 23, 815 E.E and Cap.Myera and the grand fleet will return from their second successful voyage I wish everything are sold, also I didn't receive any news from Prince Dyren since his arrival at the Acun Army in Delvean Empire together with a quiet atmosphere at Easoon Empire according to my informat Prince Esthan Lunarean was still in Abyell Empire without any news about their journey.

For the Acun Army at the Jin de Dragon Empire battles occur everyday to the sky, to the land, and to the sea the territories we already conquered was taken over again by the enemy then take back immediately by the Acun Army how long would the war last there or how much soldiers will survive on the end, also Sir. Mylon and his Bronze Crusaders were doing their job properly together with the Trideca-County I have no problems for the crime rate to rose to sky again for our agriculture, aquaculture, education, and medical all of them are stable but I believe some problems will rise again in the next months or year.

" Empress Amaris! I apologize for the sudden interruption and my rude actions but Sir. Mylon and Cap. Myera are having a duel or may I call it a battle to death right now." A woman on a butler suit said now let me take a look at them first at the barriers it already started.

" Let me fix my attire first before going out and help me arrange these papers there on those shelves." They will not kill each other I know that so let them first enjoy their battle I should give them some time.


" You bull! Come here I will slice your body to pieces and have a bloody stew!" Cap.Myera said stabbing her swords one by one near at Sir. Mylon spinning around stab the other at the right then swing the other at the left with a final sprint clashing her tow sabers against Sir.Mylon blocking her attack with his two longswords together.

" I didn't know you're a Cannibal Black Monkey! Now its enough to put you on your grave for your future crimes!" Sir. Mylon said kicking Cap. Myera sabers his leg is coated with Magic Aura resulting to push her back then he run to her directly swing his longswords together up to the right then to the middle from right to left finally stab it together to her front.

" You motherfucking Racist you should be the one in the grave to pay for discrimination against black you Brown Bull!" Jumping to her back a step far away from him then run up to a wall on her east then flew to him back with the aid of her enhance machine a three mast on her back and arms then clash with one of Sir. Mylon longswords with her sabers on both opposite vertical ways.

" Hey I'm not discriminating Black and your the one who is a racist you put a 'brown' word on a bull you racist! I'm just racist to you Black Monkey and you're using your machine right now cheater!" Slice his other sword above coated on Magic Aura but she escape the attack and he move near her swing his longsword from up to down and the other from right to left.

" You're the one who started using your Magic Aura you Cheater! I'm just a racist too to you only Brown-Muscle Head-Bull." She kick him at the side together with her enhance machine on her feet or legs a board capable of sliding or stepping on a liquid form temporary burst a jump above to the air and strike back at him at the ground with her kicks and bend to slice him at his shoulder.

" At least I'm not like you who don't know to swing her sword you weak! Stop using your legs to fight coward!" Step backward and counter her next attacking by releasing a Magic Aura Kick coming from his foot she block it but push back near at the dock then a continuous kicks and sword lashes was release to her until she was push to the sea.

" You fucking Idiot you're the one should stop kicking me coward and you can't defeat me now come and fight me on my area for a fair battle." She was standing at the middle all the ships near move far away from them the wind & the wave is moving together and she was smiling.

" I will give you a fair battle you can't defeat me on the ground and you know that but It doesn't mean I can't defeat you on the sea!" He summon his trichakllion and ride on its back running near at her hoof marks on the sea can be seen until.

" Idiot I'm the Sword to the Sea I conquer the fucking seas! Now time to dig your grave under my fucking sea." She smile and move near at him riding the waves which being bigger and bigger surfing from wave to wave then clash her sabers to him then jump to another wave flying to the sky for a second stroking him downward and goes to another wave clashing swords flying to the sky and strike.

" You think you can win against me these is not your Imaginations it's my reality Black Bitch! Come fight me with the aid of the wave and wind I will use fully of Magic Aura for the exchange of you fighting at the sea." Riding his trichakllion running from the winds blocking her attacks releasing Magic Aura Slashes to her or to the waves even she faster than him like double the speed he still have strong force to fight coated his entire body together with his mythical beast they're leaving the sea with smashes.

" Hey don't destroy the beautiful sea with your hideous smashes from your hooves you're not the Sea Destroyer you're the Land Defender!" Getting faster and faster flying & surfing or surfing & flying together with her kick one by one with her sabers stabbing one by one and swinging one or both together splashing him withsalt water and bursting his side with the wind.

" Fuck you! Put your mind on your defeated battle you Cannibal-Black-Monkey I will not destroy the sea I will destroy you who conquer the sea!" Waves being kick by his trichakllion and him clashing with her sabers blocking those sudden wind burst then he answered her back with Magic Aura Smash from his fist together with Magic Aura Slahes from his longswords.

" Muscle Head-Brown-Bull! I will remember your name for my Victory and brag it to my family." Spinning, Jumping, Flying, Switching, and Clashing with him their battle are now at the sea and then go back the ground again or switch places every time.

" Are you sure! I'm a Knigean and your a Islorth at least I have my family here not like you." Riding around the entire Pier pushing or pulling her back to the ground being successful and being failed at the same time continuing their battle.

" Hey no personal matters Jerk! You know I really hate come fight me at the sea we been fighting at your area for 10 mins now." Swinging her sabers to him like a tornado to just put him back at the sea she succeed and their swords clashes again together with their bursts, smashes, and splashes at each other.

" We been battling for 20 mins I can't believe you can last longer loser and I'm not putting salt on you wounds I'm stating the facts that your the remaining bloodline of Islorth here, so Good bye to your imaginary dream of your victory." Pushing her with his longswords then she escape to the sky strike him again and he send her back with slashes endlessly.

Their battle lasted for almost half hour the people watching them are eating different snacks and their units are cheering on them and fighting each other verbally the Trideca-County are betting whose the winners together with the Town folks, while the Ench Coven and Magnish Knight patrolling securing the safety and less destruction at the Sun Port together with Nobacun & Commacun Teachers & Students fixing the areas affect by their battle.

Archsage Fistes who was giving a tour those his fellow elves along with the 6 Priests of New Acun stop and observe their battle the others was enjoying the battle while the others was fighting who will win, but you can observe them focus on a single thing even they're many of them with different activities and mindset focused on one thing a view disguise as battle for an example of unity.

" Stop your battle now Sir. Mylon and Cap. Myera its been half hour now that both of you are enjoying your comradeship, so for the others go back now to your previous activities and enjoy the rest time of the day." Empress Amaris said glancing at everyone going back to their rightful places and both of us his swords came near him.

" I won Empress Amaris this Myera should be glad for her defeat." Sheathing his swords back and grin at her.

" Hey I'm the one who came victorious Empress Amaris and this Mylon should be bragging his defeat from me the great sword."

Slap his back and she whistle.

" Stop both of you and Cap. Myera go take your rest together with your sisters after you report everything to me for Sir. Mylon go take your time together with your Bronze Crusaders enjoying at a pub, so everything is settle Thank you for becoming my Great Swords." Empress Amaris smile at them and they were blushing more than a red apple the others laugh at them and the empress chuckles too.

Today is another day and tomorrow will be another day together with the Rulers and the People, the Masters and the Disciples, the Acun Humans and the Easterian Elves let unity be known in many ways, when everything is done everyone shall enjoy the day that brought them together.