
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · ファンタジー
245 Chs

Chapter 110 - The last player to have this ability

Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng went back to the petrol station first, with Fu Wenduo walking last.

Tang Mo took two steps and noticed that Fu Wenduo was not following him. He turned his head curiously, his eyes indicating: What's wrong?

Fu Wenduo looks calm, still standing in the small warehouse. He glanced down, calmly at his trousers. Tang Mo reacts immediately, his eyes fluttering, and he pulls his little friend into the petrol station, leaving Fu Wenduo alone in the small warehouse to solve his personal problems.

After almost half an hour, Fu Wenduo returned to the petrol station.

At the petrol station, Tang Mo wrote down all the information he had just seen about Fu Wenduo's powers on the whiteboard. Finding Fu Wenduo back, Tang Mo turned his head and their eyes met. Tang Mo looked at the man's trousers sheepishly to make sure he was okay, and then he coughed awkwardly and grew serious.

A clock hangs on the wall, the time pointing to 10.23pm.

Tang Mo: "The time is just right. I can only copy someone's ability for half an hour after I've identified it. Once it's over half an hour, I can no longer use the other person's power." As he said this, Tang Mo picked up the black ball of light from the table.

This is the black ball of supernatural power that he changed into after checking Fu Wenduo's supernatural power just now.

The black ball of light seems to be an endless black hole, and it glows silently with a faint light. Fu Wensheng could not help but reach out his hand to touch the ball of light, and before he could touch it, a little white light leapt out from it, like dust scattered in the air. Tang Mo held the ball of light in his hands, his gaze fixed, and the next moment, his palms closed.

After a crisp buzzing sound, Tang Mo raises his right hand. At the same time he turns the torch he is holding in his left hand and points the light at his right hand. In the bright light, Tang Mo gently wiggles his fingers. He swings his right hand slowly, holding his breath and watching without blinking.

Suddenly, a pitch-black light flashed from the root of his middle finger. The next moment, a layer of black substance leapt straight up and instantly wrapped around his entire middle finger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fu Wenduo's eyes narrowed and Fu Wensheng let out a low cry of surprise.

Tang Mo handed the torch to Fu Wenduo and touched the fingers, which had turned metal, for himself. It felt completely metallic, cold and smooth. He handed it to Fu Xiaodi and the child hurriedly touched it, saying, "What kind of metal is this, iron? Or is it manganese?" Because it was a black metal, Fu Wensheng's first thought was iron and manganese.

Tang Mo then put his hand on Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo did not touch his finger that had turned into metal directly, but with a movement of his right hand, his right middle finger also quickly turned into a black metal shape. He placed their fingers side by side and, after careful observation, said, "In terms of hardness, it seems to be about the same. But there seems to be a slight subtle difference."

Tang Mo's metal fingers are a little lighter in black, while Fu Wenduo's are very dark, with a hint of coldness reflected in the light.

Fu Wenduo: "Can you only change this one finger?"

Tang Mo: "I can only use 10% of the effect of my ability to copy you, I should be able to turn the whole hand into metal, but there's no need to." Thirty minutes were up and Tang Mo shook his hand off, the black metal disappearing from his fingers and turning into its original form.

Before he officially used Fu Wenduo's powers, Tang Mo had always thought that Fu Wenduo's powers consisted of metalising the surface of his body, or at most transforming parts of his body into various forms. For example, the three-pronged cone-shaped weapon that he often used. But after really trying his opponent's ability, he had a very clear feeling: "... you can restore broken body parts?"

Fu Wenduo raised his eyebrows, "You feel it?"

Tang Mo nodded: "When I got your ability just now I felt that if I cut off my hand now, I would still be able to grow it." And even more to Tang Mo's liking, "Your psychic ability ... is called genetic recombination." Tang Mo gazed seriously at his teammate, "Genetic recombination, I've learned that word before and I'm sure every high school student should know what it means. But in my common sense of biology, genetic recombination has nothing to do with this psychic ability of yours."

Genetic recombination, the act of randomly combining genes to give birth to a new individual when an organism undergoes sexual reproduction.

Humans have twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, with a varying number of genes on each pair. When Tang Mo copied Fu Wenduo's psychic ability, it did not show the exact function and limitations of the ability, so they could only determine what Fu Wenduo's ability actually was simply by its name.

Fu Wensheng watches as Tang Mo writes the name of his psychic powers on the whiteboard. He was young but had a high IQ and was perfectly capable of skipping a grade. He wondered, "Genes are used to control the traits of living things, such as skin colour and curled hair. I read about it in a book. But no matter how it's reconstructed, it shouldn't be reconstructed from a human into a metal, right ... Eh, does that mean that Big Brother's genes will allow him to become Iron Man when he's reconstructed?" Just as he finished, the kid himself dismissed the speculation, "But just now Brother Tang also used Big Brother's powers, he can also make various parts of his body turn into metal."

Can't Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo both go from human to steel after their genes have been recombined?

This is the crux of the matter.

Tang Mo said: "Genes, no matter how they are recombined, should be lifeforms. Metal is not a living organism. It's not even on a biological level, it's no longer a living thing, it's become an inanimate object. That's the strangest point to me, the name of the ability, genetic restructuring, and the exact way it's used, there's really no correlation. Do you have any ideas?" Tang Mo turned to look at Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo's eyes focused on the words 'genetic reorganisation' written by Tang Mo, and he looked at them for a moment before shaking his head: 'All I know is that my powers can transform the form of certain parts of my body at will, and that I can regrow broken body parts. The exact function is not clear. But I'm more concerned about this ..." Fu Wenduo's hand gestured downwards.

Tang Mo followed the direction of his finger and the next moment his gaze froze.

"Remark: the last one who had this ability to play ... unknown?" Fu Wensheng read the line out as he looked at it, his brain running fast. In the next second, he said in shock, "The last player with this ability?!"

Tang Mo looks up at Fu Wenduo, who also looks down at him.

Yes, the first thing Tang Mo noticed when he received the Fu Wenduo ability was not the name "Genetic Restructuring", nor the terrifying looking "Level 7" rating, but the phrase The first thing he noticed was not the name "Genetic Restructuring", nor the terrifying-looking "Level 7" rating, but the phrase -

'The last player to have this ability.'

The note only shows half of the sentence, but there is no doubt, 90% probability, that the word "play", which it does not finish, is followed by "home".


Tang Mo is an official player and Fu Wenduo is a stowaway. But in the perspective of The black tower, they are both considered players.

What exactly does it mean to say that the last player with this ability had it, and could it be that someone else also had it? If so, then one of Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's previous speculations about The black tower has been completely disproved here.

If there is a player who also has this ability, it means that it is not a human power, catalyzed by The black tower. The powers can be the same. And in addition to that ...

"The last player who possessed this ability. It says last, meaning the other human who possessed it is dead, hence the name 'last'. Or does it say ..."

Tang Mo's voice rang out and Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng turned their heads to look at him in unison.

Tang Mo looks calm, but only he knows that his heart is now beating very fast. He felt as if he had caught a truth, a great truth hidden behind the mystery of The black tower. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and looked at his two teammates again in a very calm mood. The words "Earth on line" are very strange in themselves," he says lightly. Luo Fengcheng told me when I was in Shanghai that the country had always had a suspicion about The black tower."

Tang Mo looks to Fu Wenduo, who he knows must know about this.

"The state speculates that The black tower is an extraterrestrial product. An unknown extraterrestrial civilization has dropped The black tower on Earth for an unknown purpose. In fact, there are quite a few such speculations in the private sector. Many people have made similar speculations and discussions online, either suspecting a conspiracy by a major power or an alien connection. It is just that no one knows exactly what it is. If it is true that The black tower is something that was dropped on Earth by aliens, then is the last player with the genetic recombination ability a dead human or is it another player that appeared during the last round of The black tower being dropped on ...? "